
September 2022

Volume 29

Issue 9


A Message From Pastor Wright

Teaching Our Children: Whose Responsibility Is It?

Kids are back in school and learning. This is good. But parents and the church should never neglect or relinquish our own responsibility to teach our children.

Deuteronomy 4:9-10

9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. 10 Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, “Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.

The world will not teach our children God’s Truth. Parents must do this. The church must do it. At ERCC we are committed to teaching God’s Word to the next generation. 

- Pastor Mark Wright

We are currently working on an exciting revamp of what we once called "Sunday School". We are even changing the name to "Sunday Morning Bible Study", and we plan to roll it out in October. We are thinking BIG, and we will need your participation to make it a success. Expect some big changes. Stay tuned for more information to come.

Welcome Kathleen Jasinski

New Member at ERCC

Please join us in welcoming Kathleen to ERCC. She placed membership on Sunday, August 14th. Kathleen has a heart for God and a commitment to His Word. She will be next to us in the trenches as we serve our Lord together. As a church family, we commit to ministering to Kathleen and her family.

Welcome, Kathleen!

Sunday Evening Series

The Foundations of Freedom

Join us on Sunday evenings at 6 PM in the fellowship hall. We are learning from Historian and Bible Teacher David Barton. There is a conspiracy to denigrate the Christian heritage of our founding fathers in America. David Barton uses primary source documents to show that America was in fact founded as a Christian nation.

Foundations of Freedom is a DVD study, and each session lasts approximately 30 minutes. After the viewing the DVD we have a very lively discussion.

Free Outdoor Family Movie Night

Friday September 23rd

We will be showing the movie American Underdog on a big screen outside at ERCC starting right after sunset. Free hot dogs and soft drinks and treats will be served. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy a wholesome family activity. Kids will be able to run and play and shoot baskets. Adults can chat and relax. Everyone will enjoy this incredible story of Kurt Warner, a man who loved God, and who went from a stocker at a grocery store to a Super Bowl winning quarterback. Please bring your favorite side or dessert to share with others.

Outreach to Families Using Our Parking Lot for

Neff Middle School

Football Games 

Neff Middle School home football games are on Wednesday afternoons between Sept 7th and Oct. 19th.  We will be organizing a simple outreach on each of these Wednesdays by offering a bag of treats before the game to families that use our parking lot. The bag will include an invitation to worship with us on Sundays and the plan of salvation. If you are interested in participating, please talk to Pastor Mark or Jerry Kline.

Youth For Christ Monday Outreach to Neff Middle School Students

Our fellowship hall on Monday afternoons will soon be packed with middle schoolers. Please pray for our Monday outreach to the Neff Middle School students. We are starting these Monday meetings in mid-September, and our purpose is to reach kids for Christ. We partner with Youth-For-Christ and their on-site leader Gabriella Mojica (pictured above). Pastor Wright and our Youth Minister Intern, Jonathan Valadez, will be involved each Monday afternoon meeting with the Neff students. We will be using the Fellowship Hall at ERCC for the meetings. Pray that God will use this outreach to help us rebuild our youth group at ERCC.

Jonathan Valadez and ERCC Youth Ministry

Pictured above is one of the Youth activities organized by Jonathan Valadez, our Youth Ministry Intern. There were 11 kids present at this Friday evening event. In September Jonathan will be taking the ERCC kids to the "Main Event" amusement center and Raising Cane’s. Date and details will be announced soon.

Ladies Luncheon

Saturday September 24th

11:30 am to 2:00 pm

A free Ladies Luncheon will be held at Northwest Hills Christian Church, 9560 Potranco Road. The theme will be “God’s Grace is Sufficient” and the guest speaker will be Angela Snowden, author of the book Grief and Hope. To attend, please RSVP to Cindy Jacox by Sept 17th at 210-315-5660 or email at:

cindyjacox@att.net. There is a flyer on the bulletin board with the same information. Please plan to attend this opportunity for worship, fellowship, and inspiration!  

New Location for

"Secret Sister" Gifts

The lower shelf of the foyer table outside the auditorium, closest to the back door, is now designated for Secret Sisters to place or retrieve gifts. This arrangement creates more room for more people arriving and greatly reduces congestion in that area. Thank you for helping us make Sunday mornings more orderly for guests. 

South Central Texas

Women’s Retreat

November 11-12, 2022

Ladies, it's back!  Please make plans to attend the very popular South Central Texas Women’s Retreat, 11-12 November at the Sunday House, 510 E. Main St. in Fredricksburg. The theme will be “Anchored in God” with guest speaker Jenn Long. If planning to attend, Millie has registration forms which will be due with payment by Sun., Sept. 25th (the form gives the due date as Sept. 30th but Millie will need to collect the forms and payments sooner). Cost for Saturday only is $45 and includes lunch. Cost for the entire retreat which includes hotel and meals is based on the number of occupants in a room (from one to four max). Prices are on the form and range from $95 per person for four to a room up to $230 per person for those who won’t be sharing a room. Also, there are only two ADA rooms that are first come, first served. Optional T-shirts “This Girl is Anchored in Jesus” can be pre-ordered on the registration form as well. If pre-ordering, payment will also be due at time of registration.  For more information or questions, please contact Millie Borelli at 210-347-3568 or at mjborelli@satx.rr.com if you don’t see her at church.

A shoutout to Brenda Dyer for helping with communion preparation for Sunday morning Worship Services. 

We appreciate you, Brenda.

You are a blessing!

Brenda Dryer

Sunday Night (6 pm) Schedule
  • Sept 4th:   Foundations of Freedom
  • Sept 11th: Foundations of Freedom
  • Sept 18th: Foundations of Freedom
  • Sept 25th: Foundations of Freedom

September Birthdays

13th: Gus Haoson

18th: Mary Beth Burchfield

21st: Anthony Hairstone

22nd: Stacy Gordon

28th:  Sylvia Rodriguez

If you are new to ERCC, please send your birthday (day and month) to Pastor Wright. We want to celebrate with you!

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
 ~ Galatians 5:22–23 ~



 " The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

~ John. F. Kennedy ~

We are pleased to provide regular financial support  NAGALAND OUTREACH CHILDREN’S ORPHANAGE HOME. Please pray for this ministry. Below is an excerpt from their recent online update.


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God is amazing! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends who stand behind us and pray for us continually. We give thanks every single day for God’s faithfulness and protection over us.


The children participated in a play for many years during Easter. They love to dress up and the congregation really enjoys it.

Renben graduated from Harvest Bible College. He will pursue a Masters in Theology.

Ajan finished 12th grade and will now be going to a college in Dimapur. He will be studying to get his Bachelor of Computer Science degree.

Tsentsuthung passed the 10th grade exam and will continue on to 11th grade.

Both Benjamin and Zanoa are in 9th grade

Ajanthung has finished 11th grade and will attend Harvest Bible College & get a diploma in Theology. He will then continue to get his Bachelor of Theology.

The rest of the children are excelling in school and they work so hard for good grades. We are very proud of them. We are having a difficult time communicating with the 2 new boys, Tingkem and Tsalumbe. They are trying so hard to memorize reading and writing English. They are both so happy to be here and are enjoying living at the orphanage home. The first time they put on their school uniform they could not help laughing and smiling. What a joy to see a smile on the face of a child! Praise God! 

~ Elilo Patton

Sermon CDs for Shut-ins

If you are a “shut-in”, unable to attend ERCC on Sundays at this time for medical reasons, we want to offer you the CD of each Sunday’s sermon. It will be mailed to you on Monday. If you wish to receive the CDs, please call or text Sandie Ramones at 210-689-9775, and she will add you to the mailing list.

Prerecorded Sermons on YouTube

If you are traveling or absent for health reasons, you may also log into YouTube and hear a prerecorded version of the same Sunday sermon being presented at ERCC. Email Pastor Wright at: pastor.mark.a.wright@gmail.com, and he will send you the link during your absence.

Mark Wright
Jonathan Valadez
Chris Engstrom
Jerry Kline
ERCC Text Messages are used to send out important short-notice news and reminders to your smart phone.
If you would like to give to ERCC as a direct bank transfer, use a credit card or debit card, you can use the safe and secure Tithely app. You can also setup your account to make your gift recurring on any schedule you want. Questions? Ask Jerry or send an email HERE