Volume 0421 | April 2021
Your Monthly News & Updates
Welcome to the April edition of United Way of West Central Minnesota's monthly e-newsletter.

This month, we also are asking for feedback in the form of a very brief survey to help us navigate during these uncharted times. Our hope is this survey will assist our board in providing the programs and resources most useful to those we serve. Please feel free to contact our team with any questions or needs you may have.
GrowMobile Coming Near You
We’re looking forward to seeing many young faces in our community learning and sharing together. The 2021 schedule of locations and events is below. Feel free to download it and visit one or all locations. Tell your friends!
Meeker County Schools Covid Bags
150 bags sent home as students are sent home to quarantine (bag, masks, Frisbee, crayons, snacks, resources page for parents) worked with others on this

Joint program with Meeker County Health and Human Servicefoodshelf, UCAP, Woodland Centers, and United Way of West Central MN.
High School Scholarship Awards
United Way of West Central Minnesota believes that through hard work and determination, all of its young people have the potential to attain their long-term educational goals. Providing scholarship opportunities is one of the best ways we can give back to our youth leaders and volunteers who have given so much of their time and support.

The United Way of West Central Minnesota’s Volunteerism Scholarship recognizes four outstanding high school seniors who have given back to their community, through volunteer service. 
Scholarships will be awarded at $500 each and will be sent directly to the recipient’s college of attendance upon verification of enrollment.

Winner announcement coming soon!
33 applications, 4 winners being awarded at school presentations.
Need Masks? We've Got Plenty.
Stop by our offices and pick up masks by the 5-packs or individually wrapped.
"Thank you so much for the masks! As soon as our office staff saw them, one of them yelled back to our principal, "Robin. we're gonna make it.!" The donation is much appreciated.

Misty Langseth
ACGC Risk and Prevention"
Please give us a heads up before stopping by to grab some.
Imagination Library Signup
United Way of West Central Minnesota is vested in helping prepare kids in the region for Kindergarten. One way United Way is able to help is by providing Imagination Library which is a book a month to children ages birth to 5 years of age at no charge to the families enrolled. Books will be delivered to the child by US mail.

To receive Imagination Library books the child must reside in United Way of West Central Minnesota territory.
Meet Julie
The amount of work and time she gives to serving is inspirational, and she serves in ways far beyond her role with United Way. Julie joined the United Way team in December of 2017. Since that time, she has developed a dedication for working with community partners in their giving, and then using those gifts to make a larger and more effective impact in the West Central Minnesota Area. So, who is Julie and what exactly does she do? 
Special Event Coordinator Needed
Where are all of our diligent planners at? Are you a natural host or hostess? We're looking for a Special Events Coordinator with a passion for leading and taking charge. Can you do that while loving your neighbors? Then we want to chat.
Spread the word and let your friends and family know as well.
Website Overhaul
We invite you to visit the updated website today and see the changes. We have been working to make the website more effective and more useful for our friends and neighbors.
Share Your Voice!
Help us better serve you - Take our short survey!
Big changes are occurring in our communities and we are focused on shifting focus to better serve our neighbors in West Central Minnesota. As we embark on this new path, we realize that the people we serve are the most important voice, and we depend on your input to make the most difference. We invite you to take part in a brief survey to help us help you better.

Has the United Way impacted your life or those around you? Maybe it was 17 years ago, maybe it was yesterday. Maybe you'd like to share a need in your community. We'd love to hear your stories! We're here to listen.