We praise our God for the sustainable and growing ministry in the Central African Republic, officially recognized this month as one of the 163 world areas in which the Church of the Nazarene works! After this new world area was confirmed, the Board of General Superintendents gathered around the globe in prayer - the same globe past general superintendents gathered around to prayer new world areas.
We are thankful for the church in Congo Brazzaville for pioneering this work and our Field Strategy Coordinator, Rev
Gavin Fothergill
, for his leadership.
Click for news on the Africa Region. AFRICA
NMI - Nazarene Missions International
We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Carole Eatock
District NMI President
We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.
Missions serving opportunity in Summer 2020 to Rockford Illinois!! Details coming soon!
Your NWIL NMI Council has worked hard for you over the past year by sending a district team to Ecuador, witnessed lives changed at Kids and Teen camp and hosted new missionary friends this year for deputation. We have also been praying over those individuals feeling a call into missions.
This year's NMI Resources for 2020 will be available the beginning of March. They will be posted as the resources are received from translation. Please check The Foundry Publishing
CLICK HERE for missionary Books and lessons. You can download these free of charge.
I am excited to see you at District Convention this year there is so much to celebrate and give God the glory for how He is moving on our district and our denomination! You will hear from some young ladies who God calling them into missions. We continue to pray for each of you as you fervently fan the mission flame at your church.
We will see you in a few weeks!
Carole Eatock
Southside Community Center |
Science. Technology. Engineering Arts. Math
Join us this summer as we seek to transform the Southside of Peoria one relationship at a time.
We are seeking volunteers 16 and up to be trained and lead during our 10 week S.T.E.A.M. programs this summer.
For more information contact us at 309-713-3715 southsidecc05@gmail.com
NYI - Nazarene Youth International
Calling our generation to a dynamic life in Christ
MAY 14-16, 2020
Registration: 8:30am-10:30am Centennial Chapel
Registration Deadline is March 23, 2020
Please have it postmarked by March 23, 2020
Mail forms & fees to:
NWIL District
ATTN: Celebrate Life
3520 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL 61554
Student & Sponsor Cost: $140.00 before 03/23/20 $175.00 after 03/23/20 Checks payable to: your local church
Participants and Sponsors do the following:
- Complete registration form
- Complete Rock Wall Waiver
- Copy insurance card (front & back)
- Check for $140 (payable to your local church)
- Give all of the above to your youth leader
(Student & Sponsor) (mandatory for students & sponsors)
YOUTH SPONSORS: Please download and read all paperwork below carefully. There are several very important changes this year regarding event time changes and sponsor information.
Austin Smith, Celebrate Life Director
309-525-0715 (cell) or 309-346-3053 (church)
Pamela Smith, Celebrate Life Co-Director
309-208-7595 (cell) or 309-682-6945 (District Office)
**All sponsors and coaches must take Ministry Safe Training before attending Celebrate Life. The training link will be sent via e-mail.
Click for complete details:CL2020
NYI - Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Allies, NYI sees all of you and has heard you and we want to do everything we can to keep you connected. Not just connected to us, but more importantly to God. In order to do that we need your help. If you are a recent high school graduate, 18-23 years old, or you know someone in your church that fits into that age group, please send your information to us.
We want to help you get connected to a group that will help you and challenge you to continue growing in your faith whether you are attending school far from your NWIL district family or you are working within a NWIL community.
We, your NWIL family, love you and want you to know you matter and you are needed to accomplish the goal God has set before us. So if you are a college aged student or a church leader/pastor would you please give Ronda Hollars a call or send an email with young adults (18-23)name(s) and contact information so that we can begin connecting them with resources to help them continue maturing in their faith with a body of believers surrounding them.
Ronda Hollars: NWIL NYI College/Career Rep.
NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing - Resources
05/14-05/16 - CL - Olivet
Shawn McClain, NYI Quiz Director
New resources have been created to help you get the word out about Youth Quizzing! The virtual promo kit has editable files for you to promote your current ministry or recruit new ministries. Follow the link below and click the blue button that says 'promo kit.'
Mark your calendars
July 27-31, 2020
For teens who have completed 7th-12th grade
4/1/20 - 7/1/20: $300
7/2/20 - 7/15/20: $350
SDMI - Sunday School Discipleship International
Ellyn Book
District SDMI Director
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.
And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.
Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.
Discipling Our Children, Engaging Their Hearts
Where do we even start? The answer is Jesus! (It's always Jesus!)
Where did He start? He started with the heart. God brings lasting change and life transformation in us and our children from the inside out.
This workshop, originally scheduled this past January and cancelled due to weather, will be shared in a condensed presentation at The Summit, in Galesburg, on March 21 during the SDMI Convention. It is beneficial for parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, pastors - anyone in relationships with children, so actually, everyone!
This abbreviated presentation will be focused on learning to listen to our kids well, along with
practical heart-discipling skills that you'll practice using that very day.
SDMI - Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry Workers
If you're on Facebook, check out
NWIL Children's Ministry
and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
Kids & Pre-Teen Camp
June 21-24, 2020
March 1 - April 30 - $215
After April 30 - $250
Camper Registration ends: May 31, 2020
Registration for Camp 2020 is now open! Kids who are currently in 2nd - 6th grades will attend Kids & Pre-Teen Camp, which is June 21-24, 2020 (SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY). Please click the link below for full details.
Spots fill up quickly!
You don't want your child to miss this incredible event!
SDMI - Children's Quizzing |
04/25/20 -
Eureka Grace
Information will be posted regarding
upcoming meets and events.
The Global Ministry Center has given us a great resource.
Click on nazarene.org for Stories, Find a Church, Grow in Faith, News, Announcements, Resources, Region News, Global News and so much more.
Click for Global Ministry Center contact information: GMC
NWIL District Prayer Force
Prayer Force Moving Forward!
The District Prayer Force Strategy to pray for every person living in Northwestern Illinois is moving forward. Five Prayer Force leaders have been identified allowing us to move forward in 17 of the 30 counties across the District. These leaders, their counties and contact information is as follows:
Chuck Cobb - Mason & Tazewell
(309) 642-0244
Judy Davenport - Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schyler & Warren (309) 259-9042 jdaven5@yahoo.com
Ronda Hollars - Bureau, Lee & Whiteside
Debbie Lyons - Winnebago
Patrick Lovell - Woodford, Marshall & Putnam
Tammy Shane - Henry, Knox & Mercer
If you live in one of the above counties
and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, please contact the above indicated Prayer Force leader.
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Therefore, every person deserves
and must be prayed for by name.
If you live in one of the remaining 13 counties
(Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson) and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, contact:
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family. Please send a short article and pictures to
The Summit & District Assembly |
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Delegate registration opens at 7:45am
Galesburg First - 1501 Webster St - Galesburg, IL
Childcare ONLY with pre-registration by March 19
March 21
Galesburg First
May 1-2
These are all district events. Everyone is invited. Church leaders, members and attendees will be equipped, encouraged and empowered for ministry.
The Summit - 03/21/20 - Galesburg First
District Assembly 05/01-02/20 - Crossbridge
The Great Commission Report is now available on the district website. You can access it anytime you would like. Choose
CHURCHES tab dropdown and choose bottom option
Great Commission Statistics. You can view a month or year to date or last year's numbers.
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Working together, we accomplish so much as the Body of Christ. Become a part of missions work and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In the Funding the Mission plan, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives that mission.
Bridgeway celebrated 15 years! They started 15 years ago in a school in Morton, relocated to the movie theater in Morton, relocated to Tremont High School cafeteria, then to the Pekin Campus. School, movie theater, school cafeteria, current campus that used to be an appliance store... In the words of our district superintendent, Scott Sherwood... "That can be a church." Don't ever limit yourself on the location of the church that God might be putting on your heart to plant. Lives will forever be changed. Is he calling you to plant? If so, listen and keep your heart open. Read below to see how lives have been changed because Bridgeway was planted! God has been so good to Bridgeway and the families that call it home. "The joy and love that was felt in our church building last night was insurmountable!! Love love LOVE how all the pastors came together weather they could be there in person or not and shared the journey of Bridgeway with the whole family beautifully!! My heart was overflowing The Holy Spirit was definitely in this place!. I have never felt more at home than I do at Bridgeway. Love our family! You have been such a blessing in our lives and I am forever grateful!! Love you, and thank you for all you have done and do!!" -Ami Danielle
"Dale Schaeffer do you realize you hugged hundreds of people last night?? Growth! Bridgeway church (in the movie theater) and you changed my life forever. This is where I learned the real love of Jesus verses the legalism I once experienced. I learned He loves us just as we are, but loves us too much to leave us there. I've heard that around there a time or two. Most of all I met a pastor who was passionate about winning people to Jesus, who loved his church, and touched many lives while there. I never took losing a pastor as hard as I did when you left. Thanks for coming "home" for the celebration!" -Gail Dunlevy-Jaeger
"To the church that allowed me to come broken, lost, confused, sinful, in and out, back and forth for so many years; and yet, continuously and consistently built an army of people in all of those circumstances that surrounded me with unconditional love and encouragement. Those with the heartbeat of Jesus, pouring out the truce essence of hope, faith (AND A WHOLE LOT OF PRAYER) without limits in to my life until I felt it rise inside of my soul and found peace in the surrender. I've been wrecked and restored by the Word of God and presence of the Holy Spirit from Tremont High School gymnasium days to Pekin campus. Through the Celebrate Recovery ministry I found my identity in Christ and embraced freedom form the bondage of my shame, addictions, compulsive habits, selfish behaviors and poor attitude towards life and the world in which we live. What an incredible journey its been thus far. Thank you. Bless you. Forever grateful. Forever changed. Forever is the value of Kingdom Family." - Alexis Bass
"This is why planting churches matters. This is why prayer matters. This is proof that grace wins. This is why community is the best environment for transformation. I'm wrecked by God's faithfulness and grace." - Dale Schaeffer
Bloomington First Welcomes New Lead Pastor
Pastor Linsy Stockham has felt the call to ministry since she was a little girl. "God has consistently been faithful in the rescue, redemption, and restoration of my life; Jesus saved my life! I live as a daughter of the Most High, fully loved and accepted! My passion grows and deepens as I yield to His will for every season of life. I love Jesus and I love the Church!"
A miracle took place in 2003 when God restored Linsy's broken family. One year after their divorce from each other, Linsy and Wes Stockham reunited in marriage and have celebrated 16 years together. They have three children: Ethan(20), Trinity(18), and Gabe(17).
Surrendered to Christ, Pastor Linsy chooses to be willing, available, and led by the Holy Spirit, both in the Church, and in the community. Over the years, she has participated in various ministries including dance, prison, women, youth, children, outreach, and worship. While working for the Bloomington/Normal YMCA for seven years, Linsy had many opportunities to share Jesus with hundreds of children and college-age students. As a nine-year paraprofessional for Olympia West, Pastor Linsy gained invaluable experience in special needs, classrooms, and family relations within communities. Linsy is also the author of the children's book, "Tiny Giants" (2008), of which all profits go to benefit efforts to stop human trafficking.
Again saying "yes" to God, Pastor Linsy accepted the position of BridgeWay Pekin Campus Pastor in 2018. While serving in this new role, she continued to serve as BridgeWay's Family Ministries Pastor (since 2016), and Merge Youth Pastor (since 2014). She received her District Pastor's License in 2017 and pursued further coursework through Nazarene Bible College. Linsy completed her coursework in December of 2019 and has accepted the call to serve as Lead Pastor at Bloomington First Church of the Nazarene. She claims to be on an "epic adventure that only a miracle-working Author could pen" and one might have to agree. To God be the Glory!
On Sunday, March 8th, Pastor Linsy will be installed as Lead Pastor during the 10am Worship Service. "Pastor Linsy has an incredible passion and heart for God, the Church, and for our community. We can't wait to see how God will use her leadership to reach our community in the coming years," says the church's Worship Pastor, Rev. Scott Perschall.
First Church of the Nazarene has been part of the Bloomington-Normal community since 1915 and meets at 2207 N. Towanda-Barnes Road in Bloomington. The global Church of the Nazarene has members in 155 world areas. More information about the church can be found at www.1stnaz.com or by calling the church office at 309-662-1915.
Lives are being changed in Freeport and the family of God is growing. Twelve people were baptized Sunday, February 23!!
From 5-years-old and up. We are praising God for what He is doing in Freeport.
There was a full house at Roseville Nazarene as Mark Johnson was installed as lead pastor. Mark has been a member of Galesburg First for years. He has his district ministers license and is working towards ordination. The Roseville church family is feeling blessed and look forward to serving alongside Pastor Mark.
Pastor Gretta Nash and Summit family celebrated their one year anniversary on March 1, 2020. The day started with a beautiful time of worship followed by testimonies of long time members and new attenders. They have experienced growth in the last year. Children, teens and young adults are in the walls of the church again! Which is something that has not been present in years.
Registration & Information:
Upcoming events on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University and around the world, including Homecoming, concert events, golf outings, alumni gatherings and much more
Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, IL
Monday-Wednesday * June 1-3, 2020
What is PALCON?
Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON) is a gathering designed for all Nazarene clergy - pastors, chaplains, evangelists, staff ministers, and missionaries.
Click for registration and information:
2019-2020 Schedule
03/12/20 - Galesburg First
04/16/20 - Reachway
9:45 am
Arrive and Gather with our District Team
10:00 am
POPS begins
Worship - Word - Prayer - District Information
September 17 - Pekin First
October 8 - Crossbridge
November 12 - Canton First
December 10 - Summit
January 14 - Freeport
February 11 - Bridgeway
March 11 - Rock Island First
April 8 - Peoria Nazarene
03/12 POPS - Galesburg First
03/19 MST/ZF Meeting 9:30am-2:00pm - Peoria Nazarene
03/21 The Summit (Convention) - Galesburg First
04/16 POPS- Reachway
04/25 Children's Quiz - Eureka Grace
05/01-05/02 District Assembly - Crossbridge
05/14-05/16 Field Celebrate Life - Olivet
05/21 MST/ZF Meeting - 9:30am-2:00pm - Peoria Nazarene
06/21-06/24 Kids & Pre-Teen Camp - Lake Williamson
07/27-07/31 Teen Camp - Lake Williamson
Does your church need new altars?
Crossbridge has a few extra altars in storage and would like to donate them.
20" Tall, 5.5" Deep, 96" Long - made out of dark wood.
General Assembly & Conventions 2021
General Convention June 23 - June 26, 2021
General Assembly June 27-July 2, 2021
Indianapolis, IN
The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan, Holiness tradition.
Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 162 world areas.
Church Multiplication Endowment Fund
Give a GIFT that doesn't stop Giving!
Would you give $1.00 a month if it never stopped giving, never wore out, never changed its usefulness or purpose and transformed lives?
How many times do we give a gift to someone only to see it discarded at a later date or discover it was never used as intended? Have you ever wanted to give a gift that would never grow old or wear out, that would always be used for good and made a difference for eternity? NOW you can!
Jesus said "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Would you partner with your Northwestern Illinois District's vision to plant churches? You might wonder how you can make a difference or even be a part. Everyone can. We need some to plant, we need everyone to pray and we need many to invest.
The Church Multiplication Endowment Fund is designed to reach unreached people living on the NWIL District for Christ. Every dollar given will continue to give in perpetuity. An endowment fund uses the interest from the principle to do kingdom work. Will you help fund this goal?
Currently, our district property funds have been invested in planting 22 new churches these past three years and the district is in need of capital to continue to plant more! We need your help. Presently, there are 36 more potential church plants in various stages of planning which will require additional funding support.
Help us reach our GOAL of planting 300 churches by 2030. We see 300 churches as 3,000 disciplemakers who disciple 15,000 disciples gathering with 30,000 worshippers. Every dollar you give will continue to reach people for Christ your whole lifetime and beyond.
Would you consider a GIFT of $1.00 a month? We are not trying to take money from your local ministry where you give your tithes and offerings. We are asking for many to give a little. Our initial goal is 5,000 giving at least $1.00 a month. Would you be one of those 5,000 making a commitment to create a movement to plant churches that change lives? Here are ways to give:
1. You can give to your local church by marking your check or cash gift "NWIL CM Endowment" and your church treasurer will take it from there.
2. You can also choose to give online if you want to set up one time or reoccurring payments using debit/credit/Electronic Check on the district website at nwilnaz.org/GIVE/ On District Church Planting or direct CM Endowment Giving LINK. Or scan this QR code at the bottom of this article.
3. You can send a check or cash to NWIL District, 3520 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554 (please indicate CM Endowment on check memo)
We are also looking for those who might like to make greater kingdom investments!
You can give cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, livestock, grain, or other personal property. Basically, any asset of marketable value can be used to help fund this endowment. There are also charitable gift annuity options that allow you to specify the endowment fund or another ministry of your choice while allowing you to receive income for your lifetime and when you pass, your gift goes to the endowment fund or specified ministry. CLICK HERE to see other ways to model generosity. Gifts can be given in memory or in honor of someone.
Large or small: Why not leave a lasting legacy that lasts more than your lifetime.
For more information or confidential consultation please contact NWIL District Administrator, Jim Book 309-678-2357; NWIL District Treasurer, Ray Barker
309-645-7716; or the Nazarene Foundation directly at 913-577-2983.
Scan for CM Endowment Fund Giving
Every gift is tax deductible
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Ken Roat
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Lloyd Brock Keith Peachey
Rev. Kevin Donoho Kevin Singletary
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith
Board Of Ministry
Course of Study
Rev. Karin Orwig
We are pleased to announce that our District Administrator,
Rev. Jim Book, has been certified with the Myers & Briggs Foundation as a Certified Practitioner of the MBTI step I & step II instruments. We look forward to using this training in our ministerial preparation program and other applicable ways. You can contact
Rev. Book
if you would have interest in using these instruments and training in the ministry of your local church.
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