Do you have a young baker in your class or family? Have fun making your silliest or scariest cake or cupcake ever! I can't wait to see some amazing creations come my way! And of course, there will be a prize! It doesn't have to be edible!
Post a picture of your silly cake on my author Facebook, Twitter, or send them via email. I will post the winner on my website, Facebook, and Twitter so do not include your child if you don't wish them to be posted.

The Haunted Ship Writing Contest is in full swing and open to students in grades 1-4 until the end of this month. Prizes will be for creativity, but every child will receive a letter from me. Click here for the rules and how to send. The fiction or non-fiction work must be under 1000 words. Check out the flier on my home page and below.
Hurrah for the Covid-19 vaccine! I just receive my second dose tomorrow and I can't wait to visit my grandson. I have done a lot of research on a key player in the vaccine. Did you know that Dr. Katalin Kariko has been working on the mRNA technology for 40 years! Other scientists told her she was crazy to keep doing experiments on a lost cause. But she wouldn't give up.I was so impressed with her hard work, I have even written a story about her. Fingers crossed it will get published!


You may have noticed my bookshelf above. I have three in my office that are fairly neat, but I also have books stacked behind doors and in corners! We have moved ten times since we've been married and each time we moved some books had to go. It was so hard to give them away, but no telling how many I would have had otherwise! They were donated to good causes, but my husband tells me we are here for good (I believe I may have heard that before), but he actually had a sign made this time! So, I'm thinking some permanent shelves may be in order. If I write it here, perhaps it will force be to actually do it. I want to have some shelves built in our extra room. (A past owner converted a garage into a room). Now, I have to get to work! I hope to relay some progress here in the coming months.
Indy Bookstore Shout-Out!

Do you have a local bookstore you love? Give them a shout-out. Every day from April 17 - 24, Independent Bookstore Day will choose a random winner from the people posting with #BookstoreShoutOut and #IndieBookstoreDay on Twitter or IG. Winners will receive an Independent Bookstores of the United States Map from Pop-Chart, a free 3-month membership from, and a 2021 IBD tote bag. Here's how:
1. Post an Indie Bookstore Day-inspired video or still: In a bookstore, holding your TBR pile, reading in bed, etc.
2. @ the bookstore(s) you plan on visiting on Bookstore Day + two of your favorite readers. 
3. Tag your post with #BookstoreShoutOut and #IndieBookstoreDay*
Additionally, Independent Bookstore Day will be hosting a virtual party on Twitter on Wednesday, April 21 at 4 pm EDT. Join at @BookstoreDay, #indiebookstoreday.

I'll be offering a free virtual reading with a Q and A session on May 7th to celebrate Children's Book WeekThis time, I'll let schools decide from which of my 178 traditionally published books they'd like me to read aloud. On that same day, I'll be announcing the creativity winners of my Haunted Classroom Writing Contest. Hope your class will participate. I have a few spots left so I hope you'll contact me here to schedule a time for your read aloud from the book of your choice.
y website on
Available for pre-order now. Also, part of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!