Cook’s United
Methodist Church
May 2022 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
Ever heard of the 21/90 rule? The 21/90 rule (first named by Dr. Maxwell Maltz in 1960) asserts that practicing a personal goal for 21 days straight followed by consistency over another 90 days results in a lifestyle change. 120 DAYS!! That’s where many of us are. 120 days of reading God’s Word. And, more than that … reading God’s Word together and chronologically toward understanding God’s Story, OUR story.
What happens during the 21/90 process to make it work? New behaviors become habits as they become automatic, and we carry them out without much conscious thought. In the athletic arena, that’s called muscle memory. Muscles are trained to respond to cues so that we “automatically” assume the best posture at the tee or “automatically” swing the bat with a particular form and follow-through. This is not just a musculoskeletal phenomenon. Muscles must be innervated to act, so it all begins in our minds. And that’s biblical! “Don’t be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind …” Paul taught Roman Christians. New neural pathways can be made, carved, pioneered no matter what your patterns have been. New habits are always possible.
Bible study is about more than gleaning information. It is about the transformation of our minds (how we think about God and God’s Truth) and, so, our lives (how we respond to God or enact God’s Truth) by handing ourselves to the Author of Truth. “Seeing” how others have heard God’s call and been compelled to pursue Divine Truth changes us. “Hearing” how others have been redeemed, delivered, loved by the Almighty who refuses to settle for separation changes us. Discovering solidarity with those who, though they’ve gone before us, have trusted in the hope that is ours in Jesus changes us.
In our 120-day journey-thus-far, we’ve wrestled with how little time it took for humanity to think we knew better than God about something and how naturally hiding comes to us rather than standing in our Truth. We’ve wrestled with how it seems that God not only is aware of all that happened to Job, but that God allows it to happen. We’ve wrestled with the annoying facts that the Israelites seem to have been slow learners of the benefit of obedience and loyalty to God, that they stunk at teaching their whole story to the “next” generation, and that we are so very much like them. We’ve wrestled with how disappointingly the Israelites demanded a king be appointed over them (one like everyone else had) choosing the easy over the Divine. Shall I go on?
Yet, these are only bits of information. What about the lifestyle changes that are happening? See if you don’t recognize some of these happening in your life as you make a habit of reading Scripture daily:
- prioritizing listening to God’s voice above all the other voices that clamor for our attention
- respecting the potential of each day and, so, receiving more fully the gift of each day
- discovering ever-deepening joy in following Jesus and passion for serving God
- cherishing the beauty of the community of Kingdom life, leaning on one another
It’s never too late to make a new pattern, develop a new habit, to invite transformation into your life. Bible study is only one aspect of a Disciple’s Life that offers transformation and renewal. Are you satisfied with your life as a disciple of Jesus? Better yet, do you think God is delighted with your relationship? What do you wish was different about your life? Set a 21/90 goal and go for it!
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
-Mahatma Gandhi
In the Chinese language, characters that represent concepts, not just words, are used to simply communicate complicated thoughts. For instance, to communicate the concept of crisis, two characters are used: that character for danger and the character for opportunity.
I am so grateful for a courageous congregation who takes hold of the opportunity to love well even when anxiety and fear are present and could be our choice of focus. In particular, I give thanks for those who gathered in Friendship Hall following worship this past Sunday to talk through the near future of United Methodism, especially as it will include the decisions of many to disaffiliate from our community. The grace with which we listened to one another and considered how God is leading us was a beautiful gift and I am grateful for a congregation that seriously and patiently works together in this way.
In short, we recognized that there has always been a process of disaffiliation available to any congregation who no longer can support or honor the United Methodist Discipline – our covenant way of being faithful to God and to each other. We also recognized that a new avenue of disaffiliation and, so, pressure to make choices even if premature, is available as of May 1, 2022, with the birth of the Global Methodist Church. In our discussion, we worked toward consensus to boldly and, I believe, faithfully make the following determinations:
1. We call all those who connect with Cook’s UMC to join us in consistent prayer for The UMC and her leadership that the way we build, or close relationships (with individuals, congregations, and even larger bodies) is marked by the sacrificial love of Christ.
2. We call all those who connect with Cook’s UMC to join us in consistent prayer for the developing work of General Conference even now. In particular the clear, correct, and timely work of communicating with delegates without agenda or abuse of power.
3. We call all those who connect with Cook’s UMC to join us in consistent prayer for Cook’s UMC that we would make it our priority to be a welcoming and safe place for our neighbors who may be hurt by separation/disaffiliation, that we would be passionate and persistent in Christian ministry to and with our neighbors that wholeness and healing would come to our community, and that we would be faithful to the Discipline of our tradition and trust in God’s leadership of our life together.
Thank you, in advance, for joining us in prayer!
Communion Sunday
We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion Sunday, May 1, 2022. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.
Variety of Canned Vegetables: (particularly mixed vegetables, peas, carrots, and corn). Please NO green beans - they were blessed with 1,500 cans.
Boxes: The size needed is about 14"x14"x10", although other sizes can be used if they are roughly the same in volume. Depth is one of the more critical dimension -- at least 8".
There is a cart in the back hallway at church for your donations.
Thank you to all who supported me during my time of sorrow at the loss of my sister, Amy Morgan. Your hugs and expressions of Christian love have been such comfort and I appreciate each of you.
Wanda Daniel
Thank you so much for your donation to the Backpack Program. You are a huge blessing and help us to guarantee that each child is fed!
Julie Wharton, Church @ Pleasant Grove
Do you enjoy greeting your friends and helping others? Are you looking for short term ways to serve your church? Look no further! We have great opportunities for you! We are looking for greeters, ushers and liturgists and will provide training and guidance. It's fun, come join us! Please contact Kathryn Kimball by texting 615-516-2434, or in person.
The documents, given out at the church-wide meeting on April 24, outlining the structure of the UMC and the work of the General Conference are now available in the rack by the coffee station in Friendship Hall.
For further information regarding the United Methodist Church, check out:
www.umc.org the general website for the current United Methodist Church
post of 4/21/22)
Cook's Honors Graduates
On Sunday, May 15/22, in both our 9:30am and 5:30pm worship experiences, we will be celebrating our graduating seniors. Part of our celebration will be naming those who are closing one season in their lives only to walk into a new season. If you, your child, or grandchild are graduating from high school, college, or a training/certification program, we would love to have the name, graduation accomplishment, and future plans. You can submit those by emailing the church office by Monday May 9/16. Thanks! And Congratulations!!
Random May Holidays
3 National 2 Different Colored Shoes Day
6 No Pants Day & Beverage Day
9 Lost Sock Memorial Day
13 Frog Jumping Day
15 Chocolate Chip Day
17 Pack Rat Day
18 No Dirty Dishes Day
20 Pizza Party Day
25 Sing Out Day
30 My Buckets Got a Hole Day
Choir Practice
Wednesdays @ 7pm
Friendship Hall
Handbell Practice
May 18 & 25 @ 6:00 pm
Youth Room
Trustees Meeting
Monday, May 9 @ 6pm
Youth Room
SPR Meeting
Tuesday, May 10 @ 6pm Youth Room
Safety/Security Team
Wed., May 11 @ 6:30 pm
UMM Breakfast
Sun., May 15 @ 8:15 am
Youth Room
Finance Committee
Sunday, May 15 @ 3pm
Lamplighters Room
Church Council
Sunday, May 15 @ 4pm
Youth Room
Discipleship Team
Wednesday, May 25 @ 5pm
Lamplighters Room
Congregational Care Team
Thursday, May 26 @ 10 am
Lamplighters Room
Church Office Closed
Monday, May 30
in observance of Memorial Day
Samaritan Fund
The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations.
Are You on Facebook?
You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/cooksumc/). Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or to the church office.
Dot Creasman,
Billie East,
Boots & Judith Mabb,
Phil & Gladys Pennington,
Judy Smith,
Lorraine Stadelman,
Norman & Ruby Walker,
Jim Webster
Former Cook’s member,
Gerry Patton White,
passed away after a brief illness.
She was living in Illinois.
Please keep her family and
friends in your prayers.
Social Media
We would love to showcase the activities of Cook’s and our families. If you, your Sunday School Class or Small Group would like to share news of upcoming events or pictures of your events on Cook’s website, Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter please send those to Alison Nash anashvillegirl82@gmail.com or to the church office cooksumcoffice@comcast.net or monica@cooksumc.org.
May Trivia Questions
1. An Old Testament mother came up with the idea to secure having an heir through her servant then resented the servant once the child was born. Name the mother and her servant.
2. One of our Old Testament ancestors had what we would call today a “bonus mom”. Name the ancestor and his mom or his bonus mom. (Did you catch the hint?)
3. Hannah waited a long time for a child of her own. True or false: In her painful waiting, her husband asked if his love wasn’t more important than that of a child and her “pastor” called her out on being drunk when she was really just praying.
4. Samson’s mother was told by an angel of the Lord to raise her son according to a Nazirite vow. That meant his mom and dad raised him to refrain from what three things?
5. There’s a prominent Old Testament ancestor whose family is named in detail … well, all except his mother. Jewish legend says her name is Nitzevet. Who is her “baby”?
6. True or false: A major prophet from the Old Testament compares the comfort God promises those who love Him and trust in Him to the comfort a mother offers her child.
7. There are two well-known mothers-in-law mentioned in scripture, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament; both women are “loved” well by their in-laws. Name these two women.
8. Jesus was God’s only Son, born of Mary, a virgin at his birth. But was he Mary’s only son/child?
9. A woman seeking Jesus’ favor and healing powers for her dying daughter was hushed by Jesus’ disciples and indirectly called a dog by Jesus. Yet, this mother responded with courage by doing what?
10. The mother of James and John (wife of Zebedee) asked Jesus for a particular favor for her sons. What was her audacious request and what would it mean for her sons?
April Trivia Answers
1. Which treat below carries religious significance?
Hot cross buns
Simnel cake
All of them
None of them
2. Which flower/flowering herb is mentioned in the Bible?
All of them
None of them
3. Which gospel records Jesus turning over the moneychangers’ tables at the Temple at a time other than the week leading to his death?
4. By which of the following names did Jesus call the Pharisees and Scribes?
Blind fools
Blind Guides
All the above
None of the above
5. Where was Jesus’ teaching when he addressed the behavior of the Pharisees and how inept they were as godly leaders:
Temple court(s)
At the city gate
About to celebrate Passover with the disciples
None of the above
6. At whose house were the disciples when Jesus washed their feet?
Martha, Mary, and Lazarus’
A place regularly used by guests in Jerusalem
A man’s home, known only to Jesus
7. At Jesus’ arrest, he questioned those who came for him as to why:
a friend was betraying him
weapons were brought
why he was taken to Caiaphas’ home first
none of the above
all the above
8. The following brutal acts were perpetrated against Jesus:
Spit on
Beard pulled out
Mocked, teased, maligned
All the above plus more
9. Women disciples went to Jesus’ grave the day after Passover prepared for what?
To leave flowers at the grave as a memorial
To finish the work of embalming and wrapping Jesus’ body
To keep vigil as they grieved
To meet other disciples there
10. Who made up the story about Jesus’ body being stolen by his disciples?
The guard(s)
The Chief Priests
Roman officials under Pilate
None of the above
May Calendar of Events
Friendship Hall Reserved, Sat., May 7
Trustees Meeting, Mon. May 9 @ 6:00 pm
SPR Meeting, Tues., May 10 @ 6:00 pm
Security/Safety Meeting, Wed., May 11 @ 6:30 pm
United Methodist Men’s Breakfast, Sun., May 16 @ 8:15 am
Finance Meeting, Sun., May 15 @ 3:00 pm
Church Council, Sun., May 15 @ 4:00 pm
Sanctuary Reserved, Sun., May 15
Discipleship Meeting, Wed., May 25 @ 5:00 pm
Congregational Care Meeting, Thurs., May 26 @ 10:00 am
Church Office Closed, Mon., May 30 Memorial Day
Mondays @ 9:30 am Pastor’s Bible Study (Youth Room)
Thursdays @ 6:00 pm Boy Scouts (Youth & Shine Rooms)
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00 pm TKD (Friendship Hall)
Current Information
The most recent Cook’s Newsletter, Financial Statement,
and approved Church Council Minutes can be found in the
metal rack by the coffee station in Friendship Hall.
In Person Giving
An offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during all worship services or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours.
Online Giving
You can give online at www.cookumc.org or
text cumc to 73256
Electronic Bank Draft
If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving, please contact the church office.
7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122
Cook’s Vision
To be a welcoming congregation dedicated to worshiping God, growing disciples in Christ, and serving the community through the Holy Spirit.
Cook’s Values
*Vital Worship *Selfless Mission
*Genuine Care
*Growth in Discipleship
Cook’s Strategy
*Engage *Connect
*Equip *Send
Cook’s Mission
To know Christ and to make
Christ known.
Sunday Schedule
9:30 am Traditional Worship (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube
5:30 pm Acoustic Worship (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube
Daily Devotionals
Monday-Thursday 8:30am on Facebook Live