Trick or Treaters by Mary Weck and Paul Chase,
photo by Elizabeth Boggess
Dear Friends of the Arts,

Our fall colors are coming out, and it’s a perfect time to take a drive around Galena to enjoy the scarecrows, and the homes and businesses decorated for Halloween. I hope you can enjoy the beautiful outdoors before the weather locks us in for winter. We are excited about our upcoming virtual concert of new music, and hope you will be too. It is gratifying that the Illinois Humanities Council has sponsored it, and reinforces our feelings that music is intrinsic to our lives and well-being.

We are also grateful to the Illinois Arts Council Agency for awarding us an operational grant for the coming year. We know there will be stumbling blocks in this strange new world, but also opportunities for us to learn and grow.
We miss you,

Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Our galleries will reopen when it’s safe
for our patrons, artists, and staff.
Looking Up!
A Virtual Exhibit
Birds, butterflies, hot air balloons, beautiful sunsets, and amazing clouds are just a few things you might see Looking Up! Over thirty artists have shared their talents in the virtual exhibit in the form of a flip book on our website. Click on the photo to the right and enjoy the images of their work and learn a little bit about each artist. 

On the same page you can view the slideshow created by Bob Rivoire entitled The Cloud, inspired by Shelley’s poem of the same name. In Bob’s photography he strives to capture images of the sky for viewers to appreciate
the elements of beauty in our world they might not have noticed before.
Trees…Branching Out, a virtual exhibit
Call for Art: Finding Beauty
Again, we will be creating a virtual exhibit for the Galena Center for the Arts. We hope to launch it around the beginning of November, so please submit your work by October 23. The theme for this exhibit will be: Finding Beauty.

Finding beauty in this time and place, in an imperfect world, in your own backyard or front porch, in the ordinary, the unspectacular, in unexpected places. There is a broad choice of subjects to include. All mediums are welcome.

Please email Patricia for further details:
The scarecrows have returned!
Art that Stands Out in its Field
The scarecrows have returned, just in time for the fall colors! This is our third year for Art that Stands Out in its Field, and you will find numerous scarecrows around town and in the field next to the Center.

See map below.
A slideshow by Robert Rivoire of his photographs that depict the beautiful landscape in which we live. He finds beauty everywhere he looks, and is happy to share it with us.
Songwriters Showcase
COVID19 Galena, the Story in Song
To Be Released October 29
We have so much talent! Our regional songwriters have been busy creating new songs, which will debut in a virtual concert COVID19 Galena, the Story in Song on October 29.

Thanks to an Illinois Humanities Council resilience grant, we have reached out to musicians to create music that reflects their experience in this pandemic. Some of the songs are sad and lonely, yet many show strength, joy, humor and all the resilience we will need to feel whole again. We are inspired by this new music, and hope you will be too.

We will also be making a DVD of this concert, which could be a perfect holiday gift for friends and family.
photo by Cindy Tegtmeyer
Songwriters Showcases in September
Click on the performer's name to watch and listen on YouTube.
Earlier Showcases can be found on our YouTube channel,
THANK YOU to the Illinois Arts Council Agency for awarding us a generous operational grant for the year. We appreciate the support, and are reinforced knowing that the IACA feels that we are doing positive things for our community.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Are you missing classical music? The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is now offering access to some free, and other premium, digital performances, available to stream in high definition on demand from your favorite device. You can enjoy the exceptional artistry of the musicians of the CSO performing the works of composers of the past and today. Click on the image below to go to the CSO website
Studio Space Available
We now have one studio immediately available to rent for $100 a month. A dedicated space may be just the thing you need to get back to your creative expression. Join a group of like-minded studio artists, be inspired by the regional artists who display work in our galleries, and display your art on the adjacent wall in the Artists Circle.
Please call 779-214-0261 or email Patricia Lehnhardt, our Gallery Manager, for a tour and information about renting studio space.
Recognition for Galena Preservationists
We celebrate Carl and Marilyn Johnson as they are honored by Landmarks Illinois: The Johnsons were awarded the 2020 Joe Antunovich Award for Leadership, Lifetime Achievement. They moved to Galena in 1969 and have worked with various boards and foundations to promote the community and preserve its historic buildings. 

Carl is an artist of renown with his many watercolors and drawings of historic buildings, houses, barns, and landscapes of our region, along with his beautiful wildflowers series. He has had a solo exhibit at the Center, and always displays his paintings in our galleries. He has his own gallery on Main Street and website: It’s always a good day when you see Carl sitting on his bucket with a sketch in progress on his lap, examining a building across the street.
Carl and Marilyn Johnson at the opening of
his solo exhibit at the Galena Center for the Arts
20 Dirty Hands Studio Tour 2020 **Canceled**
For the safety of all, the self-guided 20 Dirty Hands Pottery Tour scheduled for October 16, 17, 18, has been canceled. This annual tour is a destination for many pottery lovers and is just one more event that has been lost this year.

Area potters who are members of 20 Dirty Hands are Gary Carstens, Paul Eshelman, Delores
the agony of de-feet by Richard Hess
Fortuna, Ron Hahlen, Kent Henderson, Richard Hess, Chris Lemmon, Tabitha Link, Stephanie O’Shaughnessy, Larry Priske, Liz and Rich Robertson.

If you go to you will find links to each artist and their contact information. Some of the studios are open by appointment. Outside the Lines Gallery downtown Galena will be featuring 20 Dirty Hands work in their window during the month of October and there is always next year for the studio tour!
Opportunity for Artists
Artists and Artisans gallery in Elizabeth, IL is seeking artists for their Celebrating Survival exhibit. Ten percent of the gallery’s proceeds will be donated to Riverview Center.

If you are interested in displaying your work, please email by October 9 for further information.
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is October 3 & 4.
We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations
for their participation in our annual Scarecrows exhibit and autumn decorations:
  • Lee Adami
  • Maureen Bardusk
  • Susan Barg
  • Big Bill’s
  • Blaum Bros. Distilling Co.
  • Paul Chase
  • DeSoto House Hotel
  • Jean Dregne
  • Farmers’ Market
  • Galena and U.S. Grant Museum
  • Galena Cellars
  • Galena Chamber of Commerce at Washington Park
  • Galena Gazette
  • Galena-Jo Daviess County Historical Society
  • Jan Lavacek
  • Patricia Lehnhardt
  • Lord of Love Lutheran Church
  • Prairie Ridge of Galena
  • Charlene Price
  • Shadow Bluff
  • Spotsie's
  • Mary Weck
  • The Workshop
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is supported in part by an award from The Chicago Community Foundation, from the Arts Work Fund – Arts for Illinois Emergency Relief Fund housed at The Chicago Community Trust.
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is funded in part by
the Illinois Humanities.
This project is supported in part
by an award from
the National Endowment for the Arts.
This program has been made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman