July 2022
Accomplishments and Awards
2022 Tillman Scholars Announced
Congratulations to Paige Seitz for being named a 2022 Tillman Scholar! Seitz is a Texas A&M University graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications. Find a list of all Tillman Scholars from Texas A&M University.
Dean's Team Updates
Faculty Affairs
Academic Calendars and Schedules
Upcoming Deadlines
Faculty Development Leave
  • If you are planning to submit a Faculty Development Leave application, please make sure to submit by your departmental deadline — these vary but are usually before mid-September. 
  • Dr. Linglin Xie is our College representative on the university’s Faculty Development Leave Committee. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Xie at if you have any questions about the application. 
Promotion and Tenure
  • Recordings of the College, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service workshops on the promotion and tenure process are available at
  • Promotion and Tenure Zoom Hours for Committee Chairs and Staff: Committee chairs and staff involved in the promotion and tenure process are invited to visit come-and-go Zoom hours 10-11 a.m. every Friday through Sept. 23 to ask questions and join the discussion.
Academic Affairs
Graduate Student Opportunities
  • New Graduate Committee Faculty (GCF) System: The Graduate and Professional School launched a new GCF System. Details and a user guide are available at
  • Visit the Graduate and Professional Studies page for information about Graduate Student Orientation sessions on Monday, Aug. 15 and Friday, Aug. 19.
  • The Graduate and Professional School is accepting requests for the Graduate Recruitment, Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) Program:
  • Funding to supplement awarded external national fellowships, federal training grants and federal research grant supplements promoting diversity.
  • Funding to cover travel expenses for prospective fellows to visit our campus. 
  • Visit the GREAT Program page for more information.
Undergraduate Student Opportunities
  • Find information about the August 2022 commencement ceremonies.
  • A Math Learning Center satellite site may be available on west campus in fall 2022. More details will be forthcoming. For more information on the main campus Math Learning Center, visit
  • Due Saturday, Oct. 1: Proposals for faculty-led study abroad programs and proposals for spring/winter 2023 field-trip programs are due to the College. Contact Dr. Mary Bryk if you have any questions.
Student Update
Student Success and Development
  • Prospective student information sessions occur weekly on Fridays. Students can register for a visit with a recruiter at
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council
Student Scholarships
  • The student council will be awarding scholarships soon. Recipients will be named on the council's social media.
Follow the student council on Facebook and Instagram.
Visit the council website at
Professional Development, Training and Wellness
Professional Development
  • LinkedIn Learning is available to AgriLife employees. Featured courses this month:
  • Staying Organized While Working Remotely or On-Site (Video, 33 minutes)
  • Whether you’re in an office or working remotely, you may constantly feel like you’re behind in your tasks if your workspace and work routine are unorganized. In this course, organization expert Amy Fritz teaches you how to organize your workspace and prepare your work environment to get the most done every day.
  • Sharing Your Best Self at Work (Video, 56 minutes)
  • One of the key aspects to success at work — besides the actual work you do — is how you present yourself. What you do and what you say can have a big impact on the way your colleagues and bosses see you and interact with you. In this course, Carolyn Goerner teaches how to effectively share yourself and your strengths at work, to help you develop positive relationships and be seen in the best light.
  • Guidance Resources: Work/life solutions include professional and personal training resources.
  • Website:
Employee Wellness
  • July 31 is this year's deadline to make changes to your Texas A&M University System insurance coverage. To learn more about the various insurance options, visit an Open Enrollment presentation (PDF schedule of Open Enrollment presentations).
Our Mission in Action
Each month, we highlight faculty and staff who have embodied the Aggie Core Values and demonstrated their immense dedication to advancing the mission of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in teaching, research and service.

Dr. Doug Kingman, instructional professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, has developed a new course, AGSM 105: “The World Has a Drinking Problem: Global Water Scarcity.” He taught this basic science course for the first time in fall 2021 to 80 students. The word of mouth on this course has been extraordinary and this fall, Dr. Kingman will teach the course for 285 students. Students will learn about how the availability of fresh water, population changes, cultural influences and political power affect the quality, distribution and cost of water for children, rural communities and under-represented peoples throughout the world. 


Dr. Jim Petrick, professor in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, was a keynote speaker in the recent TOSOK Busan International Tourism Conference in Busan City, Korea. Two recent studies have recognized Dr. Petrick as the most published tourism marketing researcher in the world. His research has appeared in more than 125 peer-reviewed journal publications. His ability to market and improve tourism through his research makes him an asset to his department and College.


Clarice Fulton is the graduate program coordinator in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications. Her nominators praise her selfless heart, dedication to the department, and commitment to ensuring students experience a seamless transition into the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. For her efforts, Fulton received the 2021 President’s Meritorious Service Award last year.

Have a colleague in mind we should feature?

Email us at to nominate someone.