Limmud eFestival features the most interesting, inspiring and important Jewish ideas today. Connect with Jewish community, cultivate your curiosity and expand your horizons, all from the comfort of your home. Here is some information from your friends at Limmud eFestival.

Learn with Mayim Bialik, producer Howard Rosenman; Superman writer Brian Bendis; AZ State Representative Alma Hernandez; Author Ariel Burger; Musician Josh Warshawsky; former Watergate Prosecutor and Legal Analyst Jill Wine-Banks; scholars from Hartman, Pardes and Hadar; and dozens more! Enjoy leading educators, thought-leaders and change-makers teaching about the most interesting Jewish ideas today. Connect with Jewish community, cultivate your curiosity and expand your horizons, all virtually.

Seats are selling out fast, and we cannot wait to connect with you at Limmud eFestival! With a few days left until the program, we want to walk you through everything you should know and do in order to get the most out of your eFestival experience.

Please follow this step-by-step guide. If you have more questions, they may be answered on the FAQ page on the schedule website, or shoot us an email at [email protected].


Following the Opening Celebration, Limmud eFestival continues with dozens of sessions taught by expert educators, change-makers and thought leaders, broken up over four one-hour blocks.

Since you cannot be in 12+ places at once, you'll need to pick the sessions that most interest you. Be sure to log in using the same email address where you're receiving this email. Build Your Program


The online program is your one-stop-shop for all information about your sessions. If the presenter has any handouts, they will be posted on the session page. You can also see who else is signed up for the session and get excited about learning with all your friends and hundreds of friends-to-be.

If you change your mind and want to select new session, just click the check mark next to a session you've signed up for to cancel your reservation, and then sign up for something else!


Now that you have built your schedule and checked in for any updates, you're all set. Our presenters are eager to learn with you on Sunday, and we hope that you have an incredible day filled with interesting, thought-provoking lectures and discussions.

To log in to sessions at the start of each hour, simply click the 'Video Stream' button within each session page. Most video stream links will not appear until this weekend.


To get the most out of your festival experience, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Zoom ahead of time. In particular, we suggest the following tips:

Use the Chat Feature
Your microphone will be muted, but don't let that keep you form being social! Underneath your video, you will see a button that says 'chat'. Click that to open a room-wide group chat where you can interact with fellow attendees.
Raise Your Hand
Most sessions will encourage your participation through Q&A. In order to be called upon and have your microphone unmuted, raise your hand by clicking the "Raise Hand" button at the bottom of the chat window.
In the unlikely event that you have technical difficulties during eFestival, we're here to help you. Please use the link below to access the eFestival Help Desk, which will be open through all of Sunday's program. A real live person will be on hand to help send you in the right direction!  Help Desk

Congregation Adath Jeshurun
215.635.6611  |

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