July 26, 2022

Textbook Images for the Eighth Edition

of The Pilot’s Manual: Instrument Flying

Textbook Images for The Pilot's Manual: Instrument Flying contains all the illustrations and figures from this textbook, for instructors' use in the classroom. The PowerPoint® slides make it easy for instructors to create their own custom multi-media presentations to teach the principles the students are reading in the book. Slides can be viewed collectively as a slideshow, or inserted as individual slides in a presentation.

636 slides are included and cover the Private and Instrument knowledge requirements including: airmanship, regulations, aerodynamics, the airplane, flight instruments, weight and balance, navigation, charts, airports and airport operations, flight planning, instrument flight, weather and much more.

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The Pilot's Manual: Instrument Flying, Textbook Images



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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying