Pentecost with St. Martin's

This Sunday it's Pentecost with St. Martin's
Virtual Coffee 10:15 a.m.
Abbreviated Liturgy 10:30

The link to our weekly Zoom service is on the top of the home page of our website, with a link to the leaflet/hymns as well. Each service is recorded and posted on the St. Martin's website
and Facebook (St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Bridgewater, New Jersey) the following week in case you missed it.   

Join the Zoom Meeting -

Invite your friends, your neighbors, even strangers! Several churches are reporting growth during this time of pandemic. Worshipping with St. Martin's is a good way to start your week with God and one another.

Request for a portion of the Gospel to be read in different languages -

It is a wonderful tradition at St. Martin's on Pentecost to read a portion of the Gospel in many languages, as we are told in the Book of Acts that the disciples went out into the streets of Jerusalem and people from all over the world heard the good news of Jesus in their own language. If you would like to be part of that holy cacophony this Sunday, then please translate the following and be prepared to speak it outlaid during the service:

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit  ."  
Cards of Care

St. Martin's Sunday School students and members of Troop 1 Scouts BSA are
asking church members, their children, their grandchildren and anyone else
you can think of to make some greeting cards. We will be donating these
cards to help brighten the day of folks in local nursing homes. We are
looking for handmade cards (on card stock or regular paper) that offer a
pleasant greeting or shares something about the writer. It could be as
simple as "I hope this card brightens up your day" with some pictures. You
don't even need to include the envelope! Cards will be collected on Sunday,
June 7th between noon and 6pm. Drop off the cards in a box that will be
placed at Saint Martin's by the downstairs entrance. The more cards we
collect, the more people who will have a brighter day. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Marlene ( ) or
Christine ( ). Thank you.

St Martin's Feeds...

Sunday's food drive for the County Food Bank was a great success thanks to so many of you! We were able to load a
van full of donations to take to the food bank this week. Thanks to all the
parishioners neighbors who donated generously! Also, thank you to Troop 1 Scouts BSA for sorting the food donations. 

In between food drop offs Beth Hixenbaugh and Alison Jandak weeded the garden outside the front doors of the church. If anyone would like a project you could do on your own time, for 10 minutes or an hour or any amount of time, at your own schedule, we would welcome more holy weeders. The area around the front doors of the church and the patio are the prime spots. Just stop by and do your thing, or organize some friends and social distance and do it together!

If you've ever been angry ...
you have something in common with Jesus

Thursday Night Forum

Join Fr. Tim as he leads us in a consideration of the nine times the Bible tells us Jesus got angry. What might we learn about the anger we sometimes experience when we consider Jesus' anger? When is anger a good thing, not a good thing, or a warning sign?

No homework, but have a Bible with you.

Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Cleaning to Get Ready to Reopen

We don't know when it will be, but the time is coming when we will gradually be able to return to our church building. Much will need to be done in terms of deep cleaning and sanitation to make everything safe. We estimate it will cost quite a bit to do the whole project. But there are a couple of things we may be able to do now. Here are some ideas you may want to consider. But if you have other ideas, please let us know how you'd like to help. (

  1. An individual, or two or three, might volunteer to come into the church to use wood cleaner and then polish for all the pews and woodwork. This could be a morning or afternoon project for a couple of friends, who would social distance and enjoy the project.
  2. Make a financial donation to pay for the carpet cleaning in the church (around the Altar) in the Sacristy, the Lady Chapel and the parish offices.
  3. Contribute to a major brush removal by our landscapers on the western border of the church property. It has just accumulated over the years, is unsightly and even blocks the view of the approach to the church on Washington Valley Road.

Keeper of the Light

There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light" because it hangs in the sanctuary of the chancel (front of the church) lighting the Reserved Sacrament. It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. But during this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light for a period of one week at a time in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building.

Last week's Keeper of the Light was Carol Kinkead.
Next week's Keeper is Marlene Fizcko.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Call Us: 908-526-1350