July 15, 2019

1712 N Frazier St. 77301
Conroe, Texas



In this issue :
Celebrating the 4th / Know Your Rights / Teaching Tuesday discovered Talent / Cleaning day Scheduled / Final Friday hosts Coalition for the Homeless / Second Debate Watch Party / Back to School / Memorabilia for Sale / The Yellow Shirt Lady / HQ has new phone number / Lets keep learning / Check out our Store / Upcoming events
The MCDP newsletter is scheduled for publication bi-monthly on approximately the and 1st and 15th of every month. The deadline for submission is at least 3 days before every issue. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com.
Democrats Celebrate July 4th in Style
The theme for the parade was United We Stand and the Democratic Party float said just that.
Teaching Tuesday Uncovers Hidden Creative Talents

Who knew how talented our group is. Our store will be stocked with items made by our volunteers and others who want to create great items for our store. Remember all items are hand made.
Cleaning Day Scheduled July 19

Oh my! Things are piling up at HQ. We are scheduling a clean up day on Friday, July 19. We will be working from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please come as us can. 
Final Friday hosts Coalition for the Homeless July 26

Nancy Heintz, Project Manager for Montgomery County with the Houston Coalition For The Homeless, will be our guest. Nancy is involved with many aspects of working in the homeless service system. She will tell us about what has done in the past and what is being done now and what the future goals are. Final Friday is July 26 at The Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters,  1712 N Frazier, Suite 117, Conroe 77301.  Socialize & snacks 6:30 pm; speaker at 7 pm. Hope to see you there!
Democratic Debate Watch Party July 30 and 31
Take out your pens and note pads and get ready for the next Democratic Debate on July 30 and 31. You don't know the players with out a program.

Democratic Headquarters will again host a watch party for both nights of the debate. The debates start at 7:00 p.m. There will be bingo cards and issue cards. There will be prizes!!

Remember to BYOB and snacks will be provided.
It is hard to believe that it is time to get ready for school. The Montgomery County Democratic Party is participating in a community back to school event on Aug 10, 10 am - 1 pm at   BOOKER T. WASHINGTON PARK at 813 S. 1st ST. Conroe 77301. 
Please bring school supplies to donate to headquarters from now until Aug. 2. 
This event is presented by: Montgomery County United & Easley Enterprises Of Texas. Lets help kids with the supplies they need to succeed in school.
Memorabilia for Sale

We are trying to find a buyer for this 1936 Democratic Convention Program Book with the convention entry ticket. The book and ticket is $80 while it lasts. He is trying to sell it other places. If you are interested please contact Democratic Headquarters for more information. We will get in touch with him.
THAT Yellow Shirt Lady
By Natalie Ward

You can learn a lot of interesting things by attending the Montgomery County Commissioner’s Court meetings (if you missed it this week, you can watch online here: https://montgomerycountytx.swagit.com/play/07092019-628.) Here are the top things I learned at the meeting on Tuesday July 9, 2019:

1.      I learned that this Court openly mixes religion with government by including an “opening prayer” immediately after the call to order.
2.      The Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Commission has an incredibly detailed mission to create a memorial near I-45 and Hwy 105.
3.       All previous members of the Child Welfare Board have resigned and four new members were appointed to take their place,
4.      The County Attorney was approved to take civil action against Orphan Care Solutions also next year’s proposed budget for Montgomery County is almost $367 million. Our County tax bill will decrease even as the budget increases (slightly).
5.       The county has budgeted $30 million dollars for the Joe Corley Detention Center (run by the private prison company The GEO Group, Inc); this is a pass-thru amount because ICE pays Montgomery County and then the County pays The GEO Group, Inc.
6.      HB 1325 is referred to as the “hemp bill” according to District Attorney Brett Ligon.  Mr. Ligon gave folders of material to each Commissioner, the County Judge and to ONE private citizen in the room Eric Yollick, the owner of “The Golden Hammer” blog. Mr. Yollick was sitting directly to my right. No one else in the audience was offered a packet of information until after the Executive Session began and only when they specifically requested it.

After Mr. Ligon’s presentation, the Court convened their Executive Session. I took that time to discuss the needs of my subdivision and one adjoining subdivision with Commissioner Riley’s Chief of Staff, Bruce Berger. I told Mr. Ligon that marijuana legalization was very personal to me. My son had a co-worker who had introduced him to “synthetic marijuana” sold legally in almost every smoke shop in the area as “potpourri.” He chose to smoke it because he woud no test positive for marijuana at his job. Less than a month after he began smoking 100% legal “potpourri” my son had a massive psychotic break. He was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and a host of other mental issues that were not present prior to his use of synthetic marijuana. I told all of this to Mr. Ligon. What I did NOT tell Mr. Ligon was that I blamed him, the county, the state or anyone else for my son’s choices. Nothing even remotely resembling “a refusal to accept responsibility for actions and the consequences that flow from them” never entered my brain, let alone left my lips.

Mr. Ligon,, tells a different story on Eric Yollick’s blog. You can find that “expose” at https://thegoldenhammer.net.
It is disrespectful for a District Attorney to write an “exposé” about a constituent and publish it on a highly partisan blog. Our yellow shirts make us easy to spot in a crowd. We were at Commissioner’s Court this week in support of opening Countywide Polling Places in Montgomery County on Election Day. You can watch public comments at the end of Tuesday’s session to hear what four citizens had to say in favor of such voting centers.
Democratic Party Headquarters announces New phone number and new Summer hours

Make a note the Democratic Party Headquarters has a new phone number: 936-703-5841. The new Summer hours for the Democratic Party Headquarter office will be Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Enjoy your Summer!
      Teaching Tuesdays
Let's Keep Learning!

The Democratic Party Headquarters is continuing its Teaching Tuesdays events:

July 16 - Marc Meyer will be explaining The Structure of the Democratic Party from the National to County Level from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 6:30 to 8 p.m. 

July 30 - Make a Point with Chris Powell who will be teaching Power Point Part 2 from 4:30 to 6:00. p.m.


Don't forget to buy your Montgomery County Democrat Navy Blue t-shirt to wear with pride.
   We also have a limited addition of the Texas
t-shirt in 90/10 cotton in grey and a white v-neck 100% cotton for women. Women's sizes run small. All shirts are $20 each.
Come and get your Blue Texas sticker for your bumper, window or anywhere. $2.00 each.

You can also order Hate has no place here signs for $20. these signs come with the metal steak and can be proudly displayed 24-7 all year.

We also have buttons galore! How about "Are we great yet?" Let us know what button you want to wear. All buttons are $2 each. Thanks to the Teaching Tuesday bunch we have our jewelry collection of Blue Texas and Democratic Donkey Earrings and Blue Texas lapel pens. Some have already been sold so get while they last.
More items coming soon. Show your Democratic spirit all year round .

Do you have an idea for items for our store? Let us know.

July 16 - Finance Committee meeting 5:00 p.m. at HQ.

July 19 - CLEANING DAY!! HQ 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.

July 22 - Texas Coalition of Black Democrats County meeting 7 to 8 p.m.

July 30 - Teaching Tuesday, Make a Point with PowerPoint 2, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. at HQ

July 30 - 9:30 a.m. Commissioners Court

July 30 - Debate watch party 7:00 p.m. HQ

August 6 - Teaching Tuesday, TBA

August 10 - Back to School Supply Giveaway

August 14 - Teaching Tuesday, Accelerate with Excel, with Chris Powell, 4:30 to 6 p.m.

August 20 - Teaching Tuesday, Write Your Congressman with Niel Gaynor and Larry Kremer
August 20 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA.

September 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

November 19 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

December 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

Let us know what is going on in your community for inclusion in the newsletter. The newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com at least 3 days before publication.
In this time of aggressive voter purges, internet hacking, and various forms of voter suppression, it is extremely important to confirm that your registration status is current and active. Texas is among the states that enforces voter suspension and purging of "inactive" or voters. In Montgomery County alone, there are over 44,000 voter files which have been marked for suspension and eventual purging. For various reasons you may have had your registration suspended. Reasons may include moving without updating your information, not voting in the previous 2 elections, or having mail returned as undeliverable to the Elections administration.  
Don't miss out on your right to vote. You may use these links to check your voter registration status to confirm you are up-to-date, to be sure you have the required form(s) of ID to cast your ballot, to find your precinct # and voting locations as well as a SAMPLE BALLOT for your precinct.

Montgomery County Democratic Party Sustaining Membership Program. Click on the Contribute button to help turn Montgomery County Blue!!!