February 29, 2020

To the MBUSD Community,

On Wednesday night at the February 26, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board heard comments from community members, parents, and employees, then deliberated for almost three hours before making their final determinations on reductions for the 2020-21 school year. There were over 100 people in the board room and many more watching on Livestream as the Board considered different options, then made their final decision. You can see a list of the reductions that the Board voted on at this Board Meeting Highlights link . I am grateful for every one of our parents and employees who reached out with an e-mail, a phone call, a conversation, or just stayed involved and informed throughout this process. It has been incredibly challenging, and now we move on to the next step.

Our crucial challenge over the next few years is to find a way to increase ongoing revenue to the district so that we can eliminate our structural deficit. Also on Wednesday night, the Board passed an amendment to our permit policy, which now allows the grandchildren of Manhattan Beach residents to apply for a permit to attend our schools. This will bring revenue to the district and help address the issue of declining enrollment. The district is exploring other ideas around expanding our Preschool program or our Extended Day Program (EDP) as both can bring in revenue for the district. The board has made increasing revenue a top priority for the years to come.

For more information, please see our Budget Information Page .

Thank you for your interest and support,
Mike Matthews, Ed.D.
Manhattan Beach Unified School District
325 S. Peck Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310)318-7345, x5900
[310-318-7345, x5902]  [mmathews@mbusd.org]  [www.mbusd.org]