Renowned Economist Eugenio Aleman to Keynote at Annual Conference
CASA invites you to join us as we host our Annual Conference on August 10 - 12 at the Resort at Squaw Creek! We are pleased to announce that we will be welcoming keynote speaker Eugenio Alemán, Ph.D., the Chief Economist for the Investment Strategy group at Raymond James and former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. Back in 2020, we heard from Eugenio’s colleague Larry Adam, who provided his perspective on what to expect from the economy and the country as a result of the unprecedented changes brought about by the pandemic. Now, two years later, attendees can get Eugenio’s perspective on how things have changed, what to expect from inflation and the stock market, and a variety of topics that provide crucial economic understanding that extends beyond the water sector. You won’t want to miss it! Registration, hotel and COVID related information is available on the CASA webpage. We look forward to seeing you there!
* Reminder: The hotel block closes on July 19, so be sure to book today! *
CASA Wraps up Successful Webinar Series
After we made the tough decision to cancel the CASA Winter Conference in January, CASA staff got to work crafting an alternative so members could still have access to the timely and important information we were planning as part of the program. Running from March to the end of June 2022, we hosted a series of CASA-led “Ask the Experts” webinars. Experts in the field discussed the hot topics all clean water agencies are concerned with, including infrastructure funding, climate resiliency, public messaging, PFAS, and more! The live webinars were recorded and are available for viewing here along with the accompanying PowerPoints. Thank you to all 400+ people who joined us for these informative sessions!
Calling All Mentors and Mentees!
Join us for the CASA Mentoring Program in 2022-23 as a mentor or mentee to inspire others, share knowledge and drive change! This program serves to connect clean water professionals from across the state of California. Working with Core Consulting, which has a depth of experience developing mentoring and training programs working with public agencies, CASA will match mentor/mentee pairs based on their professional goals, preferences, and experience. The program is open to both associates and agency members, and this year we plan to add additional resources and opportunities for participants. There are limited spots available, so apply today! Want to learn more? Join us for a virtual information session on Thursday, July 21, from 12:00pm - 12:30pm or Wednesday, August 17, from 11:30am - 12:00pm and be sure to visit the CASA LEAD webpage!
*Registration Closes on August 26*
We anticipate spots to fill quickly, so be sure to apply for the mentoring program today!
For questions, contact CASA’s Manager of Communications, Alyssa Downs at
Welcome New Agency Member

CASA Annual Business Meeting and Election of Directors
CASA will hold its annual business meeting August 10-12 during the Annual Conference at the Resort at Squaw Creek. During the meeting, members will be asked to elect a slate of four director positions to the CASA board of directors and approve the annual dues resolution.
The dues resolution includes an increase of approximately 5% for both agency
members and associate members. It has been several years since CASA has proposed
a dues increase. CASA did not propose any dues changes in FY 2022, and although we
adjusted our member dues tiers in FY 2021, this was a revenue neutral endeavor
designed to smooth the transition between tiers for agencies and encourage recruitment
and retention of smaller agencies. A 5% dues increase will ensure that CASA is able to
keep up with record high inflation and rising costs, and continue to deliver high quality
services and advocacy on behalf of our members. Emails to each agency’s designated representative were sent out with the President’s memorandum, dues resolution, and consent to electronic transmission forms. Representatives attending the conference may cast their votes up until 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 11. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Federal Update
Coalition Letter Sent to USEPA and OMB
CASA, as part of a coalition of organizations representing the water and wastewater sectors and local government, sent a letter  to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) emphasizing the concern that designating PFOS and PFOA as hazardous substances under CERCLA will have significant financial impacts for local governments and urging that as the agencies continue to work to propose a hazardous substance designation for the chemicals, a transparent rulemaking process is followed. Specifically, the letter requests that as the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs completes its review the proposed rule to designate the chemicals as hazardous substances under CERCLA, that "the proposal is accompanied by and consistent with a robust economic analysis" that adheres to existing federal rulemaking guidance.
In Case You Missed It
NACWA Releases White Paper on Critical Need to Maintain Biosolids Management Options
NACWA has developed a policy paper outlining the importance to clean water utilities of maintaining all three well-regulated options for biosolids management – incineration, landfilling, and land application – even in the wake of concerns over per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals. Responding to policy decisions such as the Maine legislature’s complete ban on sustainable land application practices, the paper makes the case that taking any single biosolids management option off the table absent scientific rigor and honest, comprehensive policy assessments will cause serious harm to local communities and could inadvertently cripple the ability of utilities to protect public health and the environment. Read more here.
Member News
Clean and Efficient Energy Project Expected to Save $83 Million
The Board of Directors of West County Wastewater (WCW) has announced plans for a comprehensive energy, infrastructure, and process improvement project designed to significantly reduce the organization’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. This infrastructure upgrade project will reduce West County Wastewater’s overall greenhouse gas emissions by 93 percent at WCW’s Water Quality and Resource Recovery Plant and is expected to save more than $83 million over the project’s lifetime. “To us, community and environmental stewardship is about more than providing wastewater services,” said Andrew Clough, WCW Deputy General Manager. “It is about working together to encourage and employ healthy industry and environmental practices that will benefit the region, our communities, and our ecosystem for years ahead.” Read more in the news article here.
Careers and Opportunities
Visit CASA's Job Board.
CASA represents more than 125 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.