FBC Raleigh News • June 2, 2020

To state the obvious, something preachers have been known to do, we are living in an incredibly stressful time. Not only do we have the challenges of COVID-19 to isolate us, disturb our routines, and threaten our financial security; we have the unrest that has come from injustice, protests, and then a minority of protestors becoming violent and destructive – not just in our nation but in our community (As I write, we have had just one glass door broken at the Edenton Street entrance.)

And if this is not enough to unsettle us, we have our own challenging realities as a church family in addition to normal daily concerns – staff changes, search processes, etc. – and with COVID-19, we cannot gather as a community to process all of these realities together with God’s guidance and care.

One thing we can do is provide information about important ministries and processes that are continuing and I will try to share them as succinctly as I can.

Church is still functioning . Even though the church office has not been open to the public, the church is still functioning and the entire staff has been working, although exactly when and where has varied. Everyone is still on the payroll and being paid normal wages. Many of you have expressed a strong desire to keep everyone fully employed and we have been able to do this because you have been so generous with your gifts.

FBC is okay financially . If you have been reading the Rose Window Weekly, you will have noticed that revenues have exceeded expenses by roughly $100,000 to date. Based on unreconciled reports (so there may be some adjustment) through May, it looks like we have received roughly $52,000 more than we did through May, 2019 and spent roughly $45,000 less that we did through May, 2019. We have made first-quarter payments for denominational relations and community ministries. Thank you for expressing your love for the church in such a tangible way!

Search Committees . We have pulled back a bit on the organist search, since we do not know when we will be back together for worship. The youth minister search committee has continued to work faithfully through this challenging time; they need just a bit more patience and prayer from everyone.

Reopening . Church council is guiding the process, following CDC recommendations and governmental decisions. The council, which includes the ministerial staff and ten lay leaders, met in early March in person and then via Zoom in May. We have established a working strategy for making decisions, realizing that the pace of change requires some flexibility. We will make our decisions within government guidelines, placing a premium on the safety and wellbeing of our members and anyone who uses our facilities.

Church services . We do not envision returning until all who want to come can gather safely for one service. We have determined that we may be able to welcome 130 safely-distanced people not living in the same home, a certain percentage more, allowing for families sitting together. When we gather, we envision removing Bibles, hymnals, and any other materials from the pew racks, having printed orders available on a table, not passing an offering plate or celebrating communion (at first, we have ordered self-serve elements), potentially wearing masks and probably not singing, since it is one of the most dangerous ways to spread COVID-19. We don’t expect to take advantage of the faith organization exemption for gatherings of more than ten inside because the wisdom of the public health community urges us not to gather.

Deacons . Our deacon chair, Mary Nash Rusher, plans to hold a deacons meeting via Zoom next week and we have also decided to have a church conference via Zoom towards the end of June - we will provide the day and time when these details are confirmed. There is business we need to conduct, and we will make every effort to allow people to participate via Zoom or telephone. We are working on a plan to provide assistance to anyone who needs help in using the technology.

Communication . We will keep trying hard to tell you all that we know. Please do not hesitate to seek more information from any member of the staff or church council. We deeply appreciate and need your prayerful support and we continue to pray for you, our church, and the world around us in this time of great need. - Dr. Chapman
The 2020 dates for Church Conference will be as follows:
August 19 • September 30 • October 28 • November 18 • December 16
All regularly scheduled programming is canceled.
Kati Gardner (404) 374-7141

On Sunday,  July 26 , we will be honoring our high school graduates during worship. While we remain unsure about a future date for in-person worship, we hope that you will be able to join us, virtually or in-person, as we celebrate this important accomplishment in the lives of our students.

We also want to congratulate each of our college and graduate school graduates as they continue to celebrate with their families.  Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

Amarachi Achonu 
Duke University 
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minor in English
Mother: Ebele Saint Louis

Will Baldwin
Louisiana State University 
Bachelor of Science in Sports Commerce
Parents: Kari & John Baldwin

Brantley J. Blanchard Jr.
East Carolina University
Bachelor of Science in Communications
Parents: Brantley Sr. & Carol Blanchard 

Margaret Alison Chapman
North Carolina State University
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences,
Integrated Physiology and Neurobiology Concentration
Parents: Chris & Dana Chapman
Grandfather: C. Dan White 

Lindsey Rose Davis
Meredith College 
Bachelor of Social Work
Grandmother: Christina Davis

Georgia Harris
University of Colorado at Boulder 
Degree in Communications with Minor in Media Design
Parents: Ann & Worth Harris

Katie Jackson
East Carolina University 
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Education
Parents: Will and Sara Jackson
Grandparents: Art & Anita Jackson

Lisa Jones
Meredith College
Master of Arts in Industrial/
Organizational Psychology 
Husband: Wiley Jones, son; Tyler Jones. 

Nate Jones
Bachelor of Arts from Williams College
Parents: Dr. Barry & Ms. Beth Jones

Abbigail Lewis 
Appalachian State University 
Walker School of Business
Summa Cum Laude in Accounting 
Parents: Mary Jane Lewis & Keith Lewis 
Grandmother: Marie Lewis 

Mary (Leighann) Massey
Appalachian State University
Bachelor of Science in Biology with Cellular & Molecular Concentration
Grandparents: Bill & Lynn Loomis

Katy Powers
North Carolina State University/
College of Textiles
Bachelor of Science in Brand Management and Marketing,
Minor in Business Administration
Parents: Frank & Nancy Powers

Samantha Smith 
Watts College of Nursing
Registered Nursing Degree 
Parents: Bryan and Melinda Smith
Grandparents: Carolyn & Rev. Paul Smith

Ella Margaret Webster
Wake Forest University
Bachelor of Science in Business 
Parents: Mary Ann Parrott & Dean Webster

Mattie Yerxa 
Northeastern University
Bachelor of Arts in Communications,
Minor in Graphic Design
Parents: Beth & Ben Yerxa


Do you find yourself sitting at home burdened with useless knowledge? Are you looking for ways to save the day with facts about things? Well, your time has come! 

The Social Committee is hosting a Virtual Trivia Night on Sunday, June 14 at 5pm . This will be a fun intergenerational night that will test your knowledge!

Email JD Rhodes to sign-up.

June marks the beginning of summer and the collection of our Heck-Jones Mission Offering. Although many of our usual activities have been sidetracked, canceled, or rescheduled; the needs in our community continue and we want to be ready when life goes back to “normal.” Your donations will help in the usual areas, along with a few new ones that are providing much help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fannie Heck and Sallie Jones would be pleased with the work of these organizations and would be eager to volunteer alongside us wherever they were needed.

(Tentatively scheduled for October 18th)
Habitat for Humanity Build - dates to be determined 
FBC Clothing Ministry

Thank you for the $1,610 which has already been received towards this offering. And thank you as well for the $14,788.82 that was received for the CBF Offering. That offering goes directly to the support of our CBF Field Personnel as they strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. - Nancy Moore Phillips, WMU President 


Our Summer Giveaway will be on Saturday, July 11, from 9am-12pm . As we make preparations to pre-package bags of clothing for our guests, we have some upcoming opportunities for volunteers!

We have established levels of volunteering during this time, trusting that each person will have differing comfort levels about their interactions with other people. These levels are as follows:
Level 1 Volunteer : I cannot come into the physical space to work, or be in contact with others. I can participate by praying for our ministry and/or other activities that I can do from home as the opportunity arises.

Level 2 Volunteer : I can come into the physical space and work in a small group with other volunteers (max of 1-4 others, spaced at appropriate recommended social distance, each person wearing a mask and following any other building policies currently in place). Work may include sorting clothing, labeling and repacking in individual packs, or related prep work. I will NOT be in contact with guests.

Level 3 Volunteer : I can come into the physical space and work in a small group with other volunteers (max of 10 others, spaced at appropriate recommended social distance, each person wearing a mask, and following any other building policies currently in place). Other church spaces may be utilized to ensure minimal contact and appropriate distancing. This work may also involve minimal interaction/contact with guests, such as handing out individual clothing packs. Recommended precautions will be implemented to minimize the risks for everyone.

If you identify as a Level 2 or 3 volunteer, please look at the sign-up link below. We are signing up small teams to come in to sort and package our spring clothing into sets in the next few weeks. Team leaders need to have a current key to the building and will meet, orient, and guide their small team to learn the new system and supervise the work assigned. If you are able to volunteer, please click on this link to sign-up. For questions, email Sabrina Tyndall.

In case you missed it, in last week's final virtual Centerpoint, we heard thoughts and reflections from the Bacon, Chapman, Davis, Hoover, Joyce, Phillips, Raynor, Reed, and Underwood families! A special thank you to all of the four-legged family members for the joy they bring each day. We hope that this has brought your family a sense of community, as we continue to search for new ways to connect with God and each other.

In light of the state-wide "stay at home" order, we have closed the church office to the public for the immediate future. We regret any inconvenience this causes, but we feel like this is another small thing we can do as a church to embrace the requests of community leaders to help limit the spread of COVID-19. We will monitor the answering machine and respond to messages quickly, and we encourage you to contact any of the ministers if you have a pressing need. We have linked each of the ministerial staff member's emails below, so please do not hesitate to reach out with concerns. Chris Chapman , Mary Alice Seals , Trey Davis , Lynn Lingafelt , and Leah Reed .

There are several different ways in which you can continue to support the church financially during this time of social distancing. We know many people are facing their own financial challenges right now and have been very generous already, but a number of people have asked how they could support the church while we are unable to gather together physically. Wayne Hager has provided the following answers to this question.

• We continue to receive mail daily. Any gifts mailed to the church will be processed and deposited as soon as possible.
• We will continue to debit bank accounts through auto drafts as we have been instructed by donors.
• If you have set up a recurring donation through one of our electronic options, those donations will continue without interruption unless YOU make a change.
• If you wish to begin electronic giving, please go to this link where each of our options is explained.
• If you are considering a stock gift, please visit this link for instructions. 

If you have any financial or giving-option questions, please email Wayne Hager.
A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.

"Please know how much I appreciate your kind expressions of sympathy on the loss of our family members recently. Your thoughtful cards and phone calls have meant so much to my family and me. Thank you First Baptist friends and family." - Berti Stevens

"The Everette Miller Friendship Class would like to express our deep appreciation for our teachers. Bob Bailey, Steve Austin, Ralph Cavin, Laura Maness, Austin and Betty Conners, Jeff Hobart, Carolyn Dickens, Charles Petty and Lin Carter.
Many Thanks to you all! You're the best!!"
Week of May 26, 2020
Current Week Revenue: $7,884.00
Month-to-Date Revenue: $96,185.16
Year-to-Date Revenue: $662,999.03
Month-to-Date Expenses: $63,055.08
Year-to-Date Expenses: $551,694.56
Heck Jones: $ 1,610.00

Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly ? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication.

For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly ,
contact Leah Reed. Email Leah here.