This past week, by the numbers...
Dear Friends--

Just a quick update this week because, well, we are busy busy bees.

  • 13,000 = the number of fresh nutritious meals prepared in our San Leandro kitchen (3,100 on Wednesday alone, a new record!)
  • 13,520 = the number of shelf-stable meals that arrived this week. Some will go to LIFE ElderCare clients. Some will be stored as backup emergency meals, but most of these meals will be going out to homebound Alameda County Seniors who need them now.
  • 1,479 = the number of SOS meal clients served this week. We've been adding an average of 87 new clients every week since the shelter-in-place began.
  • 27 = the number of new volunteer drivers delivering meals this week. More than 200 new volunteers have joined SOS's ranks since March 16th (and hundreds more have applied!)
  • $329 = the average gift from first-time individual donors (and one Girl Scout Troop--Thanks, Troop #33009 of San Leandro!)
We continue to be amazed by the outpouring of support from our local and extended community. Thank you all for making it possible to not only keep up this important work, but to do more and better week over week.

Stay safe, stay distant,

Charlie Deterline, Executive Director