We are available Monday through Friday.
We encourage you to call or email us with any questions.
Dear Colleague Letter on Implementation of IDEA Discipline Provisions
(July 19, 2022)
The Department is issuing this Dear Colleague Letter to address disparities in the use of discipline for children with disabilities and the implementation of IDEA’s discipline provisions and two accompanying guidance documents to support state educational agencies and local educational agencies' efforts to fulfill their obligations to appropriately meet the needs of children with disabilities.
Positive, Proactive Approaches to Supporting Children with Disabilities: A Guide for Stakeholders
(July 19, 2022)
This document provides information about resources, strategies, and evidence-based practices that (while not required by law) can help States, LEAs, schools, early childhood programs, educators, and families in their efforts to meet IDEA requirements and, in doing so, improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Questions and Answers: Addressing the Needs of Children with Disabilities and IDEA’s Discipline Provisions (July 19, 2022)
This document updates and supersedes the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services’ guidance titled Questions and Answers on Discipline Procedures, issued in June 2009, and includes additional questions and answers that address topics that have arisen as the field continues to carry out the discipline provisions of IDEA and its implementing regulations.
For upcoming events visit our website!

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
5 Shaws Cove, Suite 102
New London 06320

Phone: (860) 739-3089