Our Mission Is To Maintain And Strengthen The City's Diversity, Equity, And Accountability.

It's spring in Los Angeles - and with it, a new promise of hope and renewal. I was honored to co-host an Interfaith Passover Seder with the Jewish Federation this past week, and to celebrate this season of rebirth and new beginnings. Though we could not gather in person, I still felt the warmth of our collective spirit.

It's that spirit that drives our work at LA Civil Rights - and that will build a brighter future for all of Los Angeles.

As we emerge from a long and dark winter of COVID-19, LA Civil Rights will continue fighting for equity, continue to empower underserved communities, and continue to have hope for our future. We face so many challenges, and inequities will not be solved overnight. But when we hold on to hope, we can change lives - and work toward the future we know is possible.

Until then, keep the faith and keep the fight.

- Capri Maddox
Executive Director,
Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department
Upcoming Events:
REAL TALK is a live conversation exclusively for teens with Councilmember Monica Rodriguez, Raul Diaz of Homeboy Industries, and Jonathan Cristall, author of "What They Don't Teach Teens," and Capri Maddox of LA Civil Rights.

After a *very* online year, this conversation will allow young people to learn from experts on how to stay safe and take care of themselves online, and also hear from people with lived experiences growing up in LA - and how they overcame challenges to find success.

All teens are invited for this youth engagement event.
TODAY: Rally to #StopAsianHate
LA Civil Rights will be joining a socially-distanced rally in Koreatown today at 11am to #StopAsianHate. This event, led by a coalition of leaders and AAPI community groups, will start at Berendo St & Olympic Blvd. All are welcome to show solidarity with the AAPI community and stand against hate. Masks and social distancing required.
Transgender Day of Visibility
March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility and the Transgender Advisory Council is celebrating with a virtual event! Join LA CivilRights, Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, the Transgender Advisory Council, and members of the transgender community for this celebration of transgender and gender non-confirming individuals in our city.

Tuesday, March 30th at 2pm on
The HRC on AAPI Hate
The City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission (HRC) voted unanimously to release a statement following a rise in hate crimes and violence directed at the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Since 1966, the HRC has promoted peace & human rights in the City of LA by transforming community engagement and dialogue into sustainable programs and policy.

Read the statement here.
Nominate Your Shero!
The Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominations for "Sheroes In the Time of COVID-19" - due by March 31st!

Nominate an Angelena who has inspired you this year. Anyone who identifies as a woman and lives or works in the City of Los Angeles is eligible. Sheroes will be announced in April, and you can learn more about the LACSW here.

Learn more here.
200 N. Spring St. Room 1525
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 978-1845