W280N2101 Prospect Avenue
Pewaukee, WI 53072

Phone: 262-691-0460
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Live the Gospel Values
Seek the Lost
Commit to our Faith and to Academic Excellence
and Serve Others
"Let your words teach and your actions speak."
~St. Anthonya
March 8, 2021
From the Desk of Ellen Knippel, Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. The week ahead looks beautiful - weather-wise. Please continue to send jackets. We all know how quickly the weather can change in March!

I have noticed we have lots of open slots for the 3rd trimester for playground, health room, and lunch serving. Please sign up at Trimester 3 Volunteer Requirement Sign Up if you are able to help out.

This week we highlight the ways in which our students are "giving back". There are many ways this is being done:

  • Tuna Tuesdays -all cans of tuna collected will be donated to the Pewaukee Food Pantry.

  • Hygiene Bags - everyone received a bag to donate items needed for the homeless. Thank you for those already returned (all bags due March 26th).

  • March Manners - We are using the month of March & season of Lent to remember to use our manners. Students are remembering a simple morning greeting, please & thank you, holding a door, and a goodbye at the end of our day - what a wonderful way to give back!


Mrs. Ellen Knippel
Upcoming Dates
March 8-12
Standardized Testing - Gr 3, 5, & 7
March 10
7:45am Birthday Blessing Mass (March)
7th plan
K5 & 2nd attend
Yearbook Orders Due
March 15
6:30pm School Committee Mtg
March 16
3-7pm Conferences
March 17
7:45am Children's Mass
6th plan
4K, 1st, & 5th attend
March 19
Virtual Donuts with Dads
March 23
6:30pm Band Recital
March 24
7:45am Children's Mass
5th plan
2nd & 3rd attend
March 25
3-7pm Conferences
School News
Ladies Spirit Wear
If anyone is interested in a ladies medium full zip green SAL jacket, please contact the school office.

End of Day Form
Please remember to fill out an End of Day form online for changes to your child(ren) pick up schedule, End of Day Form . This ensures your form is sent to a specific folder in Rebekah's emails versus in her general inbox. With the volume of daily emails, this helps keep things organized for the office!

ITBS Testing (Gr 3, 5, &7), Mar. 8th-12th
ITBS testing began this Monday for students in grades 3, 5, & 7. Please be sure your child has a good night’s sleep and healthy breakfast on this week. Please try not to schedule appointments on these days as it can be very difficult to make the tests up without missing important classwork.

Birthday Blessing Mass, Mar. 10th
We will celebrate our March birthdays at Mass on March 10th. Students with a March birthday may have a "dress-up" day (no jeans or sweats please!). All students will be named (those in church will come forth), and will receive a special gift from the office. As always, parents are invited to join us for Mass in person or virtually.

Yearbook Orders Due, Mar. 10th
If you did not order the school yearbook on Back to School Night and would still like to purchase one, please return the form (sent home on Jan. 25) with payment to the office by March 10. The families that paid for a yearbook on Back to School Night do not need to complete the form.

Virtual Parent/Student Conferences, Mar. 16th & Mar. 25th
Conference time confirmation slips for all grades were sent home. Please call the office if there is an issue with your conference time. Your child's teacher will provide directions for the virtual call. Students in grades 2-8 are expected to attend.

New Facebook Group
We are very excited to announce that St. Anthony on the Lake School now has its very own Facebook group. This group will be used to promote positive things going on in our school and church communities. It is a safe place for families to post pictures of their children and see what is going on in our amazing school. Our hope is for this group to become a recognized link between home and school that facilitates communication and promotes goodwill throughout the entire school. This is a private group where only members can see who is in the group and what they post. The group can be accessed here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/807838913403377/
Classroom Corner
Art News
Students in grades 1-8 studied the paper artist and illustrator, Kelly Pousette. They learned how she creates intricate paper cut environments that are later photographed. Students then created their own winter scenes using cut paper.
Called To Serve
Parent Volunteer Expectations
Each school family is required to sign up for 2 slots per trimester. If not personally fulfilled, you MUST find a parent or relative to cover your commitment. Please sign up ASAP. All volunteers must have undergone training Safeguarding training.

Opportunities to live the Gospel of Jesus by serving others.
Box Tops
The old clipped box tops program has phased out. Please consider downloading the app and scanning your receipts to help our school participate in the new program. It's an easy way to earn money for SAL and there are many contests and bonuses available through the app to help us earn. Contact Angie Lois with questions.

Contact the Scrip Coordinators with questions.

Culver's Cares
Send your receipts from the Culver's on Grandview into the office and 10% will be donated to our school. Contact Holly Walter with questions.
Prayers, Celebrations, and Gratitude
Our sympathy to the Pfister family on the passing of their grandpa. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

General Parishioner Survey

The Called to Lives of Meaning and Purpose Initiative Our church is one 24 congregations participating in Vibrant Faith’s Creating a Culture of Calling Initiative. This project is one of 13 hubs in the US and Canada working with about 350 congregations in the Called to Lives of Meaning and Purpose Initiative. The Initiative leaders are inviting us to participate in their evaluation and research of the entire Initiative. You can help! Please complete this 20–30-minute online survey by March 15, 2021. The Initiative and hub leaders will share the results from our congregation with us. Help us learn about how our members understand and live out their callings and its role in a life of meaning and purpose. Your survey responses will be anonymous. We will only know that they are connected to an attender at your church. Nobody affiliated with your church will see your actual survey responses, and only the researchers will have access to the data.
Please contact Nancy Going ngoing@vibrantfaith.org or Kathleen Cahalan, project director for the Called to Lives of Meaning and Purpose Initiative at kcahalan@csbsju.edu.

262-965-2214 - Dousman
262-524-0667 - First Student
262-691-9868 - GoRiteway
Send school Facebook content to 
Wendy Hildebrand / 414-526-3877 (text)

Calendar Raffle Winners can be found in the church bulletin.
Newsletter Submissons
Email MELANIE SOBOTKA at commschool@stanthony.cc
Submissions due Friday for inclusion in the following Monday's newsletter