Tho a light frost appeared at the end of May, it’s a safe bet to say spring has finally won out... and it’s glorious to behold. An obliging weatherman kindly held off the rolling thunderstorms until Saturday, enabling Sunapee’s Class of 2020 to celebrate their graduation Friday evening at Mt. Sunapee with lots of “Pomp” & a parade tho “Circumstances” were quite unlike any other commencement on the night of the Full Strawberry Moon.  Take a peek at the following yearbook photos to see the "places they will go”.
Spring is hatching out all over! The loons have returned to the lakes and are nesting… a turkey egg was found nestled in the garden mulch under a Hosta and one Sunapee homeowner dares not remove a Christmas wreath as mother Robin has chosen to nest & lay her brilliant blue eggs there! 
With warmer weather, a hike in the woods or digging in the garden provides happy times … and TICKS! Check out the LSPA’s informative Tick bulletin.
Click here to find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Abbott Library in times of quarantine.
Perhaps Yo-Yo Ma’s extraordinary performance will help restore some of our faith in humanity during these painful times.
For the family… Yo-yo joins Oscar winning director Taika Waititi and friends reading a most joyful version of Roald Dahl’s “James and The Giant Peach”  
Have you followed the advice to try some Comfort Cooking? or are you feeling like the finer points of sous-vide and sourdough are simply beyond you right now?  Nothing wrong with tuning into cooking online purely for pleasure.

If you’re more into de-stressing and diversion than actually turning on your stove, the WSJ recommends the following highly entertaining programming that fits the bill.
On You Tube: “ Binging With Babish”. 7 million subscribers have watched his short videos re-creating famous dishes from film and TV … the Ram-Don from “Parasite” and cannoli from “The Godfather”.  (Basics with Babish series tackles fare like pizza and eggs Benedict.) The videos are slickly produced, quite funny and, yes, binge-worthy.   

Instagram is full of amateur and pro bakers showing off their over-the-top cake creations. Zone out and enjoy @Cakesbae... or check out @eminchilli… for dreamy dispatches from veteran food writer Elizabeth Minchilli, who is riding out the pandemic at her home in Umbria… might be the closet you get to a European vacation this year.
Sunapee PD has issued an alert re: many online and telephone scams. One such scam promises a $5. reward for answering New Hampshire Survey questions. Best not to respond!  Another scam that came to our attention seems to be coming from Yahoo, MSN & CenturyTel internet providers… it is not for real! (sorry, you have not won 3 million dollars as stated)  Also note: IRS does not make phone calls collecting past dues taxes.
Please exercise caution. In each instance, and several more, the object is to obtain your personal data which will be used to steal your ID or financial resources.  

NEVER share your SS #, bank account info etc. and report such suspicious contacts to your local police department.
On the other hand, there has been some confusion about what appears to be “junk mail” at first glance, but is not junk. The return address on this plain white envelope is: "Money Network Cardholder Services”. Senator Jean Shaheen’s office has confirmed this is not junk mail. Do Not trash it.  It is a VISA Debit Card instead of a paper check from the Government. It has real value and is part of the Federal Government Covid impact help to seniors.
Doors to many of our favorite places may be closed in accordance with the State of New Hampshire’s pandemic safety guidelines, but their missions providing relevant arts, cultural and educational programming for the communities they serve knows no bounds! Concerts will once again be on stage at The Livery, and the doors will open to welcome art exhibits and private parties. The LSPA’s most vital mission to protect our lake carries on. They look forward to the day they can welcome everyone in to the new addition at the Knowlton House.  Sunapee Historical Society’s Archives will have even more exhibits and programs to offer... and you can also peek in the doors at the Museum in the Harbor to see the rotating displays. Project Sunapee will sponsor a virtual “Spring Into Summer” soon and, fingers crossed… are hoping to show “Movies Under The Stars” in August. The good news is that food establishments and shops are open, tho on slightly limited schedules.
Much is different in our 2020 world. It’s good to look back at calmer days as shown in Peter Bloch’s beautiful 2019 in review.
When you’re all alone in the forest and there’s nary a critter to scratch your back … improvise.
Even as the current plague eddies around us, deluged by the current reports and images of other profoundly unsettling forces afoot in the land, qualities like faith, peace and true love, tend to see us through. May you find and share each, in simple gestures of kindness and hope.
Reminder: Even outdoors, when in a group…
observe "social distancing” and wear a mask!

Please be safe and respectful of others.
Wednesday’s email “ SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.  

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar at:

 You too, may submit all nonprofit and civic events
to that same calendar for posting.