04 June 2021

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
The biocontrol approach is being sold as a better way to prevent future mice plagues. (Supplied: NSW Farmers Association)

As communities and farmers continue to battle the mouse plague, a funding announcement for genetic biocontrol research could be a potential game changer for future plagues. 

Victorians must now check in at all retail stores, supermarkets and cafes, in a move health authorities hope will allow them to chase down "every single person who might be exposed" to coronavirus.

If you’ve got a farm-gate outlet or are making deliveries, make sure you follow the rules so we can get this in hand!
COVID restrictions: stay informed
The current Victorian restrictions remind us all that it’s important to keep up with the changing status of pandemic regulations across the board. You can access state-specific information on COVID-19 from the links below:

The Barwon River at Brewarrina during the drought in 2019 and in flood last month. Scientists predict the Murray-Darling basin faces more dry years and fewer wet years. (ABC News: Nathan Morris) 

Data from the CSIRO shows there has been a huge fall in inflows across the Murray-Darling Basin in the past 20 years. Lower rainfall translates to a big drop in water flowing into streams, rivers and dams across Australia's largest river system. Dr Francis Chiew, a research group leader in water resources assessment and prediction at the CSIRO, said long-term rain trends suggested a significant reduction in water availability in the Murray-Darling system.
South-west WA experienced droughts of more than 30 years in past centuries, a new study shows. (ABC News: Andrew O'Connor)

Scientists analysing growth rings of 700-year-old native cypress trees in Western Australia's Wheatbelt say the region suffered a series of megadroughts lasting up to 30 years in past centuries. The study has also suggested the region was comparatively blessed with rain during the 20th century.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
2021 Olive Industry Communications Survey – please share your feedback

The Australian Olive Association (AOA) operates a communications and extension program for the benefit of growers and our broader industry. With several years of the current program now completed, they are seeking your feedback to help measure the impact of the program. 
They want to identify the most effective platforms for delivering R&D outcomes and technical information to you, and how this information has assisted your business. They’re also keen know if there are other sources of technical information you use, to ensure they’ve got the right mix.
The survey asks questions about various aspects of the communications and extension program. All answers remain confidential and will only be reported as aggregated numbers or anonymous comments.
If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please grab a coffee and take five or 10 minutes to add your input.
Take the survey here.

Have you been restricted by a trade barrier while exporting?
As a strong trading nation, trade is vital for the strength and prosperity of the Australian economy. Exporters and importers have benefitted from the opportunities provided by the removal and reduction of tariffs. 
The Export Council of Australia is aware of the growing number of trade barriers that businesses are faced with across their supply chains and export markets. The Trade Barriers Register is a tool created to assist Australian businesses through identifying and understanding where trade barriers are experienced and how these issues can be communicated to the government for action.  
The Trade Barriers Register allows you to share information on barriers that you may have experienced, during the importing or exporting process, or due to regulatory barriers within Australia.
More information here.
Large solar and wind projects are spreading across rural Australia, providing cheaper, more reliable energy. (Supplied: David Gonsalves)

Farmer Jon Elder has saved almost $200,000 a year by switching to a solar-powered irrigation pump on his cotton farm, and he is not alone. Big and small farm businesses are making the switch, but there are some pitfalls.
New commodities added to Austrade's Digital Export Tool 

The number of commodities in the Austrade export services laws and regulations tool has been doubled, so more food and agribusiness exporters looking to find new market opportunities have access to the latest rules, tariffs and trade agreements relevant to their product. New information is available for cotton, dried herbs, tea, coffee, spices and other processed plant products. And yes, there is information under ‘olives’ – take a look here.
NFF Towards 2030 Forum – Barossa Valley
The NFF is hosting a national forum series, aimed at taking stock of progress towards the 2030 Roadmap goals to become Australia's next $100 billion industry. Next week they head to the Barossa Valley, hosting the Towards 2030 Forum in partnership with Primary Producers SA.
Speakers will include:
  • Hon Dan Tehan MP - Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment
  • Michelle Edge - Chief Executive, PIRSA
  • Paul McNamara - Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture (Cth)
  • Kim Krogh-Anderson - Group Executive, Product & Technology, Telstra
  • Richard Heath - Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute
  • Fiona Simson - President of the National Farmers' Federation
Details: Tuesday, 8 June - 8:30am-5:30pm ACST - Novotel Barossa Valley Resort, Rowland Flat.
Limited seats are still available, at a cost of $100 pp ($50 for Primary Producers SA members). More information and register here.

2021 South Australian Premier's Food and Beverage Industry Awards
The 2021 South Australian Premier's Food and Beverage Industry Awards are now open for entry. A chance to celebrate and share your success with your team, your customers and your industry, the awards provide winners and finalists with a point of difference and a powerful recommendation for their products in domestic and export markets.
Key dates:
Entries now open
7 June - Entrant information session, 4pm. Register your interest here
5 July - Entries close 5pm
12 July-20 September - Consumer Award voting opens
16 August-3 September - site visit/interview with the judges for shortlisted candidates  
22 September - Award finalists and Consumer Award Top 20 announced
12 November - Winners announced at Gala Dinner.
More information here.
New Zealand
It’s great to see that New Zealand media are celebrating local producers’ success and spreading the word about NZ EVOO …

Waikawa Glen's award-winning olive oils from 2020.

Thrilled and overwhelmed, Lisa Buchan and partner Glenn Wigley, of Waikawa Glen Olive Oil, have won gold at the prestigious New York International Olive Oil Competition for their 2020 blend.
Juno Olives owners Andrew and Helen Liley with their award-winning olive oil. Photo: Tom Taylor.

Wairarapa olive oil wins internationally
Three Wairarapa olive growers have impressed international judges to win top awards at the world’s most prestigious olive oil competition. At the 2021 New York International Olive Oil Competition, Wairarapa’s Loopline Olives won two gold medals, while Olive Black won one gold medal, and Juno Olives won one gold medal.
Photo: Boundary Bend 

Officials from the company said the medium-density groves provide them with the flexibility to select the best olive variety for each growing condition.

When you consider flavor, health and the environment, olive oil is the best value cooking oil you can buy. Joseph R. Profaci of the North American Olive Oil Association explains why.  

A new study shows that the consumption of olive oil played a role in maintaining cardiovascular health and mobility in elderly Sardinians.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
We’re now nearly half-way through 2021, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Olive oil consumption and imports to the United States continue to grow, making the country one of the world’s most lucrative markets for olive oil sellers. Estimates for the 2020/21 crop year show both figures falling slightly compared to the record highs set in 2019/20, but continuing to confirm the upward trend of the previous three decades.
Asia’s love for EVOO shows no sign of slowing down, with producers like the Xiangyu Olive Development Co making oil on par or better than their Mediterranean counterparts. Image: Xiangyu Olive Development Co.

Top-quality extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) evokes images of sunny Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Greece and Italy - places where olive trees have been grown for millennia for their precious essence.
However, thanks to a number of Chinese and Japanese producers who are making olive oil whose quality is on par with or better than that of their Italian and Spanish counterparts, this picture is changing.

A recently published study from researchers in Spain recommends heating olives during the washing process to improve yield quantity and quality. Most olive growers keep and ship their fruits in refrigerated storage. Refrigeration slows bacterial growth and helps stop fermentation.

Given harvest here is mostly in the cooler months, and most processing is done within 24 hours of picking, refrigeration is not generally an issue in Aust/NZ but it’s an interesting discussion on both methods and oil quality.
What's On

7-9 June 
Hort Connections 2021 – Brisbane, Qld

11 June
Return of Invitation to Participate forms, AGOA – NE VIC

1 July
Entries open, Australian International Olive Awards

1 July
Entries open, Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

5 July
Closing date for entry forms and samples, AGOA – NE VIC

21 July
Entries open, Royal Tasmanian Fine food Awards

2 August
Entries open, Hunter Olive Show

4-5 August
Soil Health and Biology Masterclass 2021

13 August
Entries close, Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

16 August
Entries open Olives NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand

23 August
Entries open, 2021 WA Olive Awards

29 August
Results announced, AGOA – NE VIC

Results announced, 2021 Sydney Fine Foods Olive Show 2nd June

1 September
Awards Dinner, Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

3 September
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards

3 September
AGOA Presentation Dinner – Wangaratta, VIC

3 September
Entries close, Hunter Olive Show

9 September
Entries close, 2021 WA Olive Awards

10 September
Entries close Olives NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand

7 October
Awards night, Hunter Olive Show

9 October    
Olives NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ

15 October
Results announced, Australian International Olive Awards

15-17 October
2021 National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition - Devonport, Tasmania

20 October (TBC)
Results announced, 2021 WA Olive Awards

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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