Dignity Letter — March 2021
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
If only we're brave enough to see it
If only we're brave enough to be it.

Amanda Gorman, U.S. Youth Poet-Laureate
The Hill We Climb, January 20, 2021

Warmest Greetings,

Because of you, our community continues to move its work forward during many dark days. We hope this edition of the Dignity Letter renews and strengthens your energy to keep being a light for dignity in the world!

  • A New Schedule for Our Global Dignity Conferences — Please Save These Dates!
  • Dignity Press Publications — New and Recent Books
  • Good News in Hard Times — Celebrating the Efforts of Our HumanDHS Friends and Community
  • Celebrating Our Annual December Workshop: Video Messages for You to View!
  • Dignifunding: Thanks to All Sharegivers!

Please note: Rather than sending numerous Dignity Letters throughout the year, HumanDHS sends fewer, longer letters. We warmly welcome your feedback about this approach.
New Schedule for Our Global Dignity Conferences!
Global Dignity Conferences:
Continuing Our Connections
and Collaborations!

Due to the coronavirus, we are continuously adapting the schedule of our upcoming dignity conferences. We are deeply thankful to all of the hosts for their ongoing support and generous flexibility!

You are warmly invited to any or all of these conferences. Thank you for visiting our conference webpage regularly to follow the latest plans as they unfold.
A Warm Welcome to Our Upcoming Dignity Conferences!

Please click on the links and pictures below to see the latest information on each of these gatherings.
If you would like to participate, there is no registration fee. Please send us a message introducing yourself. Please include your contact information and tell us more about your interest.
(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)
Books from Dignity Press
Dignity Press books explore the dynamics of human dignity and humiliation from diverse standpoints and global perspectives. Contributing authors are from all over the world. In addition to these books below, we invite you to visit for a complete list of publications.
New: Women and the Nobel Peace Prize by Ingunn Norderval explores the remarkable lives and efforts of women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, women bold enough to work for peace during the darkest times.
Recent: Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations is a multifaceted discussion of dignity from social, cultural, religious, legal, educational, psychological, and political perspectives.
Good News in Hard Times
Global Campaign for Peace Education Nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
HumanDHS Board Member Janet Gerson — who also works with the Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) and its sister organization the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) — shared that the GCPE has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Congratulations to Tony Jenkins and all of our GCPE friends who seek global disarmament and the abolition of war.
A New Book!
Congratulations to Sultan Somjee
"One Who Dreams Is Called a Prophet is indispensable reading for every citizen of this world who wishes to work for a worthwhile future for our children. Sultan Somjee presents his profound insight into the peace-building traditions of Africa in a deeply touching narrative of dignity and humiliation. Reading this book is a life-changing experience." — Evelin Lindner, PhDs, MD. Please read more...
Religious and Secular Global Dialogue:
A Conversation with Azza Karam
Dr. Azza Karam serves as the Secretary General of Religions for Peace, the world’s largest multireligious leadership platform. In this conversation, Karam joins Berkeley Center Senior Fellow José Casanova to discuss the evolution of the role of major religious bodies and multinational faith-based organizations on the world stage and at the United Nations.
Regaining Dignity in Europe
A Fascinating Chapter in a New Book
Zuzana Lučkay Mihalčinová's chapter on dignity and identity in Europe appears in a new book, The Unwanted Europeanness? The chapter explores timely concepts, including meritocracy and symbiocracy; spatial and temporal migration; monoculturalism and transculturalism; and much more.
Fr. Jean d’Amour created a powerful video telling the story of Félicité Niyitegeka, a Rwandan heroine. Refusing to abandon the Tutsi she protected, Félicité chose to die alongside them. Her life demonstrates her belief that all people have value and dignity.
Forgiveness Redefined
A Conversation with Candice Mama
Candice Mama's father fought against racial injustice in South Africa and was killed by an apartheid assassin. She sat down with Erica Cobb in this video and tells about the day she met her dad's killer — and how she hugged him! To learn more about Candice's journey, please visit her website.
A Healing Window on the World
Chipamong Chowdhury, Nomad Eco-Monk and HumanDHS Board Director, creates videos that blend inspirational images of nature with messages of healing and compassion. This visual meditation is an example of the healing and emotionally replenishing viewing available on his YouTube Channel.
Michael Perlin's New Book
Advanced Introduction to Mental Health Law
In his new book, Michael L. Perlin examines the long-standing but ever-dynamic relationship between law and mental health. He discusses how the law, primarily in the United States but also in other countries, treats mental health. Please read more...
Dignity: Why It Matters More Than Ever
A Conversation with Donna Hicks
This conversation with Donna Hicks, HumanDHS Global Advisory Board member, is part of Global Dignity's reset initiative, celebrating a new vision for a world where the dignity of every person is recognized, valued, and honored. Dr. Hicks is the author of Dignity and Leading with Dignity.
Changing the Paradigm for Cyberbullying
Tijana Milosevic and Anne Collier propose “a different approach to addressing cyberbullying, one based on human dignity — and thus each child’s dignity – which we think has paradigm-shifting potential.” You are invited to read their article online through the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre at Dublin City University.
Book by Erin Daly and James R. May
Dignity Law: Global Recognition, Cases,
and Perspectives
In their new book, Erin Daly and James May explore how dignity law recognizes the equal worth of every member of the human family, regardless of gender, race, social or political status, talents, merit, or any other differentiator. This casebook provides an introduction to this emergent and dynamic approach to the practice of law. Please read more...
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
Mara Alagic's Five Years as Editor
Congratulations to Mara Alagic for five years of leadership as the editor of the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts (JMA). The inspiration for her efforts originates in her diverse experiences, including her mother's lessons in traditional, ethnic crafts, and arts; her scholarly work in mathematics; her appreciation of other cultures; and her work and passion for human dignity, diversity, and intercultural communication. Please read more...
Poetry for Peace
UN's International Day of Peace
International Poet Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana shares his poem marking the UN's 2020 International Day of Peace. His message supports this year's theme: "Shaping Peace Together" and recognizes the battle against the COVID-19 virus.
Leadership Lessons and Relationships
Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler
Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler describes a leadership lesson gleaned from the days leading up to the U.S. presidential inauguration and offers ways organizational leaders can implement this lesson. Her article appeared in Psychology Today. Jen also discusses humiliation and relationships in an interview for the podcast Negotiate Anything.
Dignity of the Planet
James R. May, Distinguished Professor of Law, shares that the New York Assembly voted to amend that state's constitution with these 15 words: "Each person shall have a right to clean air and water and a healthful environment."

The provision, now twice-approved by both the NY Senate and Assembly, proceeds to public referendum on Nov. 2, 2021. Please read more...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
A Collection of Visual Reflections
Ardian and Andis Adzanela share this collection of compelling images of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a visual history of struggle, resilience, and beauty (photo collection by Andis Adzanela; music by Ardian Adzanela — an adaptation of a traditional Bosnian song "S'one strane Plive"; and sound engineering: Zlatko Poljo).
Playing War
A Story About Changing the Game
Kathy Beckwith recently released a paperback edition of Playing War: A Story About Changing the Game, a book for children (and us all), illustrated by Lea Lyon. It reflects on the power that each of us possesses to make a difference through small acts of understanding and friendship. Please read more...
The World We Want in 2035
Change the Story to Change the Future
Leland Beaumont shares in his blog post, "Out of the ashes of the post-truth era, intellectual honesty has emerged as a primary value. We came to understand that shared knowledge is a public good. Determined to value reliable and accurate information as much as we value free speech we recognized that each of us has a duty to know how we know."
Do You Have Dignity News?
We love sharing news that grows out of the global efforts of our HumanDHS community! If you would like to share your dignity news — positive progress, courageous action, promising practices, and alike — you are warmly invited to send it to our attention:
Celebrating Our 17th Annual Workshop in December
We are celebrating our first-ever "DigniZoom" Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, December 2020!

We were amazed by the deeply dignifying dialogues, the creative contributions, and the inspiring global connections generated throughout the workshop! Please allow us to share the following sample of our workshop activities, videos, and pictures.

We wish to send our special appreciation to Peter Coleman, Danielle Coon, and the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City. The MD-ICCCR has been our visionary institutional partner since our first workshop in 2003.
This workshop was a shining example of a "co-created" event! It was energized by the intellectual and creative contributions of all who joined us — exceeding all of our expectations!

Because of Zoom, we were able to connect globally more easily than ever. We were thrilled to see new and returning friends from throughout the world, including New Zealand, India, Jordan, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Canada, Bangladesh, Rwanda, and more!
Memorable Messages for You to View
From a Virus Pandemic to a Pandemic of Dignity
Michael Britton opened our workshop with his message of courage and perseverance, expressing profound empathy for all who are suffering around the globe. He reminded us to keep looking beyond the immediate pain to possibilities for a more dignifying future.
Messages to the World!
We were deeply touched by all who created "Messages to the World" — powerful words of wisdom focused on how we can cultivate conditions that provide for the equal dignity of all people and the planet.

We particularly wish to express our deep gratitude to His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal who offered a brilliant message recorded in Amman, Jordan. Please view more messages on our workshop webpage.
From Humiliation to Dignity:
For a Future of Global Solidarity
In the midst of global crises and deadly social divisions, how do we move humanity toward mutually beneficial solidarity?

Founding President Evelin Lindner described how we are living in a historical moment of unparalleled crises, yet also in times of unparalleled opportunity.
2020 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award
We were overjoyed to celebrate the lifework of Peter Coleman, the director of MD-ICCCR, by presenting him with the HumanDHS 2020 Lifetime Commitment Award. Dr. Coleman is a renowned expert on constructive conflict resolution and sustainable peace. His work has been a foundational inspiration for all of our global efforts for nearly two decades.
Dignifying Dialogues Exploring Global Challenges and Change
This workshop was highly participatory. We were delighted to have five "Pre-Planned Dignilogue Sessions" exploring urgent topics of our time. Please enjoy the video recordings of each session by following the underlined links below:

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #1Dignity Studies: Reimagining Learning in a World of Crises
• DigniHosts – Linda Hartling, Mara Alagic, and Evelin Lindner
• DigniContributors – David Yamada, John Bilorusky, Rosa Reinikainen, and Maggie O’Neill

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #2 – Race and Policing
• DigniHost – David Yamada
• DigniContributors – Tony Gaskew, Charles Hayes, and Eunice Avilés Faria

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #3Unity in Adversity and Dignity: War, Women, and Indigenous Wisdom
• DigniHost – Janet Gerson
• DigniContributors – Fr. Jean d’Amour, Keri Lawson-Te Aho, and Vidya Jain

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #4 –  Religion, Covid-19, and Human Dignity: How Does Religion Respond to the Coronavirus Pandemic?
• DigniHost – Phil Brown
• DigniContributors – Chipamong Chowdhury, Zaynab El Bernoussi, Mugdha Yeolekar, and Reverend Darrell Daniel for Michelle Daniel Jones

Pre-Planned Dignilogue #5 – Continuing Connections: Dignity Now Groups for Developing Ongoing Dialogue
• DigniHost – Elaine Meis, supported by Linda Hartling, Janet Gerson, and Evelin Lindner
• Contributors: The Dignity Now New York Group and the Dignity Now Hameln (Hamelin) Group
Moments of Awe and Wonder: Many Creative Contributions
Many participants shared their music, movement, and poetry that generated a spirit of warmth, energy, and encouraging solidarity. Please visit our webpage to learn more.
If You Wish to Continue the Dialogue...
If You Would Like to Join a Continuing Conversation on WhatsApp...
Inspired by the important conversations that took place throughout the workshop, we have continued sharing ideas in an ongoing WhatsApp group!

If you would like to join, please send us your name and mobile number to be added to the group:
Thanks to the Best and Bravest Digniplanners on the Planet!

Thanks to all of our workshop "Digniplanners" who made this first-ever DigniZoom workshop possible!

A special thanks to Anna Strout for capturing many, many joy-filled pictures available for viewing on the workshop website!
You are warmly welcome to join us for our next Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, hosted in partnership with the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) at Teachers College, Columbia University, in December of 2021.

We are in the process of formulating plans for this annual gathering. If you wish to participate, please email us your message with your contact and introductory information. Thank you!
Dignifunding: Thanks to All of Our Sharegivers!
We are grateful to all who sustain HumanDHS with action gifts and economic support!

HumanDHS does not have a paid staff, administrative assistance, or IT services. We are an "extreme, lean, green, but not mean" community, essentially a "do-it-together-with-dignity" community. We do not charge registration fees for events, yet we appreciate thoughtful contributions (according to one's ability).

If you would like to contribute, we warmly welcome your kind support:
Wishing You a World of Dignity Every Day!
With admiration and endless gratitude!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
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