June 2021
2021 Fishing Licenses are Available Online
Fishing Fuels Conservation!
100% of your investment funds fish and fishing
Fishing is a great way to spend time outdoors, reduce stress, and possibly catch a tasty meal. The Fisheries Division along with the CDC, State of CT DPH, and the DEEP strongly encourage social distancing and not fishing with anyone other than people living in the same space.
Latest Updates from the Fisheries Division
To advance the conservation, enhancement, restoration, use, and appreciation of Connecticut’s fish, fisheries and fish habitats.
Save the Dates "Free Fishing License Days - June 20, 2021 and August 14, 2021": Everyone can get a one day fishing license for FREE. The FREE one day fishing license will be available three weeks prior to each date. Lots of great places to fish - check out the interactive Trout Stocking Map, CT is Fishy or the Saltwater Resource Map for ideas on places to go.
Circle Hooks Required for Striped Bass. Effective December 1, 2020 it is mandatory to use inline circle hooks whenever fishing with bait (live, dead, or cut) for Striped Bass. Please view our web page for the latest information and details.
Trout Season to be Open Year-Round. Governor Ned Lamont signed into law, Public Act 21-12, which removes the closed season for trout going forward. The Fisheries Division is working to address how this new law impacts current fishing regulations and will have a draft available for public comment later in 2021.
Channel Catfish Stocked! Our Community Fishing Waters were stocked with Channel Catfish on Friday, May 21, 2021. These Channel Catfish were purchased from a commercial vendor in Arkansas. Channel Catfish will take a variety of baits from chicken livers, night crawlers, chunks of bluegill, plastic lures, swimming lures, and even power bait. Good luck and enjoy!
Relax and Fish with CARE -
ZOOM Classes and Special Fishing Events
The CT DEEP Fisheries Division is offering you the opportunity to learn to fish for FREE! 
Register for a ZOOM Introduction to Fishing course, offered weekly, to learn all the basics of fishing from the comfort of your couch. Then put your knew skills to the test, while enjoying some time spent out of doors!
Join us at a FREE upcoming Fishing Field Trip! We provide all the rods, bait, tackle, and instruction. You just need a fishing license if 16 years and older and be ready to have some fun! You can view a schedule of fishing field trips for now through June below, and register HERE by searching "Fishing Field Trip" in the filter by event box. The fishing has been AWESOME over the past month of events, with hundreds of 1st catches consisting of many species of fish.
FREE Fishing License
You can get your FREE 1-day fishing license, valid for Sunday, June 20, 2021 online through our sporting license system. Anyone age 16 or older is elidable to get the free 1-day license. A great way to take friends and family outside to relax and enjoy the many benefits fishing has to offer.
Video of the Month - Panfish
Trout are not the only game in town. Summer in CT is perfect for "panfish", which can be found in nearly every lake/pond in the state. Panfish provide endless fishing entertainment and can be a very tasty meal. Check out our Panfish Primer web page.
Spawning Can Be Stressful!
You may notice some dead sunfish, largemouth bass, or calico bass at your favorite local pond. While fish kills can be disturbing, this time of year, spawning time for bass and sunfish, can be stressful and even deadly. The act of building a nest, defending it, and putting all of their energy into passing on genes to the next generation can lead to a weakened fish, which then can become infected with a very common and prevalent bacteria in the Aeromonas group. Get more info about spring spawning related fish kills in our FACTSHEET.
Circle Hooks Now Mandatory - Striped Bass
"We're trying to help conserve a stock of fish that is in an overfished condition and needs help. By using inline circle hooks, people are pitching in to that effort."- Justin Davis, Assistant Director, Marine Fisheries Program

This regulation was mandated by Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and is being adopted by all Atlantic coast states. View the regulation change.

For more info visit our web page, view our fact sheet, or watch the video below.
Learn to Fish Videos on YouTube
Let's Go Fishing YouTube playlist: To enhance our very popular "Let's Go Fishing" workbook, we have created a short series of instructional fishing videos on DEEP's YouTube channel. These videos are a DIY way to get the instruction delivered during our Introduction to Fishing classes, which have been suspended indefinitely due to the Corona Virus Pandemic.
This Month's Mystery Fish
Fishing Challenge - For YOUth
Fishing is the perfect family activity during this time of "distance learning" and being "socially distant". CT's FREE Youth Fishing Passport is your child's ticket to all of the amazing outdoor discoveries fishing has to offer. Fishing involves knowing about habitat, environmental quality, food webs, life history of species, and so much more. You can get a Youth Fishing Passport, for those 15 or younger, using our online licensing system. Register your child as a new user. If you have questions please contact us.
Fishing Challenge Scorecard
The Youth Fishing Passport Fishing Challenge is a year long fishing scavenger hunt. To have your catch count, simple snap a photo of your fish (from our scorecard) and email it to us. The top four anglers (who catch the most different types on our list) receive a prize pack full of fishing swag.
Fishing Guide - Access Online Anytime
The 2021 Fishing Guide is available in English and Spanish.
Mystery Fish Revealed
Last month's mystery fish was a release from an aquarium, a species of suckermouth catfish, that is definitely not native to North America! The common pleco can be found at just about every pet supply store. We must remind everyone that releasing fish to the environment can result in serious issues. If you fish has outgrown your tank or your ability to care for it, please seek out other aquarium hobbyist who may be interested in adoption or humanely euthanize the fish. DO NOT RELEASE!!

Your E-Tackle Box