Land use consensus update is April 6, 7 p.m.
The League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County and the League of Women Voters of Kent have spent close to three years updating our land use positions with the goal of having a combined position for Portage County.

The consensus meeting on our new, combined land use position is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. online. A link to attend the Zoom meeting is provided below. There will be a New Member Orientation at 6 p.m. before the consensus.

This consensus process will result in a “position” that will enable the two Portage County Leagues to take unified action locally. Thanks to all who completed the online survey.
New Member Orientation before Consensus Meeting
Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. To join the New Member Orientation (followed immediately by the All Member Meeting), use the links below to join the zoom via video or phone.
Consensus participation is for members only. Members will be checked in before the Zoom meeting begins.
Join Our Zoom Meeting!

Meeting ID: 893 1479 5472
Passcode: 515685
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89314795472#,,,,*515685# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89314795472#,,,,*515685# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 893 1479 5472
Passcode: 515685
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We'll be sending out the Zoom link again an hour before the session starts.

Voters Guide available
April 2 in time for the start of early voting
Early voting starts Tuesday, April 6. Voters Guide editor Nena Hankins announced the guide will be on by April 2. Share the information with friends and family as they apply for their absentee ballot or vote early. See LWV Kent flyer later in the newsletter for more election dates.

LWVK Observer Corps needs YOU
Looking for an easy way to become more involved in the Kent League? Interested in our local governing bodies and what they are doing? If you said “Yes” or “Maybe” to these questions, then perhaps you would like to become an observer for the League of Women Voters of Kent’s Observer Corps.
What does an observer do?

An observer routinely attends local governmental boards or committees (e.g., Portage County Commissioners, local city council) just to watch the proceedings.
Why do we do this?

To encourage good government by monitoring compliance with open meeting laws by listening to discussions, observing decision-making, and reporting to the League for action, if appropriate. Action on issues is a separate LWV activity.
How will you know what to do?

Observer training will be provided virtually before your first meeting as an Observer Corps member.

What do you actually have to do?
You will . . .

  • Attend LWVK Observer Corps training.
  • Attend the governmental public meetings either virtually or in person.
  • Observe compliance with Ohio sunshine laws (e.g., meeting notice given, minutes from previous meetings available, agenda available).
  • Watch and listen. Do not speak or ask questions during the meeting. You are the eyes and ears of the League, not the voice. Authorization to speak for the League is limited to the board president or designee.
  • Submit a report to the board through an online LWVK Meeting Observer form. This makes it easy to submit your report for publication on the LWVK website.
  • Attend all meetings of those government bodies that meet more than once a month, or share this responsibility with one or more other observers.
You can learn more about the LWVK Observer Corps here.

Sound interesting? Want to volunteer? Contact Jill Hazelton and Jen Kinney here.  
Voter Services Committee looking for new members
Interested in helping plan voter registration, education and outreach initiatives? Join the LWVK Voter Services Committee monthly meeting to be on the ground floor of our voter services efforts. The committee meets the third Monday of every month, virtually, from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. See below for the monthly meeting link (good for every meeting). Questions? Reach out to co-chairs Jen Kinney or Jill Hazelton.

Upcoming meeting dates are April 19 and May 17.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 5303 8289
Passcode: 578886
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 810 5303 8289
Passcode: 578886
Book Club dives into spring reading list
The League of Women Voters of Kent Book Club meets via Zoom the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to join. Email Jane Preston Rose to receive the Zoom link or for answers to your questions. 

Future selections . . .

April 7 - Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World by Anand Giridharadas
May 5 - The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
June 2 and July 7 - A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Free & open to public REAL TALK program on health equity set for April 7, 14; Kent League hosts
The next REAL TALK will be hosted by our Kent League, under the direction of board member Sally Saltzman, who chairs the LWV Kent Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, and committee member FayAnn Sebaly. The two-night program is titled “RACISM Is a Public Health Crisis: Impacts on Health, Healthcare Access, and Quality of Care.”
April 7, 7 p.m. - Focus is on the impacts of racism on the health and health care of communities of color.
April 14, 7 p.m. - Focus is on racism's impact and direct correlation to chronic health issues and the impact that racism and discrimination have on access to quality health care.
To register and see speakers, click here. To see these segments after the scheduled dates and earlier ones on voting rights access and education, go to the REAL TALK website.
Looking ahead: Dates to put on your calendar now!
Here's a heads-up on League events for April through June:

April 16-25 - League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland FUNdraiser scavenger hunt with a voting/democracy theme. All are welcome to participate. Download the flyer here.

April 29 - Day of Action by Leagues across the United States to educate citizens about redistricting and the drawing of fair maps. Want to be part of the committee? Email LWV Kent President Debbie Barber or board member Jill Hazelton. For more information, click here.

May 11-20 - League of Women Voters of Ohio Virtual State Convention. See next article for details.

June 5 - Virtual LWV Kent Annual Meeting. Details to come.
League of Women Voters of Ohio State Convention; all members welcome to attend online!
Online caucuses are May 11-20, and the virtual plenary sessions are May 21-22. All members are welcome to attend. Interested in being a delegate? Contact President Debbie Barber.

You can also attend virtually as a non-delegate. The non-delegate fee is $15 per person. Students are free. Click here to see convention information and materials. Click here to find out more and register.

Have something big or little to donate to the State Convention Silent Auction? Contact LWV Kent board member and LWVO Development Director Sherry Rose.
Voting calendar for May 4 primary election ready
to share
Here is a voting calendar to share far and wide with Portage County voters.

Click on the image to download a pdf of the calendar with active links. Then send it to family and friends through email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Click here to download a jpg/photo file so you can post on your social media.

WELCOME to new members of the League of Women Voters of Kent: Catherine Ricks, Susan Paul, Lisa Audet, Amanda Suffecool, Ethan Lower, Karen Carmany, Pamela Luft, Doug Fuller, Deborah Defer, Jill Forsman, Tamera Hunter, Jean Booth and Joan Pearson.
The latest on the fight to protect voting
Voting rights groups sue to stop voter suppression bill in Georgia. Click here to learn more.

Take action! Tell your senators to pass the FOR THE PEOPLE ACT. Click here for information from LWVUS.

April 29 Kick-off Rally for the People Powered Fair Maps Day of Action. Sign up for email reminders here.