October 2020 I (800) 997-8515 I www.ndchildcare.org
It's the Little Things - Daily Routines
Children thrive in a well-ordered and predictable environment, where daily routines such as arrivals and departures, mealtimes, nap times and toileting are consistent. It's important that routines are consistent but remain flexible and responsive to the needs of each child.
Handwashing Beyond the Basics
Child Care Aware® of North Dakota Health Consultant Tammy Olson gives tips for effective handwashing that go beyond the basics in this short video.
Separation Anxiety Story
Children may struggle with separation anxiety if they have been out of child care during COVID-19. This social story from Tara Tuchel can help children cope with separating from their families.
COVID-19 Resource Spotlight
Contracts and policies are not only a licensing requirement, they are also a sign that you have put time and effort into deciding how you will care for children and operate your business. It is a good practice to review your contracts and policies each year and when changes, such as a declaration of a health emergency, occur. The Child Care Aware® Start-Up Team has created guidance on Contracts and Policies During a Public Health Emergency. To get this resource and many more about COVID-19 and child care, visit our website.
Upcoming Training Events
Face-to-face training is suspended until further notice, but check out our fantastic lineup of online, instructor-led courses!
Chat times: 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm
Chat times: 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm
Chat times: 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Chat times: 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Chat times: 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
News + Happenings
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