Birthdays in Music  

Alessandro Scarlatti 5/2/1660

Pete Seeger   5/3/1919
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  Max Steiner   5/10/1888
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Mark Your Calendars

      Though our next concerts may be months away our directors and our board are still busy preparing for what comes next. Please be here for us. It is easier than ever to support the choruses of the Rockbridge Choral Society by texting SINGON to 1-844-844-6844. Or go to and hit the Donate button. Thanks!

Singing in the Time of  Corona Virus
          The news isn't getting any better on this front. One of the cruelest results of this novel virus is its most unusual characteristic- transmission by asymptomatic individuals.  
And it is this more than anything else that has literally stopped any activity that occurs in groups - church services, funerals, choral rehearsals, and concerts. Last month we told you about a Covid-19 outbreak in a Washington state community chorus. Since then clusters of transmission from Washington to Georgia have been traced to choir sessions. From the beginning of the pandemic, transmission clusters have documented relation to choir rehearsals, funerals, and church services
           The principle of aerosolization appears to make singers sort of 'super virus spreaders'. The act of taking a deep breath and then exhaling that breath for relatively long periods, as in making vocal lines of music, appears to be a very efficient method of virus shedding through exhaled droplets. Even if a singer does not have signs of respiratory infection such as coughing or sneezing, they can be exhaling infectious respiratory droplets which can float in the air and be inhaled by others for up to 3 hours, maybe longer depending on air circulation, temperature and other factors. Often, by necessity, singers are clustered close together and typically practice or perform in enclosed spaces. All of these factors augment virus spread. So, for the present and maybe much longer, singing in choirs may be the worst practices one can undertake.
           For now, as most states gear up to "open up", interim recommendations from the CDC encourage churches to limit singing by "avoiding or suspending use of a choir or musical ensembles during religious services or other programming...Consider having a soloist only, or strictly limiting the number of choir members and keep at least 6 feet between individuals". You can read the CDC's rather sobering study results of the Washington state choir's outbreak of Covid-19 among its members. It's hot off the press here. Click here 

Our Fearless Leader

Undaunted (mostly) by our current state of musical affairs, our artistic director, William McCorkle, can be found conducting virtual lessons with his piano students and playing for virtual church services at the Lexington Presbyterian Church. This church is our principle rehearsal location and performance venue in normal times and we are grateful for all they do for the RCS. Their youth pastor, Kelly-Ann Rayle, recently shared this short video from the church's YouTube channel of an organ interlude with Bill. We thought you'd enjoy it too. We'd love to see more of these Bill!
RCS Board News

        Lori Parker, director of our youngest youth choirs, is leaving u s. Lori has done a superb job with our youngest singers. We will miss her expertise and always smi
Lori Parker
ling face. Lori will still be in the area and co ncentrating on other work, so if you see her around, please thank her for her work and her service to the musical development of these talented kids. Than k yo u, thank you Lori for all you have given us!
        The RCS Board of Directors has voted to approve some new additions to the Board and a new slate of officers for the 2020/2022 term. We'd like to welcome new board members Woody M cDonald, Margaret Howard, Melanie Griffis-Hooper, Claibourne Edwards, Peg Leinbach, Taylor Walle, and Terry Southerington. The Board's new president beginning July 1, 2020 will be Margaret Howard. Larry Evans will continue as treasurer, and David Biddle will take over as secretary from departing board member Pat Tichenor. In addition to Pat, we would like to thank Jane Birzenieks, Anne Hansen, Melissa Holland, Deb Price, and Merrily Taylor for their service on the board as well. Their terms will end on July 1.
       Thanks to the tireless work of David Biddle and his bylaws committee members Larry Evans, Anne Hansen, Melissa Holland and Deb Price we have completed the new RCS bylaws and the board approved those at their May meeting. This completes our legal transition from the Friends of the Rockbridge Choral Society to the Rockbridge Choral Society. Singers, donors and supporters may request a copy of the bylaws by sending an email to

The Rockbridge Choral Society
P.O. Box 965
Lexington, VA 24450