Doar Shalom: October 1, 2020 / 13 Tishrei, 5781
Erev Sukkot candle lighting 6:29pm
Sukkot I candle lighting: 7:32pm on Saturday, 3 October 2020
Havdalah: 7:30pm on Sunday, 4 October 2020
A Message from Rabbi Hannah
Dearest friends,
Thank you for our most amazing High Holiday davening in virtual community. The experience of imagining and crafting these services, over the last 4 months, has been intense and transformative. We dreamed up so much. So many creative offerings were contributed and so many voices raised in leadership – members of community we look forward to hearing and hearing from year after year, and bright new voices. It has been an emotionally and physically challenging time and I look forward to the considered debrief you will offer via Thoughtexchange. What resonates with you will surely inform how we continue to shape our communal gathering through the pandemic.
The Doar has a “Gratitude’s” section that’s just loaded with thanks this week, so I will not single out individuals except to say that our co-chairs stood with me and played in my spiritual sandbox from start to finish. Every week, they listened to my developing concepts, images and frameworks and every week they produced content that we could file as a piece of this or that service, till it all came together. I have collaborated in theater, ritual and liturgical contexts many times and this collaboration stands out, for me. So, thank you Dave and Martin, above all, for your enacted support of my vision, and for the interweaving of your gifts with mine.
With deep bows to all who will be enumerated below, I want to acknowledge that I felt you all – your energy projecting right through cyberspace, emanating from the huge monitor provided so I could see you all.
I wish you joy as we enter the holiday of Sukkot, “z’man simchateinu – “the season of our joy.” What is the joy celebrated at Sukkot? It is the joy of harvest 😊.
Reminder to Return Machzorim to the Bayit

If you borrowed a Velveteen Rabbi Machzor or a Harlow Machzor from Or Shalom for the High Holidays, please drop in on weekdays between 11 am to 3 pm to return them to the office.
Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Come and build the Or Shalom Sukkah and
Connect with Friends

We are looking for enthusiastic, able bodied, robust individuals to assist in building our Sukkah. If this job description describes you to a ‘T’, please complete the form. We need to collect these details for contact tracing and to know how many folks to expect.

You are welcome to bring a young protégé, however we do ask that you provide direct supervision for safety reasons.

Todah Rabba and Yashar Koach!
Bring Your Own Picnic: Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, or Dessert; and Bring a Decoration or Two to Beautify the Sukkah! 

The Sukkah will be open by reservation for 2 hour visits between 11:30 am to 7:30 pm. You are invited to have a meal or a snack in the Sukkah during Sukkot (up to six people per bubble). Bring your own food, drinks, eating utensils, ritual objects (Kiddush cup? Challah cover?), a decoration or two, and all else you need or desire.

Pack out what you bring in! A sanitizing station will be set up inside the Sukkah. Keep in mind that the Bayit remains closed to visitors due to Covid. Reserve your spot here
Simchat Torah Twist & Shout: SAVE the DATE! 

Zoom service and dance party with DJ Jordan Zwicker!

Saturday October 10, 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Upcoming Services
Shabbat Morning Services via Zoom

  • Saturday October 3, 10 am, Shabbat Sukkot Yom Tov Service & Simchat Mitzvah of Ryan Perks (details below)
  • Saturday October 10, 9-10 am & 10-11 am, Shabbat morning Torah Study with Rabbi Susan, followed by an abbreviated davening with Rabbi Hannah
  • Saturday October 17, 10 am (Parashat Bereshit)
  • Saturday October 24, 10 am (Parashat Noach)
  • Saturday October 31, 10 am (Parashat Lech-Lecha)
  • Saturday November 7, 10 am (Parshat Vayera)
Happenings this Week
See our new Event Calendar for details and Zoom links for upcoming programs, services, and events.
Friday October 2 to Thursday October 8
Friday, October 2

10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sukkah Building
You are welcome to come on over to schmooze and and help to build the Or Shalom Sukkah. If you are planning to come, please complete the form for contact tracing.

1:00 pm
Prayers for Healing
Tehillim for the Human Family led by John Fuerst.
Reciting Tehillim for the sick is a traditional practice.
Join John to chant or sing Psalms, or to sit quietly, sending healing intentions. Psalms are available in Hebrew and English here. 
Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 873 2214 6883; Password: 200901

6:00 pm
Erev Sukkot Candle Lighting 
- led by Rabbi Hannah from her Sukkah
Candle lighting, Kiddush, Motzi. Erev Shabbat blessings are available here.
Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 826 4524 7744; Passcode: 712461

Saturday, October 3
10:00 - 12:00 am
Shabbat Sukkot Yom Tov Service & Simchat Mitzvah of
Ryan Perks
Pesukei Dezimra - Ryan Perks
Shacharit with Hallel - Rabbi Hannah Dresner
Torah Reading and Dvar Torah - Ryan Perks
Zoom Shamash - Tyche Smith

Join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 853 5345 3220;Passcode: 076426
Our Sunday Evening Minyanim will begin again on October 18

Monday, October 5
Exploring Judaism Class
- with Rabbi Hannah Dresner
For registered students.

Thursday, October 8
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Bright Lights
- with Matthew Gindin
For registered students (ages 6-9).
Reflecting on the High Holidays
Some Videos from the High Holidays
Some of the livestream High Holiday services and pre-recorded sections are now on Or Shalom's YouTube page. Apologies for missing the beginning of some services.

Also, please subscribe to our YouTube page, various features are only unlocked when we get over 100 subscribers! YouTube Link
Share your thoughts about the Zoomed
High Holiday Services

Follow this link to a Thoughtexchange, where you can confidentially share your thoughts about the question, "How do you feel about the Or Shalom zoomed High Holiday services for 5781?"

After you share your own thoughts, you can view and rate other thoughts and ideas by how much you agree or disagree with them.
Programs Open For Registration
Adult Programs
Fall 2020 Zusia Course Offerings!

This year, the first Zusia courses begin November 2020. See course descriptions below for details and course fees; Special rates for Or Shalom members!
Spinoza: Jewish Philosophy In The Time of Covid-19

Spinoza was among the most fearless of philosophers. He formed his thought both in tension with, and inspired by, his Jewish background. His vision of personal and communal ethics is as countercultural today as it was in the 17th century, and is still provoking revolutionary thought and action.

In this 4 week online class we will look at Spinoza’s potent insights on joy, human flourishing and freedom, democracy, and community and how these can offer us guidance during our current moment of overlapping crises.

Instructor: Matthew Gindin
Prerequisite: None:
Dates: Tuesdays, November 3 – November 24, 2020
Time: 7-9 PM
Investment: Members $60; Non-Members $98

Please find further details and registration here.
Return to the Place: The Wisdom of Sefer Yetzirah

Sefer Yetzirah is an ancient and foundational work of Jewish mysticism. This brief and cryptic book imagines letters as the building blocks of the universe, focusing our attention on the components of space, time, and soul and the elements of air, fire, and water. Its goal is to allow adepts to contemplate, and even partake in, the Divine creative process. 

In this series, we will explore sections from the book closely as well as use images from the text to meditate and reflect on our own spiritual experience. ​In the worldview of the Sefer Yetzirah, we and all things are part of the One, and all we need to do is remember and return.

This course will consist of a series of three pre-recorded video lessons with downloadable text, online chevruta work in study assigned groups, and a final (4th) session that is an interactive webinar with Rabbi Hammer. 

Instructor: Rabbi Jill Hammer, PhD
Prerequisite: None:
Dates: Tuesdays, November 3 – November 24, 2020
Time: 7-9 PM
Investment: Members $60; Non-Members $98

For a list of Rabbi Hammer's publications, further details, and registration, see here.

Rabbi Jill Hammer, PhD, is the Director of Spiritual Education at the Academy for Jewish Religion, and the co-founder of the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute.
Exploring Judaism, led by Rabbi Hannah Dresner.
The 2020-21 class is now at capacity.
Children and Youth Programs
Shabbat Sheli

We will be returning this year with a new teacher- Samantha Fogel! Sammy is coming to us after a year of working with kids in the same age range at
Har-El in North Vancouver. She has years of experience working with kids as well as in positions of service to the community at large and we are lucky to have her. Please find further details and registration here.
Bright Lights

Matthew Gindin will again be teaching this program which will include text study, discussion, art, crafts and play. The curriculum will focus on learning the stories of our ancestors in the Tanakh, beginning Hebrew Alphabet studies, and the continued learning of mussar (Jewish values). Matthew is excited to learn with kids old and new after summer break!
Please find further details and registration here.

Going forward Byachad is reimagined as a two year course with the option to stay on after Simchat Mitzvah for another year at no additional cost. 

Our revised curriculum delivers a broad knowledge of Jewish culture, religion, history and values, hoping to offer a multitude of portals to Jewish identity. Harriet Frost will teach an expanded Hebrew and Trope curriculum which will give the students a deeper knowledge of Hebrew and allow them to spend more time working on leining in preparation for the Simcha! 

Please find further details and registration here.
  • All donations made after September 23 are to be acknowledged in next week's Doar.
  • Thank you to Michal Fox for hosing Erev Shabbat Candle Lighting on Friday, September 25.
  • Thank you to Myrna Rabinowitz for her leadership during the September 26 Shabbat Shuva Service, and to Sally Thorne for providing technical Zoom support.
  • Thank you to Fran Ritch for organizing flowers to beautify the Bayit for the Yom Kippur services.
  • Thank you to Mary Aldersberg for decorating the Bayit in preparation for the High Holidays and for her coordination support during the services.
  • Thank you to Tilly Schalkwyk and Sally Thorne for their help refreshing the flowers and preparing the Bayit for Yom Kippur Services.
  • Thank you to Rabbi Daniel Siegel, Harriet Frost, and Myrna Rabinowitz for their leadership during the Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Service, and to John Fuerst and Linda Peritz for providing technical Zoom support.
  • Thank you to Rabbi Yoni Gordis, Reb Laura Duhan-Kaplan and Charles Kaplan, Tifferet Welch, Wendy Rubin, Avi Yan, Lilach Somberg, and Dalia Margalit-Faircloth for their leadership during the Yom Kippur Service, and to Avril Orloff and Linda Peritz for providing technical Zoom support.
  • Thank you to Tyche Smith for providing technical Zoom support during the Yom Kippur Meditation session.
  • Thank you to Harley Rothstein and Reva Malkin for their leadership during the Yizkor and Neilah Service. Thank you to Rabbi Hillel Goelman for providing a pre-taped message. Thank you to Dael Adams for her poem during the Yizkor and Neilah Service, and thank you to Martin Gotfrit, Dave Kauffman, Myrna Rabinowitz, and Wendy Rubin for providing Yizkor music. Thank you also to Linda Peritz for providing technical Zoom support.
  • Thank you to Dave Kauffman and Martin Gotfrit for their technical and logistical support during the High Holidays.
  • Thank you to all that contributed towards the High Holidays from Selichot through to Rosh Hashanah:
Mary Aldersberg
Sara Buell
Charles Cohen
Casey Collins
Ann Daskal
Avi Dolgin
Val Dolgin
Mark Drew
Miriam Eguchi
Nomi Fenson
Abby Fitch
Alycia Fridkin
Carol Ann Fried
Robin Friedlander
Harriet Frost
Pat Gill
Fran Goldberg
Rabbi Yoni Gordis
Martin Gotfrit
Noah Gotfrit
Cecil Hershler
Jane Heyman
Susan Karovitch
Dave Kauffman
Alexis Kellus-Creer
Ros Kunin
Els Kushner
Alex Leslie
Jacqueline Levitin
Reva Malkin
Heidi Mannis
Karen Marie
Julie Martz
Wendy Oberlander
Malka Oberlander
Avril Orloff
Linda Peritz
Andrina Perry
Lorne Prupas
Fran Ritch
Harley Rothstein
Wendy Rubin
Tilly Schalkwyk
Bat Ami Segal
Rabbi Susan Shamash
Tyche Smith
Jack Sniderman
Shelley Stein-Wotten
Malcolm Steinberg
 Sally Thorne
Philippe Tortell
Rhea Tregebov
Aren X Tulchinsky
Mark Welch
Tiferet Welch
Mark Winston
Daniel Wosk
Hana Wosk
Katherine Zemliya
Our sincere apologies if your name has inadvertently been missed. We still love you and appreciate all that you do! Please don't hesitate to contact the office about an omission. We promise to acknowledged you in the next Doar.
Your tax-deductible donation to Or Shalom can be used to honour an accomplishment or life event, say thank you for a mitzvah or job well-done, or remember a loved ones passing.
In the Larger Community
Have something to post in the Doar?
Just fill in this handy web-form to included your article in future editions of the Doar Shalom, Or Shalom's weekly e-newsletter.
