Friday, May 29, 2020
COVID-19 Update from the Department of Medicine
As of May 29, 2020 in Nova Scotia
positive tests
(905 in Central Zone)
negative tests
currently in hospital (non-ICU)
currently in hospital (ICU)
* May 29 is the first day that no new positive tests were reported since testing increased in March.

SHORT Report
Clarification on expanded symptoms and testing
On May 22, NS Department of Health and Wellness broadened the symptom criteria for when to swab individuals for COVID‐19, in efforts to maximize case finding as the province considers reopening.

Surveillance Swabbing Criteria (SSC)
This surveillance effort affects the Primary Assessment Centres (PACs) and no other clinical services in NSHA.

Has the Risk Assessment Criteria (RAC) changed?
Yes. New or worsening shortness of breath has been added to the other five criteria because it is an important symptom of moderate‐to‐severe COVID‐19.:

  1. new or worsening cough
  2. fever
  3. runny nose/nasal congestion
  4. sore throat
  5. headache
  6. new or worsening shortness of breath

A patient must still have 2 of the first 6 criteria to satisfy the RAC.

Additional symptoms used by primary assessment centres (as of May 22):
  1. muscle aches
  2. sneezing
  3. hoarse voice
  4. diarrhea
  5. unusual fatigue
  6. loss of sense of smell or taste
  7. red, purple or blueish lesions on the feet, toes or fingers without clear cause

Why are there two sets of criteria?
The reason for increasing the number of different symptoms that meet swabbing criteria and requiring only one symptom (rather than two) is to learn whether people with COVID‐19 are being missed with the more restricted criteria.
View pdf document on the NSHA COVID Hub:

Reappointment to Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
Congratulations to Dr. Evelyn Sutton, Division of Rheumatology, on her reappointment as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME), for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2020.
Service Reintroduction
Service reintroduction information for NSHA

  • Service reintroduction is outlined by zone
Government of Nova Scotia

Next Steps to Reopen Nova Scotia, Support for Businesses Announced
May 27, 2020 | news release

  • June 5 - most businesses and other health providers that were required to close under the public health order can reopen with public health protocols.

  • Child care - Public health continues to work with the child care sector on a plan to reopen safely. June 15 is the new goal to reopen.

  • Existing public health directives around physical distancing and gathering limits remain in place. People must keep two metres apart and not gather in groups of more than five.
Resident Research Supervisor database
The Department of Medicine Resident Research Supervisor database is a list of DoM faculty who would potentially supervise a resident in a research project or case report.
  • This list is provided to current and incoming residents on July 1st to assist residents in finding a supervisor, and as well provides a snapshot of the work taking place in the divisions (there is not a match-making process, the list is for information only).

  • If your information was included on the previous year’s list, Heather Fraser ( will contact you directly to confirm if you would like to have the same information displayed for the 2020-21 year.
If you are interested in having your information listed as a potential supervisor for residents, please complete the form at:

UIMRF - Special Circumstance grant funding
Staff Changes
Correction: Last week, it was noted that Lindsay Christian moved to the Division of General Internal Medicine and this is incorrect. Cristina Umayam moved to the Division of General Internal Medicine from the Division of Cardiology. I apologize for this error.

Lindsay Christian is now permanent with the Division of Neurology as an Administrative Assistant. 

Laura MacPherson is supporting the Division of Endocrinology as an Administrative Assistant during the COVID response period.

Cheryl Peever joined the Division of Palliative Medicine leaving the Division of Hematology on May 25, 2020.

Natalie Burns , Division of Cardiology, returned from maternity leave in April 2020.
Weekly update and grand rounds
Tuesday, June 2
COVID-19 Weekly Update for DoM

8 - 8:15 a.m.

To join, see email invitation from:
DoM Grand Rounds
8:15 - 9 a.m.

The Space Between Reaction & Response

Dr. Jacqueline (Jackie) Kinley
Department of Psychiatry

Complete your evaluation:

Annual Faculty of Medicine meeting
Tuesday, June 2
5 - 6:30 p.m.
Meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams - Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

If joining by teleconference,
please dial 1-437-703-4646 and when prompted enter 252 772 059#
Tupper Band Virtual Collection
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Tupper Band has searched through its four decade video archives to curate a series of performances every week, with new introductions by Dr. Bernard Badley.

Dr. Badley is a retired Department of Medicine physician.

To watch the concerts, please visit the Tupper Band website

Office of the Dean Update #16

NSHA / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min

NSHA / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Websites to reference
Department of Medicine
Employee Health
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.