July 2022
Canada Day - A federal statutory holiday that celebrates the anniversary of Canadian Confederation which occurred on July 1, 1867, with the passing of the British North America Act, 1867 where the three separate colonies of the United Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into a single Dominion within the British Empire called Canada. Learn more about Canada Day here.
The Fourth of July- also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades, and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues. This month, Independence Day was celebrated on Monday, July 4, 2022. Learn more here.

Eid-ul-Adha - One of Islam’s most important holidays. Usually lasting three to four days, and celebrated by millions of Muslims worldwide, the holiday begins on the 10th day of the Muslim calendar lunar month of Dhul-Hijja, at the time of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Learn more here.
American Disability Act Anniversary

CIE San Diego is proud to support the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 32nd Anniversary. On July 26th we celebrate this important civil rights law that works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Celebrate with us by visiting and sharing the amazing resources provided on their website here. Learn more about the ADA here.
Exodus Recovery, Inc
City of Vista - Encampment Resolution Program

The City of Vista Encampment Resolution Program (ERP) is a new and ground-breaking program for the City of Vista. The program is charged with providing case management and homeless outreach services within a targeted area in the City of Vista. These services are aimed to assist individuals experiencing homelessness by providing access to Community Health Workers, Care Managers and Housing Navigators who are able to assess their situation and link them to external community resources such as medical/behavioral/dental benefits, substance abuse treatment, and housing assistance. Team members will conduct street outreach to engage with new and existing clients to provide case management and housing navigation services.
Veterans Village San Diego

Provides short-term financial assistance to support housing stabilization and case management for individuals and families that are at imminent risk of losing their housing and have exhausted all other options. Individuals and families will be screened and prioritized as capacity permits. Financial assistance may vary. Case management includes, employment, housing, basic needs, financial education and budgeting skills, benefits applications and referrals to outside services as needed.
Referral Spotlight
Calfresh Application Enrollment

Did you know that many CIE partners offer Calfresh Application assistance in-person and over the phone?

Using CIE, you can send a direct referral to connect clients to Calfresh Application Enrollment. To find locations that assist, Sign-in to the CIE Partner Community and search for "Food Stamps/SNAP Applications"

Clients can also sign up online or by calling 2-1-1.
 The Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN) is hosting this free, virtual, multi-day conference on Sept 15, Sept 27, and Oct 12 (each day from 9-12 pm PT) to explore how social care research can become a stronger tool for advancing racial health equity. Presentation and discussion topics will include discrimination in health and social care; the use of equity assessments and equity outcomes in social care research; and strategies for centering lived experience expertise in social care design and evaluation. For details and to register, click here.
2022 Community Information Exchange
California Forum
August 25-26, 2022 | San Diego, CA
San Diego State University's Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center
View the Updated Agenda and
Meet our Speakers!
Lauren Taylor, MDiv, MPH, PhD
NYU Langmore School of Medicine
Damon Francis, MD
Health Leads
Aligning California: Maximizing Opportunities to Advance Local Community-Led Networks

California is leading the nation in community health and systems change innovation. Recent local and state policy proposals prioritize funding to support data-sharing infrastructure, with an emphasis on technology-enabled person-centered care models. The Community Information Exchange (CIE) model can be used to design systems that meet the needs of Medicaid recipients and other vulnerable populations while prioritizing local community governance.

We’re bringing together CIE organizations and other stakeholders from across California to explore how we can leverage the CIE to achieve systems change and prepare for future funding opportunities that support community health.
CIE Monthly Orientation
Why join?
This meeting is for new and current CIE partners who may need some support with engaging and navigating CIE.
CIE partners who have new staff this is a great way for new team members to learn more about CIE.

Topics Discussed:
What is CIE?
Roles & Responsibilities
CIE Partner Network
Ways to Engage in CIE
Uses of CIE
Getting Started
Next Steps
Second Tuesday from 9:30–10:30 am

Meeting Dates:

Aug. 9, 2022
Sept. 13, 2022
Oct. 11, 2022
Nov. 8, 2022
Dec. 13, 2022
Affinity Group Sign-Up
  The Affinity Group experience: A supportive environment for partners to brainstorm, problem-solve and innovate. Come together to learn & apply your ideas in real-time.
Together, we will define practical uses of CIE within your program’s design and strengthen partnerships and network along the way.  
Intrigued? Sign-up here.

CIE Monthly Office Hours

Reach out to the CIE Helpdesk to schedule a training session for you and your team.
Keep Your Services Updated

Providing accurate referrals would not be possible without your commitment to providing us with the most up-to-date information.

To make updates or add new programs and services to your agency profile in the 211 San Diego database, sign in to the partner community or connect to our dedicated Resource Team at 
CIE Partner Gathering

The CIE Partner Network works to improve the overall service delivery system for clients. Our meeting provides a forum for partners to share updates about ongoing CIE Initiatives, share trends in our community, and collaborate on how we as a network are leveraging our partnership, data sharing, and the CIE technology platform to address the social determinants of health and increase health equity.

Join us for a range of content. Each month, we may dive into the latest technology projects, elicit feedback on the platform’s care coordination tools, or spotlight programs and supports for unique populations. The partner gathering is a space to engage with peers across our shared network. Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) at 9:00 am via zoom.

The next CIE Partner gathering is on July 28 at 9:00 am
211 San Diego is Hiring!

To apply and see other opportunities, click here.
Alpha Project for the Homeless is Hiring!
See all opportunities here.

To apply and see other opportunities, click here.
International Rescue Committee is Hiring!
See all opportunities here.

Click on each to see the description.
San Diego Workforce Partnership is Hiring!
See all opportunities here.

Click on each to see the description.
To include your positions in our next newsletter, please email by
August 10, 2022.

We look forward to sharing your opportunities!