February 5, 2021
Nick Horney, Ph.D.

About Nick Horney
Tom O'Shea, CMC

How Agile Are You?

Read the latest insights on creating your Agility Advantage from two pioneers in the field of organizational and leadership agility. Nick Horney shares from his series on the VUCA Masters and Tom provides lessons worth learning. 

Reflections on Agility
The VUCA Masters Series -- Bill Gates

Bill Gates is a VUCA Master. Bill Gates represents one of the series of VUCA Master stories/biographies intended to help others effectively demonstrate leadership agility fitness regardless of the disruptive VUCA they face. Gates has demonstrated his ability to master the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) experienced during his lifetime of change in the world of technology and society. READ MORE

One of my favorite thought leaders is DON SULL, very smart guy who has been a Strategy Professor at MIT, Harvard and London School of Business. One of Don's many, many insightful sayings is we are living in an era of the FOG OF THE FUTURE which means we can't see as far into the... READ MORE
The VUCA Masters Series -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King was a VUCA Master. Dr. King represents one of the series of VUCA Master stories/biographies intended to help others effectively demonstrate leadership agility fitness regardless of the disruptive VUCA they face. READ MORE

We are now one month into the new chapter of 2021. The last chapter we all experienced earned numerous graphic descriptors - chaotic, disheartening, devastating, demoralizing, demeaning and even disgraceful at times. Take your pick and maybe add your own description to fit your experience. Let's bury the pain but take away the important learnings... READ MORE
The VUCA Masters Series -- Tracy Edwards
Tracy Edwards is a VUCA Master. One of many Leadership Agility stories to be featured in LinkedIn articles and in my forthcoming book -- The VUCA Masters: Developing Leadership Agility Fitness for a New World of Work. READ MORE 
Words Matter...

I heard an interview this morning with Amanda Gorman, the amazing poet laureate who was the youngest person to ever compose and share at Biden's inauguration.   Very interesting to hear her story and the way she developed her poetic message. She has a deep commitment to the notion that "words matter". It was clear throughout... READ MORE
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