Thoughts on Today's Verse
Hope has become such a "wimpy" term in modern vocabulary. It hardly qualifies as an adequate translation of the meaning in most New Testament passages. Hope is the assurance that what we believe will happen. We could call it spiritual confidence. We have that spiritual confidence because more than just a wish, more than just an emotion, more than just a belief rests in our heart; God himself lives in us through his Holy Spirit. When we become Christians, Jesus pours out the Spirit upon us (Titus 3:3-7) as God's gift to us (Acts 2:38Acts 5:32) to cleanse us (1 Corinthians 6:11), make us part of the same Body (1 Corinthians 12:12-13), and live inside us (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Paul adds one more thing to that list of blessings from God's presence within us — God's love. We don't just have it; God keeps refreshing it through the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had promised (John 7:37-39).

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to
Music Videos
Love Devine All Love Excelling
I Lift My Hands (Chris Tomlin)
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Today's Prayer & Prayer Requests
Prayer Through the Ages
Gracious God, guide of all who put their trust in you: grant us in all our doubts and uncertainties the grace to seek your will, that your Holy Spirit may save us from all false choices and that in your light we may see light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

William Bright (1824-1901)

Prayer of the Day
Thank You, loving Father, for Your unconditional and unchangeable love. You have poured Your love so abundantly and generously into our hearts. Enable us to show forth Your love in our lives, so that others will come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name, we pray:

Lord hear us as in these times of the coronavirus we need your mercy, your intercession, your love. Without You there is grief in our hearts, anxiety on our minds, suffering before our eyes.

For our friends working the Covid19 front lines: Alayne Snyder, Drs. Johnny and Riny Kovoor. and Erik Lindholm. Direct their hands and all their colleagues worldwide, protect them from illness and sustain their energy.

We ask your guidance for all those who are struggling, who are looking for hope. Where we have felt discouraged, renew us through signs of hope.

We are happy for Charlie Cassidy, who had successful surgery and is now back home and doing well.

A former member is asking for prayers for a friend of his who now lives in Germany. His friend has been in the hospital for a month due to problems with a liver transplant that she had a year ago and now is fighting Covid as well. 

For Pat Washburn's friend Marilyn Maxwell who passed away after a fight with cancer.

We pray for the vulnerable. For the sick, the aged, the chronically ill, the immunocompromised, those with pre-existing conditions, Lord, protect them from harm. Be their comforter and their strength.

For those who have died from COVID19. We ask that you hold them in your gentle embrace. Comfort their loved ones in their despair.

We have in our thoughts and prayers friends who have moved afar but are still close in our hearts: Marilyn Van Tine, Pauline and Marty Bluver and their entire family, Barbara and Charlie Cassidy and Erna Burton.

We ask for your guidance for our leaders in Washington. That they put aside their politics and pass legislation to help those most affected by the pandemic's consequences.

Holy Spirit, as families adjust to everyone being home we ask that You guide people in their new realities. Give spouses grace for each other. Prompt worn-out parents to speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children.

We also miss and pray for the Rhinehardt family, Sophia Kovoor, Sean Hitch, Kathy and Mike Weinlein and all of our friends who call Valhalla home but are scattered to other states at the present time.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the gift of your Holy
Spirit who keeps our hope alive and fills us with a sense of your loving presence. May our lives today, and everyday, display our confidence
in your love by sharing your kindness with others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Valhalla United Methodist Church | 200 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla NY 10595
914-949-6252 | |