Wow! It was great having our presbytery family gathered together. June 7th was all about Energy, Intelligence, Imagination, Love and Change! We had hoped to gather outside; but, at the last minute, our plans changed, and we met in the fellowship hall at Northminster Presbyterian Church due to rain. Thank you to Rev. Stephanie Crossland and the saints at Northminster who didn't hesitate to open their doors to us.
B U S I N ES S R EC A P S i g n i f i c a n t a c t i o n i t e m s a n d r e p o r t s
• Attendance: 70. 24 Minister Members; 26 Ruling Elders; 1 Corresponding Member; 16 guests; and 3 presbytery staff.
 Motion prevailed to approve the Consent Agenda, which included most of the business items to allow for much needed time for fellowship.

Motion prevailed to approve the Ministry Information Form (MIF) and narrative questions for the position of General Presbyter and Stated Clerk.

• Three pastors were honored as they prepare for retirement in 2022: Mark Ruppert, serving 28 years at FPC, Akron and The Vine Fellowship in Copley; Judi Bender, serving 10 years at Vienna; and Sue Francis, serving 10 years at Kinsman. We were fortunate to have their families join us today as well.

• Bryce Wiebe was welcomed as the newest member of presbytery staff serving in the position of Associate for Vital Congregations; and Bryce delivered a Pentecost meditation.

• TE Fritz Nelson and RE John Pogue were commissioned and will attend the 225th General Assembly later this month. We look forward to their report at the September meeting.

• Members of Council were invited to place a candle on a designated table creating space for the Lord's Table. Rev. Stephanie Crossland presided over communion.

• Nathan Long, a Preparation for Ministry inquirer and member of Kent Presbyterian, was introduced and congratulated on recently graduating from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

• Throughout the meeting, Eastminster and Presbytery knowledge was put to the test as Cathy Ulrich and Diane Eliser led a series of trivia questions. Prizes were given for the first correct responses.

• Attendees were invited to an activity station where they answered questions about the Holy Spirit on "flame" stickies and affixed them to Pentecost boards created by Rev. Annie Parker.

• The designated offering will be directed to our presbytery wide "Light a Fire" summer challenge. TE Betty Angelini introduced the offering. Presbytery was directed to make a donation through the Presbytery Payment Portal – Presbytery Meeting Offering or Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app on their smart phone (we will continue to accept gifts through the summer months). Instructions for both giving methods can be found on the presbytery website ( Note: If you would like more information on the Light a Fire challenge, email Bryce Wiebe,

• RE Mary Ann Bromley pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
Next meeting of Presbytery is September 6, 2022,
Time and Place will be announced soon