Dear Friends in Christ,

This photo has often been the scene on or before Labor Day as the toys wish their children a happy first day of school. It was a bit different this year, wasn’t it? Despite the challenge, I’m sure the toys were very happy to have their children right at home in their Zoom classrooms where they can keep an eye on them!

As we begin this school year, I want to wish all of our parents, students, staff, teachers, aids, and volunteers a warm welcome back or welcome to (for those who are new) t the St. Patrick parish and school community. And to the parishioners of our three parish communities, it is time once again to keep the ministry of our Catholic school in your daily prayers. We are so blessed to have so many dedicated people working so hard to make Catholic education a reality during the challenging time of a pandemic. Yet, it is happening and happening well. We all look forward to the time when a normal classroom setting can be the norm, along with recess, play, Mass, and prayer together can happen once again.

As a reminder to our parishioners, and to our parents, especially those who are new to the school, a quick recap of two realities that make Saint Patrick Catholic School a success. These are two core values that provide the foundation for what we are about.

The first value I want to mention is community. All of our three parishes are a community of faith that provides the ministry of Catholic education to parents and children here in Tacoma. Notice I said, parents and children. The reality is that Catholic education is family formation. We offer a unique opportunity for families to be formed as disciples of the Lord Jesus in the Catholic Tradition. It’s for everybody’s growth and well being. In my years as a priest, I’ve seen some of the most meaningful growth in faith in our moms and dads.

This value of community also means that the faithful of our parishes are also part of what we often call the “school community.” In reality, we are one community that holds in “common” our belief that families are a gift from God which are worthy of nurture and formation so they can know and love God and neighbor. One of the things that were on my mind last spring and through the summer, that I expressed to the School Commission, was to make sure we strengthen our community in times such as these when we cannot be together for activities, events, and even prayer. Well, I feel our community has weathered a lot these past months and has shown the depth of love in our community. We are strong. But it is still something for us to be intentional about this fall. Especially with our new families who are just developing ties to the larger community. Let’s all take those intentional steps to reach out in love of God and neighbor and grow our community strong and centered on the formation we provide at Saint Patrick Catholic School, to old and new alike.

Catholic Faith
A second core value is our Catholic faith itself. As the pastor, my focus is always on reminding people, parishioners, children, and families that Jesus is the reason for this whole endeavor. Yet, our faith in Christ can sometimes become just another value among many that we share. This letter is a reminder that the Lord Jesus is THE value we must all acknowledge as we live our faith in our parishes and our school. You know, our school would not exist at all without the faith of our parishes and the prayer and celebration of Mass that takes place each day in our churches. Without the altars and the Eucharist celebrated on them, the school doors would be shut. That’s how important our faith in Christ is to this whole endeavor. I want to remind all parents and children that as you are being formed at our school and in your family life, that the life of the parish is an important part of it as well. For Catholic families, make the commitment to become more active in parish life than you are right now. Talk to other families who have made this a priority for themselves and how it has impacted their lives. And I know it has; I’ve seen it firsthand. I am always surprised that more families don’t go “all in” to get the most out of what our parish and school community offers in this way. And to our new families, come up the hill or go over to Holy Cross or St. Rita of Cascia and join us in prayer each Sunday and during the week. We are always here, praying for you and welcoming you every step of the way! Let’s keep our parishes as strong as our school.

My friends, let’s begin this new year in a spirit of faith, hope, and love like we never have before. Whatever challenge comes our way; we can be sure that we will prevail for we “can do all things in Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13.

#Together Anywhere

Blessings in Christ the Lord,
Fr. David Mulholland
School and parish offices are closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 7.
Register for Mass
We look forward to gathering together with you at the Table of the Lord. Registration for Mass is required to help us maintain social distancing.

Saturday, September 26
5pm vigil Mass at St. Patrick
No Mass at Holy Cross

Sunday, September 27
No Mass at St. Rita of Cascia
9 am Mass at St. Patrick [no 11 am Mass]
10:30 am at Holy Cross [no 10 am Mass]

The 12 pm Mass on Tuesdays at St. Rita of Cascia is on hiatus until further notice.

Livestreaming the Mass
We livestream Mass at 9 AM on Sundays from Saint Patrick Church. Subscribing to our YouTube Channel is not necessary to watch the Mass, however it allows you to set reminders to tune in and provides us with the option of livestreaming from a mobile device when we reach 1000 subscribers. We are so close! Check-in on Facebook and make your weekly offertory gift via Online Giving. [Keep scrolling to the bottom to find your parish link.]
The dispensation for Mass is still in effect.
mass intentions
September 8 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of
Stan Naccarato

September 9 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of
June Christy

September 10 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of
John Lane

September 11 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of
Florence Bucholz

September 12 | 5 PM
for the people of the parish

September 13 | 9 AM & 11 AM
for the people of the parish
September 9 | 5 PM
for the repose of the soul of 
John Mosunic & Family      

September 10 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of 
James Adochio 

September 11 | 9 AM
for the repose of the soul of
Michael Mauss

September 12 | 5 PM
for the people of the parish

September 13 | 10 AM
for the people of the parish
faith formation
Archbishop Etienne began Year of the Eucharist on the Feast of Corpus Christi for the Archdiocese of Seattle and asked us to spend this time pondering the true presence of Jesus's Sacred Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Read his pastoral letter, "The Work of Redemption."

Adoration resumes this month at St. Patrick Church on Mondays, 3:00 pm - 6:45 pm and Fridays, 9:45 am - 3:00 pm and at Holy Cross Church on Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Click the links below to sign up!
We are happy to announce that Catechesis of the Good Shepherd [CGS] will begin in the first weeks of October.

CGS is an approach to faith formation for children ages 3 - 12. Your child will be able to come every other week. On the week your child is not in the atrium, we'll provide support for the Domestic Church with ideas for the home.

Our staff has been preparing the atrium to allow for social distancing. Registration information will be available soon.
Students in grades 7 - 9 interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2021 are invited to fill out an interest form now! We'll be in touch. Invite your friends to join you in preparing for this sacrament too.
ALPHA Online
It can sometimes feel hard or intimidating or awkward to share our faith with others. You’re not alone. But what if playing our part in watching God transform someone’s life took just one invitation? Who will you invite?

Alpha runs on Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 pm starting September 15 via Zoom.

Share this registration link with a friend! Questions? Send us an email. To learn more about Alpha check out
Available on your phone, tablet, laptop or TV for FREE as our gift!
To sign up:
  1. Click HERE to get started, then...
  2. Enter the zip code 98403 or parish as St. Patrick [regardless of which parish you belong to]
  3. Enter your email and your in!

Let your feet carry you, and your hearts guide you. Aim for the stars! Our walkers and friends allow us to provide housing and essentials for our Pierce County neighbors in need.

Walk virtually with us and help the Tacoma-Pierce County Society of St. Vincent de Paul raise funds—and awareness—to aid our friends in need who are struggling with homelessness, hunger, overdue bills, and more during these difficult times. Together we can make a difference in the lives our neighbors.

It’s easy to sign up to walk or to make a doantion! Go to and follow the prompts to register.
When choosing a beneficiary, select the Tacoma-Pierce County Walk, or you can choose a specific conference. Narrow your search by selecting the Archdiocese of Seattle, and then enter the conference name.
An offertory collection basket is located at the back of the sanctuary during Mass for contactless giving. If you are unable to attend Mass in person, please mail in your gift or consider Online Giving—Fr. David gives this way! It is safe and easy.
The WSCC represents the Catholic Bishops of Washington in their efforts to support public policies that promote the common good.

These efforts include:
  • Developing a public policy agenda and coordinating the advocacy efforts of the Catholic community in the state of Washington.
  • Engaging with public authorities, legislative bodies, and other civic organizations.
  • Working in coalition with other advocacy groups on issues of shared concern.
  • Creating advocacy resources for use in our faith communities throughout the state.

Read the most recent WSCC news bulletin.
st. patrick school
Students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade started the school year remotely this week and our PreK students begin in-person on September 8, but we are together anywhere! Pray for our students, teachers, and staff as they move through this unique academic year with grace.
Be social, while social distancing!
Get connected. Stay connected.