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Valley Mountain Regional Center
COVID-19 Testing Event in Stockton

Thursday March 18, 2021
from 9 am to 11 am

VMRC Parking Lot
702 N. Aurora Street, Stockton
Click Below for the
VMRC COVID-19 - Testing Event
(This is NOT a Vaccination Event)
Valley Mountain Regional Center is working with Biocept to host our seventh COVID-19 Testing Event (this is NOT a Vaccine event). The event will be in the parking lot of our Stockton Office (702 N. Aurora Street) and it will be a drive through reservation only free event. To get your test you need to register for your appointment time slot, use your unique email address, and print, complete, sign this Testing Consent Form and copy of insurance card (if uninsured we can still test you but the state requires those with insurance to provide a copy of their card) and bring it to the event.

VMRC COVID-19 - Pruebas
(No Vacunación)
Séptimo evento de pruebas COVID-19 de VMRC Valley Mountain Regional Center trabajará con Biocept para organizar evento de pruebas COVID-19. El evento será en el estacionamiento de nuestra oficina de Stockton (702 N. Aurora Street). Para obtener su examen, debe registrarse para el horario de su cita, usar su dirección de correo electrónico única e imprimir,completar y firmar este Formulario de consentimiento de prueba y copia de la tarjeta del seguro (si no está asegurado, aún podemos hacerle la prueba, pero CA requiere que el asegurado proporcione una copia de su tarjeta) y llévelo al evento.