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Round Rock Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

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Embracing our neighbors with Christ-like love 

Chalice News for

August 16, 2022

This coming Sunday in worship -- 

August 21, 2022

The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Luke 13:10-17

"The Christian Mind"

Rev. Christal Fisher

A Message From Our Visiting Minister

This Sunday we are starting a three-week sermon series on a book that has weathered the test of time over the last fifty years. It was re-released in 2006 and recommended to me as a must read. As we turn in August to thoughts of school days I am reminded of this great book full of insights. Here is one quote from the book: "If Christians cannot communicate as thinking beings, they are reduced to encountering one another only at the shallow level of gossip and small talk. Hence the perhaps peculiarly modern problem - the loneliness of the

thinking Christian." - Harry Blamires, The Christian Mind.

In his book, The Christian Mind, Blamires identifies six marks of the Christian mind as: its supernatural orientation, its awareness of evil, its conception of truth, its acceptance of authority, its concern for the person, and its sacramental cost. I will wrestle with this book in this three-week sermon series.

As we jump start the fall in the midst of our Texas heat, I hope you will journey with me exploring this now classic book by this noted scholar and author. Harry Blamires is a highly respected teacher and author of more than thirty books. I may not agree with all his assertions as you will find in the coming weeks, but he has some great points and some wise counsel for our consideration today. I find that my faith grows when challenged by

such scholars. I look forward to being with you soon! 

About Rev. Christal Fisher

Christal Fisher is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She attended

seminary at Brite Divinity School where she received her MDiv. As a second career minister, she spent 10 years as senior minister of 2 churches in the Dallas, Texas area and most recently, an adjudicatory position serving the Christian Church in the Southwest (CCSW) region. In this capacity, for 3+ years she served the South Texas region and the Lower Rio Grande Valley supporting the churches in our denomination.

She retired in 2021 to help her community and local church, University Christian Church, Austin, and currently serves as president of Disciples Outreach to the Mentally Ill (DOMI), a ministry partner of the CCSW, that owns 2 facilities for the recovering mentally ill in Austin and San Antonio. Most recently, she joined the Ministry Support Team of the Disciples Home Mission (DHM).

Prior to becoming a minister, Christal had a successful 30-year corporate career at Mary Kay Inc.,

Johnson & Johnson Medical, Smith and Nephew, and Vitek Systems, a subsidiary of McDonald

Douglas. She has traveled the world and worked with some of the most prominent government and business leaders as a legislative advocate and business spokesperson.

Scheduled Sabbatical Visiting Ministers:

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August 21 - Rev. Christal Fisher

August 28 - Rev. Christal Fisher

September 4 - Rev. Dr. Andy Mangum

Online Giving

RRCC has three ways you can give your tithe:

  • Go to the RRCC website rrdisciples.org and click on the "GIVE HERE" button at the top of the main page. Or use the link at the top of each newsletter. It will take you to the same place.
  • Use your bank's electronic bill pay feature to have a check mailed directly from your bank to RRCC.
  • Mail your check directly to RRCC.

Address your envelope to:

Financial Secretary

Round Rock Christian Church

22 Chalice Way

Round Rock, TX 78665

From Anna Marie...

Set free from bondage. What a concept to consider. Unless, of course, if you’re incarcerated. Last Friday it was my privilege to share in an activity dubbed “Think Tank” in which over 55 women in the EWOP program in the Coleman Unit in Lockhart are preparing for full, productive lives upon their release. It was noted that, in our society, they will probably forever be encountered first as felons who have spent time in prison, but we are working to give them hope and to help them find their second chances. One of the greatest joys that day was to visit again with Leah whom I first knew several years back when she was still in the unit. She had worked hard to develop a sound business plan and was really well-prepared to implement it. Then she was released and reality hit her, hard. She fell into a deep depression. I don’t know any of the details of how she has come out of it, but I do know that she is one of the regular volunteers who comes back to help her sisters know that it won’t be rosy just because they’ve been released. Leah is working for someone other than herself, but she is now also busy developing her catering business in Houston. I’ve been told she does quite a good job. I don’t doubt it. She has been set free from lots of bondage. I’m grateful to the Lord for Leah and for what I see in so many of the women with whom I’ve had a chance to interact. Please know that our governmental system manages to incarcerate but fails to rehabilitate. Please pray for the ongoing success of all the programs that help in this regard. Our Lord is at work in the hearts and lives of so many whom you might have considered to be dismal failures at life. We can be instrumental in releasing people from many kinds of bondage as we work to serve the Lord.

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Upcoming Events

Check for event details and ZOOM MEETING LINKS

on the RRCC Website Calendar.

Texas Heat Volleyball meets in the gym throughout the week.

Please check our website calendar for their latest schedule.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

11:00 a.m. - Social Justice Study and Action Group Link HERE

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

1:00 p.m. - Caring Hearts Prayer Meeting Link HERE

6:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir

Thursday, August 18, 2022

11:00 a.m. - Wired WORD Class

6:00 p.m. - Praise Band Rehearsal

Friday August 19, 2022

Moponic Cleans RRCC

Saturday, August 20, 2022

8:00 a.m. - Shalom Congregation

6:00 p.m. - Shalom Congregation

Sunday, August 21, 2022

9:30 a.m. - Open Circle Sunday School-See below for Meeting Link Information

9:30 a.m. - Explorers Sunday School

11:00 a.m. - Worship  Link HERE

12:00 p.m. - Lunch Bunch

3:00 p.m. - Ministerio Internacional Manantial de Vida

Monday, August 22, 2022

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

11:00 a.m. - Social Justice Study Group Link HERE

Future Events 

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Disciple Mens Retreat - September 16-18, 2022

Regional Assembly 2022 - October 14 & 15, 2022

DWM Retreat in Gonzales - October 21-23, 2022

DWM Luncheon - December 10, 2022

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Newsletter Deadlines

Please submit your Tuesday Newsletter articles and pictures  before 10:00 a.m. on Mondays, and your Friday Reminders articles and pictures before 10:00 a.m. on Thursdays.

Thank you!

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August 26 - Jimmy Horowitz

August 26 - Lucas Mowers

August 26 - Charley Scarborough

Disciple Mens Retreat

Greetings from Heavenly Hot Houston.

This is a reminder of our Christian Church in the Southwest's annual regional Disciples Men's retreat on Friday evening, September 16 through Sunday morning worship on September 18th. 

Attached HERE is a summary retreat schedule for the weekend.

Retreat information with pictures and bios of our keynote speakers are displayed on our CCSW web site along with online Eventbrite Registration forms.

Please click on this web site to register and join us. www.ccsw.org/men

May God guide you to discover one of those memorable spiritual experiences. 

Blessings and peace,

Nathan Higginbotham, Director, Disciples Men

Last Week's Worship Attendance

RRCC had a worship attendance of 57 people on Sunday, August 14, 2022.

Sign Up for the Regional Assembly Today!


You are invited to join members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest on October 14 and 15, 2022 at Central Christian Church, San Antonio, TX. This is both an IN PERSON and ONLINE event.


Visit www.ccsw.org/ra2022 for information about the speakers, how to register, a daily schedule, and more!

Calling All Greeters

In our continuing efforts of “Embracing our neighbors with Christ-like love”, we want to ensure that our visitors and members are greeted each week on Sunday morning. We are putting in to place the following greeters “schedule”.

Each month the following ministry/team will be responsible to have two people present by 10:30 in the welcome center to open doors for people to enter, greet them by name if possible, offer coffee, show them where the rest rooms are etc.

The schedule is as follows:

  • August - Sunday School classes
  • September - DWM
  • October - Disciple Men
  • November - Deacons
  • December - All Book Clubs Wired word, Social Justice, Thursday book club.
  • January - Vision Advisory/Worship Teams


Greeters duties include but are not limited to:

  • Wear name badge.
  • Ensure coffee supplies are filled.
  • Open front door for those who need assistance.
  • Have name tags available for those that don't have one.
  • Have pink cards in hand for those who request to have a joy or concern shared.
  • Welcome all around!
  • Clean up coffee station and coffee pots between when service starts and when service ends.

Thank you for all you do!

Gary and Amy, Worship Co-chairs

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will be meeting at Spring Hill Café this Sunday after worship service. All are welcome!

Text or call Tasha York (512-567-8770) for more information.

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2022 RRCC Sign Ups:

Elder Responsibilities Sign Up

Weekly Worship Leader Sign Up

Sunday Worship Deacons Sign Up

Chancel Choir

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The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Prayer Needs


•The RRCC staff: Jimmy Horowitz, Mitch Maxted,  Katie Maybaum, Randy Preston, Molly Salzwedel

•                Our Guiding Board, Ministries Council, Elders, Deacons, & Ministries

•                “Techies” Gary Collier, Dan Knight, Katie Maybaum, Tara Pollock, Randy Preston, Rod Walker

•                Our Vacant Lot Task Force and Christian Church Homes, as they prayerfully consider possibilities

•                The Sabbatical Task Force and all who will have additional responsibilities this summer, especially Anna Marie Blair and all of our clergy hosts

•                Explorers, Open Circle, The Wired WORD and all of the RRCC study/fellowship opportunities, incl. the book groups and social justice study group

•                40 Days of Prayer and Faith Sharing - that the church may feel results of their prayers and want to continue so that others may become so involved

•                Caring Hearts Prayer Group; Lunch Bunch, Shut-In Servers, Stephen Ministry

•                Enable us to develop a passion for praying and increasing our tithes and offerings

•                Our partnership with Shalom Seventh Day Adventist & Manantial de Vida congregations

•                The visiting clergy—Rev. Al Walker, Rev. Steve Digby, Rev. Venessa Harmel, Rev. Andy Mangum, Rev. Chuck Kutz-Marks, and Rev. Christal Fisher



·      Barnett, Barbara – has been diagnosed with a melanoma which has not metastasized and is to be removed soon

·      Breeding, Diane - anemia; tests to determine source

·      Cueva, Rafael - his mother’s passing

·      Greene, Emmiline – ongoing prayers of strength and healing

·      Guilbeau, Cynthia and Rick – prayers that they adjust well to his living at The Auberge and her at home

·      Jenkins, Rhiannon - her boss, general manager at A Crate Escape, passed suddenly; prayers also for his family and other employees

·      Johnston, Janette – is to have a cornea transplant in September

·      Osteen, Steve - his oldest brother, Bill, is hospitalized with cardiac problems

·      Sherry, Bea – at Encompass recovering from a broken hip

·      Sonnenberg, Georgeanna (Richland Springs) - no energy due to ongoing anemia, currently improving

·      Walker, Lisa – awaiting approval for kidney transplant and being treated so she can receive dialysis

·      Whitley, Charles - recuperating from broken arm

·      York, Tasha - son T.J. and wife Heather fostering two more boys, ages six and nine

·      Those who have and are recovering from Covid - Carrol Scarborough; Amy and Gary Tucker; Phyllis Wilson

·      Those who are being treated for cancer - Nancy Fennimore’s niece Thresa; Barbara Graham’s son, Bob Weaver; Bob Jenkins’ sister, Janet; Steve and Amy Osteen’s brother-in-law, Mike Murphy; Gary and Amy Tucker’s brother, Terry; Phyllis Wilson’s sister, Jane Hudson; Anna Marie Blair’s Elgin friend, Linda Miller

·      Those who are healing from joint replacement surgeries - Tasha York

·      Those with ongoing health concerns - Barbara Barnett; Katherine Cratin’s son, Timothy Quick; Solomon Habtemarium; Darlia Hunt; Janette Johnston’s granddaughter, Izzy

·      Those who are homebound and would so appreciate more visitors

·      Those who want and need prayers but prefer to remain anonymous


·      COVID-19 - prayers for all who are working to increase the number of vaccinated and boosted people; for all health professionals; for those who’ll need the next booster, but have already decided to not bother

·      All who don’t know Jesus

·      Our military personnel and families

·      Ukraine – under attack, refugees, diaspora

·      Our country that the vast divisions may be healed

·      All challenges related to health care access, climate change, confusing immigration policies, increasing gun violence, and racial injustice

·      Students, their families, teachers, administrators, and staff. Our ongoing relationship with Union Hill Elementary and Hopewell Middle Schools

·      The best for Pastor Mitch as he has the opportunity for rest and renewal.

·      Blessings on each of our visiting ministers as they prepare, travel, and share their messages from God’s Word

Sunday School

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Early Childhood Class (ages 4-7) -Taught by Lisa Walker


Intermediate Class (3rd-5th grade) - Taught by Jennifer Kienzle


Chi Rho Class - (6th - 8th grade) - (studying the book, "Middle School TalkSheets" for ages 11-14. "These TalkSheets present every aspect of Jesus' life in a way that young teens can connect with as they learn to apply the lessons to their own lives.")


CYF Class (9th - 12th grade) 


Open Circle (primarily adult women) - 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings in person and via ZOOM, studying Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others by Barbara Brown Taylor. ALL ARE WELCOME!  If needed, please call Bea Whitley 512 633 8616 or Janette Johnson 512 876 1010 prior to 8:30 am to insure the link's activation. Link HERE


Explorers (mixed adults) - 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings, facilitator is Mildred Adair; studying Paul's letter to the church at Corinth. 

The Wired WORD (adult men) - 11:00 a.m. Thursday mornings. This class looks at what the scriptures have to say about important current events and issues.

RRCC Office Hours

Tuesdays 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Fridays 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Anna Marie Blair, Commissioned Minister: Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Elders Prayer/Closing Message

A Prayer for America.

It is “God who changes the times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Daniel 2:21

Sometimes in the midst of heated political battles and uncertain times, it's difficult to even know how to pray or where to begin. We just know we have a deep ache in our hearts that cries out for God's mercy, and a longing to see him heal our land. Maybe other times we wonder how effective our prayers even are. Yet God is faithful, no matter how we feel, and His Presence of power and peace still reigns over all that swirls around us in our nation today. 

That same power that broke prison chains, raised Lazarus from the dead, and parted the Red Sea, the same power that healed the blind man, and delivered the delirious from demons, that same power is at work even today. He is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever.

May we stand together in unity as believers in Christ, as brothers and sisters and pray for God to heal our land, and strengthen His people. May we pray for all those in authority. May we pray for God’s miraculous intervening, for blind eyes to be opened, for many to see the power of our Lord as never before.

Heavenly Father,

I come before You in the Name of Jesus on behalf of the United States of America. I declare upon Jesus this nation was founded and the gates of hell shall not prevail. Your Word declares that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,” therefore the United States of America is BLESSED!

I acknowledge that America, our great nation has sinned and turned from You Heavenly Father. Your Word says that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. I speak “Grace, Grace” to the mountain of sin in our land and it becomes a leveled plain. You said in Your Word that if Your people would turn from their wicked ways and pray, that You would heal the land. So Lord I join others throughout our country and the world and repent for the sins of this nation. Thank You for healing our land.

I pray for believers in the United States of America to vote based on Your Word and not according to the political/economic conditions that exist. I pray for our President, Congress and the Supreme Court. I ask you to direct their hearts and minds to make righteous decisions. I also ask You to remove from positions of authority all those who stand against righteous rule and replace them with men and women who will follow You.

In these final hours of the last days, I ask for the release of the gifts and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit – the working of miracles, signs and wonders – to be in strong operation in our land.

I declare that the Unites States will continue to be a major exporter of the Good News of the Gospel throughout the world. Thank you, Lord, that Your Glory is revealed in the United States and through the United States to other nations.

Your Word says “declare a thing and it shall be established.” I declare that the future of the United States of America is even greater than her past. God Bless America!

Gary Toombs


Contact Us

Round Rock Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

22 Chalice Way

Round Rock, TX 78665

(512) 244 3260

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