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ABWM Foundation Remains Committed to Promoting the Importance of Wound Healing During
Wound Healing Awareness Month (WHAM!)
The ABWM Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports the advancement of wound care, remains committed to promoting the importance of wound healing during Wound Healing Awareness Month (WHAM!). Initiated in 2016, WHAM! is intended to recognize the challenges experienced by individuals whose lives are affected daily by chronic wounds. Throughout the month of June, the ABWM Foundation will bring awareness to the work of wound care specialists on wound healing and provide useful educational resources.

Nearly 7 million Americans are living with chronic wounds, including 2 million who are living with diabetic foot ulcers. The longer a chronic or non-healing wound goes without proper treatment, the greater the chance of infection, hospitalization or even amputation. (Source: Healogics)
In addition to Wound Healing Awareness Month, the ABWM Foundation has designated June 14– June 18, 2021 as Certified Wound Care Specialists Week. Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the ABWM Foundation, Joseph McCulloch, PT, PhD, FAPTA, CWS®, stated, “During this week, the ABWM Foundation acknowledges and celebrates all practitioners certified by the American Board of Wound Management (ABWM) which includes Certified Wound Care Associates (CWCA®), Certified Wound Specialists (CWS®), and Certified Wound Specialist Physicians (CWSP®)”.

Please go to the WHAM website to download some digital resources, including posters and social media graphics, to help you advertise WHAM! in your clinic or office setting and online. In addition, ABWM Foundation will be giving away WHAM! face masks with every study material purchase (while supplies last). Don’t forget to follow the ABWM Foundation on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date on WHAM!.