March 10, 2020

Dear Faculty,

Due to the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19, CIM has decided, out of an abundance of caution and in conjunction with CWRU, to:

  1. Extend spring break for students until March 18 and
  2. Limit in-person instruction at least until Monday, April 6, 2020.

Events that are still permitted are:

  • Lessons – If you and your student are both symptom-free and comfortable with meeting, you may teach in person.
  • Coachings – If you and the members of a chamber ensemble are symptom-free and comfortable with meeting, you may coach them in person.
  • Recitals – If symptom-free, students may perform their degree recitals, with only family and teacher in attendance. All others, including studio mates and friends, will need to watch via the livestream.

These in-person instructional events are strictly voluntary; please keep in mind that students may choose not to return to campus during this period. If in-person teaching is not possible for any reason, we expect you to teach remotely.

For classes , we ask you to pursue options for teaching remotely.

Large ensemble rehearsals and performances will be suspended until such a time as we are able to resume in-person instruction. More information will be shared as it is available.

CIM’s IT department has been sending information (from ) regarding the use of Microsoft Teams for video conferencing your classes. They will be sending more information regarding how best to do so:

  • Staff will be available on Monday and Tuesday, March 16-17 to assist you in preparations for video conferencing your classes.
  • Your normal teaching space will be available during your regularly scheduled times, and we can help set up the necessary technology.
  • If you already use Canvas or other such online platform, you are welcome to continue doing so. We are excited to be able to offer Canvas to all of our instructors in fall 2020 but the system is not ready for an immediate switch to online learning.

At this point, the building will remain open for practice and the limited in-person instruction as planned. If any changes to building access are made, you will be notified. Please note that your building access card will be required to access the building. If you do not have an access card or need a replacement, contact .

Throughout this process, we will be requesting our community members to follow the below guidelines from CWRU:

  1. Self-observation for fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
  2. Faculty who experience any symptoms should contact your primary care provider, where a health professional will discuss your situation and provide guidance.
  3. Avoid sharing food or drink with others (e.g. eating or drinking from the same plates or containers).
  4. Avoid close contact with others – e.g. shaking hands, hugs, etc.

We understand that this request is unprecedented – as is the pandemic causing it. The staff remains available to help you in any way to ensure whatever continuity of instruction we can. Thank you in advance for your efforts and understanding. We’re working to ensure the health and safety of our community, and we hope that by doing this we can mitigate widespread impact.


Judy Bundra and Brian Sweigart