AGEC/GWEP Quarterly Newsletter - Summer 2022

Volume XXXVII, No.3

From the Director's Desk

By Robin McAtee, PhD, RN, FACHE
Director, Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC), a Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging (DWR IOA)

Wow, what a “hot” summer we are all experiencing. Therefore, I want to send out a special “thank you” to all of you who are out there serving and caring for our older adults! This is dangerous weather for anyone, especially for our vulnerable older adults. So, “thank you” to all healthcare professionals who continue to serve! Our academic partners...

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Nutritional Biomarkers of Age-Related Muscle Loss

By David Church, PhD, CSCS*D

Department of Geriatrics, College of Medicine

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Skeletal muscle mass, function, and strength decline with increasing age, a condition that has been coined “sarcopenia”1. Sarcopenia increases the risk of deleterious health conditions and represents a major financial cost to healthcare systems. Among older adults who are hospitalized, those with sarcopenia on admission are 5-fold more likely to...

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Preparing the Rising Generation of Healthcare Professionals

Denise Demers, PhD, CHES & Darshon Reed, PhD

University of Central Arkansas

Department of Health Sciences and Department of Psychology

With the recent exponential growth of the aging population (from 13.1% in 2010 to 16.9% in 2020) and the projected growth by 2050 reaching 22% of the total population in the nation (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018), focus on the aging population has become paramount. Adults over the age of 65 will likely...

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Choosing Wisely: Focused Recommendations to Improve Deprescribing Practices

By Kaitlin Byrd, Pharm.D. and Lisa C. Hutchison, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS, BCGP

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)

College of Pharmacy

Older patients are at a higher risk of being prescribed multiple medications increasing their risk of negative effects from polypharmacy. Polypharmacy and inappropriate use of medications can increase the patient’s risk of falls, delirium, and hospitalizations. Deprescribing can help reduce polypharmacy...

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Do You Know the Signs of Elder Abuse? 

By Matthew Harmon, MSN, RN, CNE

School of Nursing

Arkansas State University

Older adults (over the age of 65) are commonly a target of abuse. In fact, one in six older adults are affected by some type of elder abuse. When one thinks of abuse, one may think of physical violence. In fact, the National Center on Elder Abuse notes seven different types...

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Managing a Healthy Dietary Pattern with Inflation and Rising Food Costs

By Laura Stilwell, M.Ed.

Education Coordinator

UAMS Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC)

The Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC) provides nutrition education and cooking tips for older adults in our monthly Facebook Live program, "From Our Kitchen to Yours". Two AGEC community programs provide healthy nutritional information as well: Eat Well, Live Well, and Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain. They're also available on-demand...

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