SFIC Online Briefing for Faith Leaders
Addresses the Impact of COVID-19 
on Education in San Francisco

Thursday, September 17, 2020
8:30 am - 9:45 am

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this extra step to model best practices for holding virtual meetings).

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As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, so do the risks we face. The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped at national borders. It has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income or gender. But the same has not been true for its consequences, which have hit the most vulnerable hardest. Education is no exception. Students from privileged backgrounds, supported by their parents and eager and able to learn, could find their way past closed school doors to alternative learning opportunities. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds often remain shut out when their schools shut down. This crisis has exposed the many inadequacies and inequities in our education systems - from access to the broadband and computers needed for online education, and the supportive environments needed to focus on learning, up to the misalignment between resources and needs. While the educational community has made concerted efforts to maintain learning continuity during this period, children and students have had to rely more on their own resources to continue learning remotely through the Internet, television and other media. Teachers have also had to adapt to new pedagogical concepts and modes of delivery of teaching, for which they may not have been trained. In particular, learners in the most marginalized groups, who don't have access to digital learning resources or lack the resilience and engagement to learn on their own, are at risk of falling behind. This week's "Online Briefing for Faith Leaders," hosted by the San Francisco Interfaith Council and supported by the COVID Command Center's Joint Information Center Virtual Outreach Team will offer a unique view into the challenges and creative solutions being employed to support students, faculty, families and academic administrative systems in this time of the COVID-19.


Michael G. Pappas, M.Div.


Kaushik Roy
Executive Director, Shanti Project

Kashif Abdullah
Teacher, Administrator and Board Member

(Introduction of Guest Presenters and Presentation by
SFIC Executive Director Michael Pappas)
Vincent Matthews, Ed.D., Superintendent 

As superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), Dr. Vincent Matthews serves as the top executive of the eighth largest school district in California and the third largest employer in San Francisco.
Guided by Vision 2025, a blueprint for the future of public education in San Francisco and the strategic plan Transform Learning. Transform Lives. SFUSD will continue to accomplish major results under Dr. Matthew's leadership.
A native of San Francisco, Vincent Matthews completed his PreK-12 education as a student at William DeAvila, formally Dudley Stone ECE, Grattan Elementary, Hoover Middle and JE McAteer High School. Following graduation from McAteer, Matthews earned his Bachelor of Arts, teaching credential and eventually his doctorate in education from San Francisco State University. Early in his career as an educator he taught at George Washington Carver Elementary School and served as principal at Alvarado Elementary School.
Ana Validzic
Team Lead, Schools and Childcare Hub
COVID Command Center - Community Branch

Ana Validzic, MPH, has worked at the San Francisco Department of Public Health since 2002.  Since March 2020, she has served as the Team Lead for the Schools and Childcare Hub for COVID Command Center.  As part of their duties, the Schools and Childcare Hub works with stakeholders such as SFUSD, parochial, and private schools on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation.

Dr. Dan Glass
Head of School, The Brandeis School

Kate Juergens
Lower School Director, Cathedral School for Boys

Pamela Lyons
Superintendent of Catholic Schools


SFIC Executive Director Michael Pappas

The SFIC extends special thanks to the COVID Command Center's Joint Information Center Virtual Outreach Team for facilitating technology support 
for this weekly series of Online Briefings for Faith Leaders.

The San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle