News Advisory
Contact: Maria Castillo 703-631-0650
Washington, D.C. — June 8, 2021       In its second 2021 Webinar on May 27th, titled: 2021 Health Care Symposium : Wellness, Science, & the New Insurance During COVID on the resounding theme: A Farewell to Covid : Building and Rebuilding. Dialogue on Diversity broadens its vistas to the realms of social destructiveness and at once social hope —  I. Of a newly penetrating look at the ugly business of trafficking young people, among them girls as young as 11 or 12, remedied by rescue and a delicately tuned psychology making for restoration of the wreckage of young lives  II.  Life of the nations in flight, and refugees landing within our gates with their young in tow, often confronted with a less than friendly administrative apparatus. III. . . and on an upbeat note, first, the resilience of young migrants, most of Latino stock, facing the joys of learning, but at once lamenting the depredations of the ICE men with their unforgiving nets.  But finally, insists Ma. Cristina Caballero, the head and founder of Dialogue on Diversity, we are looking ahead to the School of the Future — we hope our inputs may join in the soaring imagination and the swift-wits team to fashion a new era of high-tech accomplishment.
Dr. Lois Lee, sociologist and lawyer, intrepid battler against the horrors of human trafficking, is the founder of Children of the Night, a school and life-skills shop, where young persons rescued from the streets are at last educated, housed in a safe environment, and prepared for launch to college or a meaningful career. Dr. Lee affords a close look at the harms of a raging trafficking industry that ruthlessly degrades young people already battered sufficiently in what had passed for “home”, for it is domestic disorder and brutality as often as not that drives kids scarcely equipped for responsibility, wanderers in the urban desert,  In a visit to Hollywood several decades ago, the young Ms. Lee, saw a strange population of beings not all that younger than she herself, enmeshed in the sordid life of streetwalkers, the entrepreneurship from Hell they have been forced into.  Behind the hard faces there was the look of terror and bewilderment.  It did not take Lois Lee long to realize with a sudden emotion that her own calling was that of rescuer and entrepreneur of rescue: it was to be fist a school and refuge, an oasis of decency and kindness — and freedom from a vindictive law enforcement ethos in much of U.S. society. 
Jackie Reyes-Yanes has perhaps the closest unmediated view of the sharp, broad, and often deadly effects brought in train by the COVID Virus, assessing and broadcasting the warning that it can destroy, and the urging the precautions that will minimize its damage. She is Director of the Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs, aiming in its day by day work to produce effective skill levels among the city’s Latino entrepreneurs, with business and linguistic skills to fit them as part of the District chief ethnic population.   
The Webinar agenda swings into a detailed exposition of the ravages of the COVID sickness and the attempts pursued to abate the contagion, Dr. Henry Pacheco, tireless trooper in public health efforts among Latino populations, describes the labors of scientific and engineering experts, as they launch the tools for prevention and mitigation that are being thrown into the breach in the present pandemic. Dr. Pacheco’s particular concern is the seemingly inexplicable reluctance of portions of the Latin communities to seize the advantage of the simple inoculation procedure against this modern plague. The more thoughtful members of the Latino society, have with telling energy pressed for all possible efforts against the threat. Dr. Pacheco portrays the struggles within Latino society as an advocate for reasoned response and powerful urgings.
Now busy heading a sociology research team at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, Dr. Randy Capps has given over the better part of two years designing inquiries, with tables and statistical underpinning, as he sketches the moral and psychological moments driving the energetic but at once frightened and confused high school students of Latino heritage. His study, through countless in-depth interviews on their psychological — and pragmatic — responses to the threats of deportation of their relations, friends, and even themselves. He has looked into the faces of kids describing the enforcement activity of the ICE crews in their streets during the four years just past. The report, 72 pages, available at the MPI internet site, is required reading for public affairs aficionados wishing to sense the human side of policy — in this phase of our Republic’s education, a bitterly immediate sense of chagrin.
Giselle Lundy-Ponce, manager for Social Justice policies for the American Federation of Teachers, and frequent Dialogue speaker, held forth on the intriguingly titled topic: Re-Imagining Public Schools Post Pandemic. She emerges as part of the intellectual directorate of this very estimable educational organization, sketching an informed image of a School of the Future — one in which the most promising changes, from minor cosmetic matters to the underlying philosophy of the school experience, can have a significant role in shaping a population of a more humane and at once skeptical generation, and a just society. The new model adds to the traditional teachers, a corps of new personages : health counselor, mental stability ad visor, occupational coach, assorted language coaches and others.  Who, the skeptics will ask, will pay for the this” The bounding resurgence of a fresh society, propelled by a freshly invigorated young generation, will multiply the country’s productive instincts in goods and a variety of arts, amusements, and serviced now unheard of. 
Dialogue on Diversity depends on both corporate and private support. Your contributions help to keep our annual cycle of educational
and policy programs going.
Dialogue on Diversity: Founded in 1991, Dialogue on Diversity, a §501(c)3 non-profit, is an international network of women, and men, entrepreneurs and professionals, NGO executives and staff, a non-profit civil society organization bringing together Latino and other diverse cultural traditions, for exploring Internet Privacy, Women’s History, Health Care & Wellness, Immigration, and other essential social and policy questions that are illuminated at the interface of the varied mind-sets and values and styles of our diverse audience of friends and members.
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. 1629 K Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: (703) 631-0650 Fax: (703) 631-0617 Web:, Email:
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Organization, Contributions are tax-deductible.