Ananda Seva Newsletter SUMMER EDITION 2022
Our new website is live!
Our team has been working on building a new website for the past few months, and we're happy to announce it's finished! When you go to our old URL ( you'll find a brand new look. But we didn't make this choice for aesthetics alone. You'll notice that the new website is faster to load and hosts some unique functionalities. We're looking forward to everything that this website can offer and hope that it makes connecting with our beloved community even more joyful & easy.
The New Era Convergence begins Sunday!
Envision - Generate - Activate - Mobilize - Transform

The New Era Convergence begins this Sunday, August 21st. Registration is still open for those who wish to join. This is an in-person event in Fall Creek, Oregon. Those who can't be present but wish to stay involved are encouraged to stay involved in the ongoing New Era movement work by subscribing to their newsletter with the link below.
Our fall semester courses are live for registration! Learn more about our course offerings and register now with sliding-scale payment options.
Perennial Philosophical Questions Resolved â€” Part 2
Instructor: Jason Schreiner
Date & Time: 10am Saturday, September 10th
Course details: single class, open to beginners
Target audience: people interested in fundamental social philosophy questions
Class description: In this class, we will look at some of the long-standing philosophical debates that are resolved in P. R. Sarkar’s philosophical treatise, Ananda Sutram. P. R. Sarkar’s philosophy provides deep insights that enable resolution of the apparent contradictions between idealism and materialism, leadership and mass participation, revolutionary vs evolutionary change, proper index of collective progress, growth vs no growth economies, resolution of class dynamics in history, economic equity vs economic equality. In this class, we will focus on questions of social philosophy discussed in the fifth chapter of Ananda Sutram.
Universal Economic Justice vs Identity Politics
Instructor: Jason Schreiner
Date & Time: 10am Saturdays Oct 15th & 27th
Course details: single class; open to beginners
Target audience: people interested in what neohumanism contributes to our understanding of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.
PROUT’s Theory of History
Instructor: Ravi Logan
Date & Time: 10am Saturdays Nov 5th & 12th
Course details: 2-part course
Target audience: all who have interest in PROUT’s theory of history
Class description: PROUT offers a new theory of history, one that provides empowering insights for those who want to understand historical dynamics so they can revitalize the progressive movement of society. In this time of planetary transformation, the insights provided by PROUT’s theory of history are particularly valuable. In this short survey course, we will cover the topics of collective psychology, the systaltic movement of societies, the rotation of social classes in position of social dominance, the concept of progress, and the methodology for bringing evolutionary and revolutionary change. We will also look at the six factors that are essential to sustaining civilizations. Supplemental readings will be provided for those who wish additional learning resources.

In addition to our courses, we'll also be offering three learning communities. A learning community is a regular gathering of people who share a common interest and want to deepen their knowledge on that topic together. Rather than a teacher, a facilitator will guide these sessions so that the learning process can be collaborative. Each learning community will meet for 4 to 6 weeks weeks.
Integrity and High Ideals in Modern Life
5 weeks in Oct.
Facilitator: Alberta Pedroja
Description: Unwavering commitment to a set of ideals is a desperate need for our time, and people who demonstrate integrity and high ideals are essential. This 5-week course will use an interactive approach to learning in order to deepen understanding of and commitment to cardinal values that can form the basis of the leadership we need for a sustainable future and a life full of purpose and joy. Attendees can expect to express their highest and best in their daily lives and become of beacon of hope and inspiration to others.
Goals: Participants will 1) deepen their connection to yama/niyama, 2) demonstrate the relevance of yama/niyama in modern life, 3) utilize a method for discovering, expressing and sharing personal experiences, and 4) build community based on shared moral principles.
Ayurveda and Yogic Life
4 weeks in Nov.
Facilitator: Kaverii Blocklinger
Description: Interested in learning about Ayurveda and how to incorporate it into a yogic lifestyle? Join our learning community! Topics may include: elements in nature, bringing balance and greater health, the seasons, cycle of the day and phases of life to help understand how to care for ourselves, the five flavors and why it is important to have these in our meals.
Goals: Together, we will create a community that will support us moving towards the healthiest version of ourselves.
Preparing for the Fall of Capitalism
4 weeks Sept./Oct.
Facilitator: Prout Institute staff
Description: More and more people are questioning how long capitalism can maintain, given its overuse of earth’s resources, its extreme concentration of wealth among a few, its inability to adequately respond to climate change, its dominating impact on government, and the fragility of its globalization of the economy. How and when will capitalism end? What will be the social dynamics that its fall will put in play? How best to prepare for the social turmoil that will arise? What is a viable social vision to replace capitalism and how can this be put into practice? The PROUT Institute staff will facilitate this exploration of these questions. More info
Teachable gives participants the option to take on-demand courses at their own pace. We now have 14 classes up on the platform covering a variety of topics. Check out our two new courses and get 30% off with the coupon code "Summer".
Humanity at a Crossroads: Preparing for the Fall of Capitalism

More and more people are questioning how long capitalism can maintain, given its overuse of earth’s resources, its extreme concentration of wealth among a few, its inability to adequately respond to climate change, its dominating impact on government, and the fragility of its globalization of the economy. How and when will capitalism end? What will be the social dynamics that its fall will put in play? How best to prepare for the social turmoil that will arise? What is a viable social vision to replace capitalism and how can this be put into practice? This class will offer the best thinking from the PROUT Institute on these questions and will provide opportunity for discussion by participants.

System for a New Era

This class will present the system that P. R. Sarkar articulated for realizing a new era of humanity. Sarkar called this system the “panacea” to solve the problems of human existence, and he designated this new era as the “rule of rationality.” To understand what Sarkar means and envisions, we’ll examine how the five major components he introduced for manifesting this new era – PROUT, neohumanism, aesthetic science, microvita science, and intuitional science – interrelate and interact together as a single, integrated system. We’ll explore how this system is designed according to a set of guiding operative principles that maximize balanced development of physical, mental, and spiritual potentialities and advance humanity towards spiritual and social fulfilment.

Join us for meditation at the click of a button! We've made it easier for you to join our spiritual community events through our website. Registration is no longer required. You can find the event you'd like to join and click "Join on Zoom" to be immediately redirected to the gathering.
Art for Service & Blessedness

You may find this and other works of art on the AIR (Art for Inspiration & Renewal) facebook page maintained by Kirana and Anandam Perkins. Enjoy!