Youth Ministry
Connect, study, serve, and have fun!
Congratulations to everyone who auditioned for Godspell Junior on Sunday! Your many talents and obvious enthusiasm made a huge impression on our panel of judges, and we are really excited to announce that we are officially moving forward on this big project! While the cast list and the full rehearsal/filming schedule are being created this week and will be released by Friday at 5:00, here is what you need to know for the time being:

* If you auditioned on Sunday, then you earned a role, and now need to pick up your script/music book at the church to begin studying. At some point this week, please drop by the church office between 8:30 and 4:00, and someone will give this to you. Please contact me if you absolutely cannot make that happen this week.

* The orientation and first reading of the script will happen this coming Sunday, January 31, from 4:00 to 6:00 via the regular Youth Group Zoom link. It is imperative that everyone in the cast attend, so that we can collectively get a feel for the show. If you did not audition on Sunday, but still want to be in the production in some way, please feel free to join us!

We will release much more scheduling information next week, but in the meantime, let me reiterate that this production will be in an outdoor/prerecorded format this spring, with the goal of filming the show before Memorial Day so that we can stream our recording in June. While the rehearsal schedule will require some flexibility of format as we await the lifting of the 10-person limit for gatherings, we can say with confidence that the majority of rehearsals will be held on Sunday afternoons.

Even with so much uncertainty in our lives, I can honestly say that I am very excited about this adventure that we are starting together. I pray that you will enjoy the process just as much as - if not more than - the final product. The enduring message of Godspell has a lot of powerful things to teach us about the world in which we live, and the "beautiful city" that we can build together through Christ who strengthens us.

In Christ,

Zoom Link, Password - RUMCYouth
Join us next Sunday!
Sunday School @ 10:00 am along with Youth Group @ 10 am for this Sunday!

Now that we are definitely moving forward with Godspell Junior we'll be able to structure youth group activities around that, and in coming weeks it will become clearer. So, for this Sunday, our youth group/youth music activities look like this:

10 am - combined youth group/youth Sunday School.
4-6 pm - full cast online read through for Godspell.

As we move into February and rehearsals involve smaller groups either in person or online we will have afternoon youth group options available as well but felt for this week, partly to limit screen time, it's best to have one combined session in the morning. This is a really exciting project to have moving forward, and will undoubtedly need some flexibility as we navigate the Covid-19 environment. Please watch this space and social media/texts for updates in coming weeks.

All online youth activities (Sunday School, Youth Group, Confirmation, Youth Council and any extras, will now all normally use the same Zoom link, below.)

New Zoom Link - Password RUMCYouth

There is no class this Sunday.
Sign up for Remind Texts
Get friendly reminders for all our activities by signing up for our texts through Remind app by texting @rumc-youth to 81010. This is particularly helpful for last minute changes etc.

Please complete an online youth permission form for each youth (sixth to 12th grade) in your family. The form is required for participation in youth and music ministry activities. Complete form
Youth Music Ensembles

Local COVID statistics will largely determine the appropriate return date for youth music ensembles. While we have been projecting a February 14 start date for all three ensembles, it's becoming increasingly likely that a later date may be necessary. We will update you as this becomes clear, and appreciate your patience as we wait.
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Reveille United Methodist Church