I am excited that spring is now fast approaching! But it seems to come earlier each year and the old adage about March being "in like a lion and out like a lamb" doesn't seem to hold true as much as it once did. Scientists have long cautioned that our weather is becoming more unpredictable due to increased levels of certain greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide, and we are now experiencing increased variability firsthand. Scientists have also identified that a critical factor in absorbing higher atmospheric levels of carbon is to ensure that our forests, peat bogs and farms remain protected (planting more trees helps too). By protecting our trees, meadows and soils, we allow carbon dioxide loving plants and other organisms to simply do what they do naturally. This is why land conservation is more relevant and important than ever!


William D. Kastning, AICP
Executive Director

P.S. Join us on Thursday, March 12th as we learn more about the amazing work of a National Geographic explorer You will be enthralled and at the same time help raise funds to continue saving land in Monmouth County. See more below!