My 17-year-old son Jacksen bounded out of his room this morning, fresh out of bed, greeting us without a hello or good morning but instead straight-up yelling, “That’s it! I’m not staying in this house today! I’m going out! And I don’t care what anybody says right now!”

Did I say, “No you are not! You can’t go out right now because we are all expected to self-isolate as part of protecting our community, and it’s our social responsibility and furthermore, so on and so forth, and blah-blah-blah, and so on and so forth…. [insert lecture]”?

No, I didn’t say any of that, even though my rapidly firing stress response pushed me in that direction. I didn’t match his alarm and frustration with my own. Now is the time to give room for his emotions, not mine. I didn’t push my will up against his. We all know where that kind of foolish challenge can lead, turning bad to worse. 

Instead, my husband and I let him vent. We made him some eggs and toast for breakfast while he stomped around a bit. And the storm passed just as quickly as it had arrived.

Right now, the cooped-up adolescent is trying to navigate the emotional impact of these strange days, ... READ THE REST OF DARLENE'S EDITORIAL HERE

SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020 | 9 AM – 4 PM PDT

We now know that there is nothing more stressful than emotional wounding, yet evidence strongly indicates that our children’s world is becoming a more wounding place. We also know that the emotional health and well-being of our children depends upon us being able to keep them safe, yet how are we to do this when our ability to control the situations and circumstances in their lives is waning? Although our educational systems have never tried harder to reduce discrimination and bullying as well as teach empathy, these efforts are proving futile as they do not address the underlying roots of the problems.

Based on new insights in developmental science, Dr. Neufeld will reveal surprising solutions to this distressing problem – answers that every adult who cares for children should know. 
This seminar will be livestreamed from Dr. Neufeld's basement studio. There will be an opportunity for interactive chat with Neufeld Institute faculty during the livestreaming. In addition, there will be a couple of Q&A opportunities where curated questions will be forwarded to Dr. Neufeld for his response. 

If you are concerned about being able to extricate yourself enough from family responsibilities to be at the screen the whole time, please be assured that you will have access to the recordings for 30 days following the event to finish viewing.
While highly relevant to any parent, this course is designed to be especially applicable to educators and helping professionals. The material is appropriate for 6 CEU (Continuing Education Units) but students are on their own for applying for this credit through their own professional regulatory organizations. A more detailed course syllabus is available upon request if required for CEU application purposes.
Every Thursday
7:00-8:00 pm Pacific
The PARENTING IN A PANDEMIC Q&A PANEL broadcasts via livestream, FREE to the public, every Thursday from 7-8 pm Pacific time.

Join Gordon Neufeld, Deborah MacNamara and Tamara Strijack as they address your questions from an attachment-based developmental approach.

Our livestream platform is a ZOOM webinar. Preregistration is required and questions may be emailed in ahead of time. Visit our website for all of the details!

Recordings of previous Q&A Panels can be found on our new webpage Resources Related to the Pandemic (see below).
Suitable for any schedule – if you can't fit the live class into your day-time schedule, you can keep up by watching the recording later when it suits you best.

Included with registration   access to our Virtual Campus featuring Dr. Neufeld's course videos, online support, discussion forums, study guides, supplementary resources, and much more. 
Facilitated by Jule Epp

Thursdays, starting April 30
10-11 am PDT
Runs for 5 weeks

Play is not what we will spontaneously think of in alarming times like these! And yet, it is precisely in times like these, when we are facing so much separation, so many futilities and so much uncertainty, that play is meant to come to the rescue. So how can we open the door to play – for us, for our children – when life seems to have us by the throat?

In this special edition of Play 101, we will use the support sessions to explore specifically and practically how Dr. Neufeld’s material applies to our present crisis. The support sessions will aim to make sense of what we are seeing in ourselves and in our children and inspire us to find solutions in play to the problems we are presently facing.
Facilitated by Heather Ferguson

Wednesdays, starting May 6
11 am - 12 pm PDT
Runs for 6 weeks

Emotion, long dismissed as a nuisance factor, is now confirmed to be at the core of development and well-being. During these uncertain times when so much focus is on our physical health, a key question is how we weather the emotional storms that are part and parcel of the pandemic experience. Whether facing everyday difficulties, or challenges such as the current crisis, the resilience response is a critical player in the alchemy of healing, transformation, and recovery.

During this special edition of the Resilience course, we will focus on the conditions needed in this unprecedented time to restore emotional health for ourselves and our loved ones.
The Neufeld Institute has developed several new resources (editorials, webinars, presentations and Q&A Panels) for parents, teachers and helping professionals that relate to the pandemic situation and its effects on children.

We've gathered these resources in one convenient spot on our website . Check it out!
Catch up on newsletters you missed by visiting our Archived Newsletters page .
Neufeld Institute | 604-263-4278 |