March 13, 2020
Dear Chagrin Falls Students and Parents,
We had a very successful day working with our dedicated staff preparing to transition to virtual learning. We know you have received a significant amount of communication from the District over the last week. However, as I spoke to staff this morning, I stressed the importance of continued communication as we move through this process over the next three weeks. 

On Monday, March 16, buildings will be open for students to pick up necessary educational supplies and / or equipment that may have been left in the building due to the timing of the announcement. Please adhere to the following schedule:

Students in grades 9-12:  Teachers will communicate via Google Classroom by the end of today what supplies, materials and/or equipment will be needed. The building will be open and staff will be in classrooms on Monday, March 16 for students to gather items from 8 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.  The grading period for third quarter will end on Monday. Teachers have communicated grading information to students, however, students should reach out to teachers directly if they have any questions or need clarification.

Students in grades 7-8: Click for the 7th and 8th grade supply/material/equipment list outlining what students will need to continue their coursework.  The building will be open and staff will be in classrooms on Monday, March 16 for students to gather items from 8 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Third quarter grades will also be available in the IC portal Friday, March 20. Teachers finalized grades and upon student return intend to allow previously scheduled retakes for final summatives in order for grades to be a true reflection of mastery.  Students should reach out to teachers if they have any questions. 

Students in grades Pk-6:   The elementary buildings will be open at specific times on Monday, March 16 for parents to pick up materials, Chromebooks and/or personal items that may have been left behind. Staff will be in classrooms to assist parents with materials and to provide support related to online learning and/or home activities if needed. We ask that you adhere to the following times:

  • 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Families with last names A-M
  • 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Families with last names N-Z

  • 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. - Families with last names A-M
  • 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. - Families with last names N-Z  

All Gurney students will be provided a Chromebook as teachers felt this was the best way to provide consistent instructional delivery. 

If you are unable to attend your buildings assigned time, please contact the office to set up an alternative time to pick up necessary resources.

Our success also lies in the continued partnership with our parents.  We ask that you remind students that the work provided is important and will be graded.  For now, this is their classroom. In closing, this is a difficult time for all educators across Ohio. I am very confident in our ability to move forward educationally due to the dedication and commitment of the Chagrin Falls’ staff. 
Thank you for your support.

Robert W. Hunt, Ph.D. 
Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools