February 26, 2020
What's Inside...
OML, along with OU's Institute for Quality Communities is offering the Quality Communities Grant Program which will assist its members with up to 50% of the funding to those communities whose projects have been selected by OU's IQC for a project in their community. More Information
Public Sector Problem Solving Workshop - March 6th
Featured Topic: OML Handbook – a look at the OML handbook and how to use it to solve municipal issues
OML Executive Director Mike Fina, will be presenting this workshop to discuss the value and usages of the handbook to our cities and towns. “The handbook is one of the most valuable resources that OML provides to our members. It represents a concise edition of municipal laws in the areas of municipal government, officials, liability, meetings, municipal powers and operations, elections, budgeting, personnel, records, and trusts. The handbook is an easy to use resource that our municipal officials can use every day,” Fina said.
OML New Officials Institutes
The NOI teaches the statutorily required topics such as Municipal Budget Requirements, the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Ethics, Procedures for Conducting Meetings, Conflict of Interest, and Purchasing Procedures.
Remember, you don't have to be new to attend. Everyone is welcome!
March 7, 2020
OSU Alumni Center
201 ConocoPhillips
OSU Alumni Center
Stillwater, OK 74078
March 26, 2020
Great Plains Technology Center
4500 SW Lee Blvd. 
Lawton, OK 73505
Cash Handling will be featured in the upcoming 
MC&T Workshop March 6th in Moore
OML and OMUP Water and Environmental Summit: March 13, 2020
Attention Municipal Officials, please pass this workshop information on to your water and waste water operators. This workshop will qualify for 4 hours of DEQ water and waste water operator credit. More Information
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support