Dear Friends in Christ,

Come Holy Spirit!

We are approaching Pentecost Sunday and praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us! I have enjoyed praying the Holy Spirit novena this week, with many of the days focusing on the various gifts of the Spirit, such as the gifts of knowledge, piety, fortitude, etc. While each of the prayers focused on being able to receive the gifts, which is very critical, I found my reflection was often on how I have already received and used these gifts in my life. It’s almost like the Lord was telling me, “See, you have already been given this gift, so keep on using it!” That was a good reminder. The power of God in the Holy Spirit was given to us at our Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation. In both of these sacraments, we were anointed with the fragrant Sacred Chrism Oil. We have th is “anointed power of God right now; it’s there for the using. We simply must be open and ask for an “enkindling” or a re-flaming of the fire of the Spirit in our lives. I would encourage you to make that your Mass intention for Pentecost. As the bread and wine are lifted up from the altar and offered to God, place that request right there. Ask our loving Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be enlivened in you; to ask that the gifts of the Spirit be shown clearly to you, so you know and experience what has been given to us.

One more thing. The Holy Spirit of God also brings about real communion. We need real communion now in our country and in the Church. There is so much division. Division is evil and evil often breeds more evil. We have seen that on display in Minneapolis this week when evil done upon one man has led to violence and destruction. Cycles of evil can only stop with God’s power of love and forgiveness, and our prayers, entering individual lives so that the conversion of the heart may take place. Conversion of heart is the only way. I love what Pope Benedict XVI once said about this: 

“The Spirit triggers a process of reunification of the divided and dispersed parts of the human family. People, often reduced to individuals in competition or in conflict with each other, when touched by the Spirit of Christ open themselves to the experience of communion.”

Making communion a reality is simple. It happens when the Holy Spirit convinces us that the good of the other person before us is greater than ourselves. That’s the fruit of Christian love and forgiveness. Let’s all give it try in an intentional way in the days ahead.

As I write this, I have before me about 25 pages of guidelines from the state and the archdiocese that will help us come up with a plan to reopen our parishes for daily and Sunday Mass in the weeks ahead, as we prepare to enter phase 2 of the Governor’s plan. These guidelines might seem onerous, but they are given to us to help us do what we can to minimize the risk of spreading the COVID virus. As I have said before, we don’t want to do anything to jeopardize what we have all endured for the past three months to stay healthy. To me, that would really be distressing. Please be assured that we will continue to livestream our Sunday Mass. We don’t have any end date for that in mind. We want to ensure that ALL of our parishioners have the opportunity to be united with us in the prayer of the Mass. Please also know that the Archbishop’s dispensation for the Sunday Mass obligation continues.

With all of this in mind, our parish staff will be working to get ready to re-open our parishes for Mass. If you are younger and healthy, please step up to the plate and volunteer to help us as we will need your help. And please keep all of this in your prayers, that we may soon come together and worship at the Mass very soon. And remember too, “ get used to different .”

Fr. David Mulholland
Bishop Mueggenborg explains why Catholics should sign Referendum 90 petitions and reject the new Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) law.

To watch the video

For a list of petition-signing locations which include Saint Patrick Catholic Church on Sunday May 31, 10 - 12 PM in the parking lot

To obtain R-90 petition. Please retunr petitions by June 1

Additional R-90 info is available on the WSCC website 
Subscribe on YouTube then set reminders to tune in to the scheduled livestream. Check-in on Facebook when you attend Mass so we can be together virtually as a faith community. Remember, our church is not empty— our church is deployed!
We're praying the rosary via Zoom every Friday at 4 PM. Email Kim Ward for log-in details.
This week we are sharing our stewardship "box score" to show you where we are in our financial commitment to our parishes. I am pleased that so many people have been able to maintain their stewardship commitments and some even increase them. That is a great help! Thank you. And also, so many have signed up for Online Giving (including myself!). If you haven't, please consider doing so. It's a great way to help us in our ability to keep our parishes thriving during challenging times. Many thanks for giving back to God for His many blessings to us all!

God bless,
Fr. David
Listen as Deacon Eric Paige from the Archdiocese of Seattle talk about how the Annual Catholic Appeal supports the office of Marriage, Family Life and Formation!

Your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) supports the mission of the Catholic Church in western Washington by funding Catholic social ministries, programs for youth and young adult ministries, Catholic Schools, faith programs, and the Inclusion ministry plus administrative support for 169 parishes and missions, such as liturgy guidance, evangelization, human resources, and much more.

This year, 10% of the funds collected from the ACA, INCLUDING our parish rebates, will be placed into a special Parish Solidarity Fund. Through this special tithe, your donations to the ACA will help our parishes continue our core mission of Word, Sacrament, and Charity. Typically proceeds exceeding the parish assigned goal are returned to the parish through a rebate to use for a needed parish project. This year, like all things, is a little different. If we exceed our parish goals and earn a rebate, our intent, as a show of camaraderie and fellowship with the 169 parishes and missions of the diocese, is to donate our rebate directly to Archbishop Etienne’s Parish Solidarity Fund, that will, in turn, use those funds to help parishes most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your contributions and generosity are deeply appreciated, much needed and make a real difference in the lives of many. Gifts can be made by mail or online now. Curious how our parishes are doing in the campaign? Click here for our weekly update .
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