City of Cumming
February 2021
Show Us Your Love of Trees: Arbor Day Celebration & Youth Art Contest
The City of Cumming is again partnering with Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, UGA Extension Services, and the Georgia Forestry Commission to present a Community Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, Feb. 19th from 5:30-7 p.m. at Cumming City Park (437 Pilgrim Mill Road). Masks and social distancing are strongly encouraged for this event.

K-12th grade students throughout Forsyth County are also invited to take part in a new Arbor Day Youth Art Contest. Three winners of the contest (one each from elementary, middle and high school levels) will be selected to receive recognition and have their art displayed during the Community Arbor Day Celebration and at Cumming City Hall. Submissions must be a painting or drawing with a tree or trees as the focal point. Digital images of each submission must be emailed to by Feb. 12. Submissions must also include the student's first and last name, contact email and phone number.

In addition to recognition of the Youth Art Contest winners, the Cumming Arbor Day Celebration will feature a tree planting demonstration and educational information, recognition of the City as an official "Tree City USA", free tree saplings and seedlings to take home, and refreshments available for purchase from Tradewind Coffee Company. Click here for complete information!
Catch Up With Mayor Troy
The First Quarter 2021 Mayor's Memo is now is available. In this edition, Mayor Troy Brumbalow provides highlights from fall and winter of 2020, and expresses his heart-felt desire for everyone to "love thy neighbor" even during times of strong political division.

Click here for current edition.
Click here for back issues.
City Council Recognizes FBLA Students
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation during their January Work Session recognizing the week of Feb. 8-12 as "Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Week" in Cumming. Yugeshwar Muralidhar, a member of the City of Cumming Youth Council, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the FBLA chapters at his school, Forsyth Central High School, and the Forsyth Alliance Academy, which is also a part of the City's Youth Council.

Also during the January Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Decided in a 3-0 vote, with Councilman Christopher Light recused and Councilwoman Linda Ledbetter abstaining, to deny a rezoning application for property on Pilgrim Mill Road that was intended to be used as a development known as The Villages at Brooks Farm. However, the motion provided an exemption which allows the applicant to re-apply at any time rather than waiting one full year to re-apply as is typically required.

  • Reappointed all members of all boards and authorities of the City of Cumming, as well as all City of Cumming professional service providers and demand services providers for 2021.

  • Approved the low bid from Edge Roofing LLC for roof renovations at the Dobbs Creek Recreation Center.

  • Approved the low bid from Suez-Utility Service Company Inc. for repairs and maintenance to Cumming Utilities' 800,000-gallon Sawnee Mountain ground storage tank.

  • Set the qualifying period and fees for the Nov. 2, 2021 municipal election. Qualifying period will be Aug. 16, 17 and 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 daily. Qualifying fees are 3 percent of the yearly salary of each position, or $180 for the post of Council Member and $360 for the post of Mayor.

  • Approved two updates to the City's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. The first prohibits employees from coming to work at times when they are aware that they may have an illness that could result in a contagious condition, and the second allows for the hiring of family members within the same department as long as the two related employees are not in the same chain of command.

  • Held a public hearing regarding the zoning of just over 74 acres known as the Williams tract, which was recently annexed. No one spoke during the public hearing and Council voted to zone the property Single-Family Residential (R-1).

  • Approved an expenditure of up to $40,000 for creation of a steam engine display in one of the Cumming City Center's pocket park areas instead of a second water fountain, as was originally planned. Mayor Brumbalow explained that after looking into related costs of the fountain, creating a steam engine display would be much more cost effective (fountain costs run between $80,000 and $200,000) and would also be a good way to honor the community's long-standing historical connection to steam engines.

Parent's Night Out & Family Fun Day Return to Aquatic Center
Need a Valentine's date but aren't sure where to the leave kids? The Cumming Aquatic Center has you covered! Leave the kids with CAC staff on Feb. 12th for Parent's Night Out. They'll enjoy an evening (from 6-10 p.m.) of swimming, games, activities, and dinner, while mom and dad celebrate Valentine's Day!

Bring the whole family out for some pool time during 1/2 Price Family Friday at the CAC on Feb. 19th from 2-6 p.m. Every third Friday of the month, families can take advantage of 1/2 off daily admission (excludes memberships, programs, and group exercise classes).
Youth Council Meeting - Feb. 2 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - Feb. 2 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Feb. 16 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - Feb. 16 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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