Geese come to Green Exodus!

Enjoy this recording of Mary Oliver reading her poem, Wild Geese. This is a picture of Mary with one of her beloved dogs.

Paule Poulin, my neighbour and friend shares her love of geese in the painting below.

The Green Exodus Survey
We are excited to share the Green Exodus Survey. We would love to learn more about this emerging community. Please take 5 minish and let us know

  • Who you are?
  • Why you are showing up?
  • How you would like to contribute ?

Thank you from the bottom of our green hearts!
Green Exodus Calgary Gatherings Begin on April 9!

Green Exodus is excited to announce that we have a team ready to offer leadership and host five GE Gatherings in Calgary - four regular meetings and one community meeting.

We will reconvene Green Exodus:
Fridays after Easter,
April 9 - May 7
4:00 - 5:30 pm MDT.

Full Disclosure
The Green Exodus is an opportunity for participation

  • With each other through small and large group conversation.

  • With what is and what is more than us through various practices: noticing, meditation, contemplative photography, poetry, art, words from Wisdom Traditions.

  • In the creative, evolving urgency of our living on this Planet; both as we ourselves are creative, with joy and discovery, and as we are painfully aware of our place and potential in the evolution of our Earth.