See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
June 3, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Debbie Jorgen's Message
Dear Friends In Christ, 

Since this coming weekend is my last weekend at Grace, Pastor Joanna asked if I would like to preach. I have never before turned down an invitation to preach – at Grace or anywhere else. It’s a privilege to proclaim the gospel, and I love preaching. But this time I declined the offer, in part because I knew that realistically I would be busy wrapping things up and cleaning out my office during my last week on staff, and because in all honesty, I’m not sure I would be able to hold it together. The decision to resign my position at Grace was tough, and leaving is hard.  

On Pentecost Sunday two years ago, I preached about the Holy Spirit’s tendency to show up in ways we never anticipate and can’t even imagine. That had certainly been the case when the Spirit led me to Grace in the early summer of 2018. Months before coming here, I had become increasingly aware of a subtle, uneasy feeling that something new was on the horizon. Given previous experience, I was pretty sure this gentle but persistent nudge was none other than the Holy Spirit. So I began praying for discernment, a prayer that continued for months on end without yielding any answers.

Eventually, I came to the realization that even though I had told God I was open to going wherever the Spirit led me, I wasn’t. Because oftentimes in my prayers, instead of just listening, I would share my ideas with God about where I thought my gifts might best be used and places I thought would provide opportunities for my ongoing development. In other words, my prayer sounded like, “I’ll go wherever you want me to, Lord, but….”
I maintained the façade for quite some time, pretending to be completely open to the Spirit, knowing full well (if I had been willing to admit it!) that God could see right through me. Finally, I gave in. I stopped talking so much, started listening more, and prayed that God would help me to be open to whatever possibilities lie ahead. And almost immediately, I became aware of the Director of Outreach Ministries position at Grace. I threw my name in the hat, trusting that if I got the job, it would be because this is where the Spirit was leading me.
I am profoundly grateful for my three years on staff and for the countless ways I’ve seen the Spirit at work in and through the people of Grace, loving and encouraging one another and reaching out to care for the most vulnerable among us. My plan wasn’t to leave so early. But several months ago, I got that old, familiar nudge. As usual, I resisted at first. After all, I have come to love the people of Grace, and there’s exciting work ahead! But the Holy Spirit is persistent. And although I’m sad to leave Grace, I’m excited to begin a chaplaincy internship at Mercy Hospital next fall. I don’t know where it will lead, but I know who is leading me and that’s all that matters.
Thanks be to God that Pentecost wasn’t a “one and done” deal! The Spirit is alive and well, bringing us – individually and collectively – into a new future. I will be praying for you, friends, as the Spirit leads God’s beloved community of Grace Lutheran Church in ways beyond your wildest imagination!
Debbie Jorgens

Online Worship is now being recorded at our Saturday evening service. Online Worship will not be posted until late on Saturday nights. It will be available here for you to join us online on Sunday morning.

For In-person Worship, we are no longer asking for people to sign up for a worship service. We do ask you to stay home if you are sick and to follow all of our COVID-19 protective guidelines, including wearing masks indoors and social distancing. Thank you!
Summer Worship Hours
5:00 pm on Saturdays*
8:30 am on Sundays
10:00 am on Sundays
Outdoor Worship

*Starting on Saturday June 5th, our Saturday night worship will be outside in the courtyard at 5pm. Please bring your own lawn chair. All are welcome to attend. We will have chalk for kids. In case of rain or high heat indices, worship will move inside.
Ministries News
Sunday Zoom Fellowship

The Sunday Zoom Fellowship is at a new meeting time each Sunday at 11:30am! Please join us for fun and fellowship!
Graceful Seniors Tuesday
June 8th at 8:30-10:00 am

Graceful Seniors is meeting next Tuesday, June 8th, 8:30-10:00 am for breakfast, fellowship, and our story study. We are collecting a free will offering for coffee and donuts as well as other Graceful Senior funds. Please bring your story packet and the stories you have authored. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. 
VBS Registration is LIVE!

Sunday, June 13th
Kick-off family event.
Come, worship, and play -activities for the whole family!

June 14th-17th 6:00pm-7:30pm
(June 18th: Rain Day)

Register on Realm. Cost is $10.00 for a camp T-shirt! 

Our theme this year is "I Wonder." Kids are naturally curious, and when you’re curious about who God is it’s easy to grow your relationship with Jesus. That’s why, in this 4-part series for Vacation Bible School, we’re going to engage kids’ imaginations!​ Kids will not only get curious about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — but also about the God who created it all! They’ll hear from early church leaders like Paul, Peter, John, and Timothy, who helped the first Jesus-followers wonder what made their stories unique, what gifts God gave them (and how they could use those gifts to serve), what they could learn from others, and how they could spend time with God.
Hello OK@Play Friends!
Thanks to Vickie Mead and the Stang’s for the concert options! We’ve made our decision and Save The Date!
 Thursday, June 24 
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Magic 70’s Sunshine Band (an ultimate tribute to the 70’s)

The Draw Park & Amphitheater
7401 Ramsey Parkway
Ramsey, MN
This is free, no RSVP needed. Bring your own chair, maybe a beverage, and bug spray. Whatever you feel you will need. 
Will I see everyone up doing the hip hop with the music?! See you there!

Questions? Contact Ann Lange, Mary Jo Trapp, or Deb Stang
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Want to get involved at Grace?
We have the several opportunities!

  • We are looking for people to help run PowerPoint and our streaming for all of our worship services. We will train you and guide you through the process. This is a perfect activity for youth and parents to do together. Please contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell if you are interested at

  • Looking for people to help with Altar Guild for all worship services. It is a simple, behind the scene way to help with worship. You will be trained and guided. Please contact Marie Kolar if you are willing to help at

  • Do you like to sing and be involved in Music Ministry? Then you are who we are looking for! We are looking for choir members for both traditional and contemporary choirs. If you are interested please contact David Phelps at
VBS Supplies Needed

It is that time of year where we are busy preparing for Vacation Bible School. We need your help! Please check the bulletin board in the narthex for supplies we need in order to make this year's VBS successful. We are also collecting and need 5X7 frames (one per child), milk cartons, juice jugs, paper towel and toilet paper rolls, rubber bands, plastic containers, bottles, egg cartons, other recyclables for making robots, boats, and rockets! We will be collecting supplies until June 6th. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Maria Markman at
Noisy Offerings

Noisy Offering for June 1st-15th will be directed to the Center for Leadership & Neighborhood Engagement in Minneapolis. This nonprofit organization, led by the Rev. Kelly Chatman, mobilizes congregations and leaders to be powerful neighborhood-based agents for positive social change. 

Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

For all who call upon your healing name: Elisha Shores, Jane Robinson, Lloyd Burch, Rob, Ralph Wernimont, Stephanie Fernandez, Samantha Fernandez, Paul Phelps, Joyce Kreun, Dean Corey, Shirley Kirkendall, Shane Larson, Lois Golie, Sonja Hawn, Justin Richards, Carroll Potter, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont.
For those who mourn, bring comfort and peace. We pray especially for Chad, Jen & Faith Kettering as they mourn the death of Chad’s Uncle Mark Kettering and Grandmother, Cleo Belk.
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.
Building Task Force Update
Your Input is Needed!

Our architects are asking for YOUR input on where the needs are for different spaces with in our building. Please provide your input here! There are two different surveys on Grace Lutheran's web site. One survey is for those who are blessed to be leading a particular ministry group and another survey for everyone. Please take the time to fill out a survey to make your wishes heard about how we can improve Grace's building.