Volume 12, Issue 16 | Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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District 58 welcomes students to a full day of instruction
District 58 teachers and staff were excited to welcome students back for a full day of instruction today, Wednesday, April 7! Currently, 87% of District 58 students are participating in onsite learning, and 13% participate in the District's full remote option. If you have any questions about District 58's instructional model, please visit our 2020-21 Instructional Model page or contact your school principal.

Our Community Relations Office captured first full day of school photos at Henry Puffer School this morning. Click here to view the Henry Puffer photo gallery! Plus, pictured above: Students check in at Fairmount, a student sanitizes his hands before entering Henry Puffer, and Kingsley students safely enjoy lunch at school!
District 58 to launch new registration system for 2021-22
District 58 will soon launch 2021-22 new and returning student registration using a new PowerSchool enrollment tool! The new tool is expected to help families register their child(ren) more efficiently.

District 58 will no longer use the registration "snapcodes" from past years. Instead, families will register their returning student(s) through their existing PowerSchool profiles.

Registration will tentatively launch on Tuesday, April 13, but this date may be delayed as the new system is finalized. More information will be shared early next week.
District 58 provides community with pesticide notifications

As the weather warms up, it's possible bugs may find their way into some of our schools. District 58 uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a program that combines preventive techniques, non-chemical pest control methods, and the appropriate use of pesticides with a preference for products that are the least harmful to human health and the environment.

Whenever a pesticide is applied at school, District 58 will send families a notification. District 58 aims to give families 48 hours advance notice when possible. For situations that require more immediate treatment, the District will still send a notification as quickly as possible.
Summer School and Extended School Year registration open through April 30
Looking for summer learning opportunities? District 58 can help! District 58 will offer four Summer School sessions and the Extended School Year program!

Registration for General Education Summer School and Extended School Year is open now through April 30.

Registration for other Summer School opportunities will be open from April 12-30. District 58 will share more information about these opportunities next Monday!

Thank you for taking the School Environment Survey!
Last month, 1,373 parents and guardians completed District 58's annual School Environment Survey. Thank you for providing us with valuable feedback! Survey results will be used by administrators to guide school improvement planning. In addition, the results and key takeaways will be shared with the School Board in May. Afterward, the survey results and presentation will be posted at
Happy National Library Week, and Happy National Assistant Principals Week, District 58!

District 58 is celebrating two special groups of staff this week! In honor of National Library Week, District 58 thanks its incredible teacher librarians for the creative and innovative ways they teach students. Additionally, in honor of National Assistant Principals Week, District 58 thanks its assistant principals for their hard work, dedication and collaboration. Click here to view a video that highlights some of our AP VIPs!
Looking for a job?
District 58 is hiring!
District 58 is hiring several positions! Some of the open positions include:

* Maintenance Mechanic
* Middle School Principal
* Teachers
* Registered Nurses
* School Secretaries
* School Psychologists
* School Psychologist Interns
* School Social Workers
* School Social Work Interns
* Part-time Substitute Custodians
* Speech/Language Pathologist
* Instructional Assistants

March 22 Curriculum Workshop
The Board of Education held a Curriculum Workshop on March 22. The meeting focused on the District's post-spring break instructional model, curriculum updates and assessment updates. View the Board Briefs.
Looking ahead

The Board will hold its regular April business meeting on Monday, April 12 at 7 p.m. at Village Hall and on the Village's YouTube livestream. The meeting agenda will be posted Friday, April 9 on BoardDocs.
Election results
Last night, voters elected the following individuals to serve four-year terms on the District 58 School Board: Melissa Bocker Ellis, Gregory Harris, Darren Hughes and Tracy Weiner. The new School Board members will be sworn in on May 3. Congratulations!
Grove Children's Preschool student featured on "Blue's Clues"
The television show, "Blue's Clues," recently featured Grove Children's Preschool student Nico during the show's "Morning Routines with Josh and Blue" segment. Nico did a fantastic job sharing his morning routine with the show's viewers. Great work, Nico! Check out Nico's segment above!
Community e-flyers
Wednesday, April 7
School resumes

Friday, April 9
7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee meeting at the ASC/Zoom

Monday, April 12
7 p.m.: Regular Board of Education meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |